Cuando comencé con mi Blog, si alguien me hablara de estas cifras me hubiera parecido más como una película de ciencia ficción, y claro, hubiera pensado que es muy difícil o casi imposible, porque la misión de aumentar el traffic Web when you start the blog it seems almost an impossible mission…
You would be interested in knowing the 20 strategies that have allowed me to obtain more than 1,200,000 visits per month, because if you need to know them in depth buy your ticket for the Raiola Marketing Conference, at post solo te hablaré de algunas de ellas.
At the same time you will be able to listen 19 grandes profesionales especializados en todas las áreas del marketing online (SEO, innovación, blogging, strategy, ecommerce, social media, WPO, etc.) como Luis Villanueva, José Facchin, Álvaro Fontela, Sergio Ramírez, Javier Gobea, Lucas García, Claudio Inacio, Andrés Pérez Ortega, Alejandro Novás, Isabel Romero, Alex Navarro, Raúl Maraña, Rubén Alonso, Fátima Carmena, Maider Tomasena, Miguel Almela, Javi Pastor.
Puedes seguir el event el 20 y 21 de Octubre en el Palacio de Congresos de Coruña u online, ya se que se transmite además el evento en streaming.
Buy your ticket for the Raiola Marketing Conference
I have always been clear that this Blog had to serve me as vehicle to work personal brand, but I never would have thought, even in the best of my dreams, that it would spark so much interest from the marketing community.
Cada vez que recibo un mensaje, correo, DM, agradeciéndome todo el trabajo que hago en mi blog, y como este aprendizaje le ha ayudado a muchas persons para impulsar su visibilidad en Internet, la verdad es que se me pone “la piel de gallina” y me emociona mucho.
Look for a moment 2 years ago, year 2016 how my results were:
They were not bad at all but two years later my blog has continued to grow at an impressive rate, it is as if I did not know its organic ceiling or if I had ignored it.
These are the visit statistics as of today, October 2018.
Ahora te voy a aclarar cómo conseguí alcanzar las 1.200.000 visitas mensuales, y luego te hablaré cómo pretendo superar las 2.000.000 antes de que acabe el año 2019, ya sé que es un target bastante complicado, pero además lo era obtener un millón de visitas por lo tanto espero dentro de 1 año podértelo contar, y mostrarte cómo ha aumentado el tráfico web.
[clickToTweet tweet = »Do you know how to increase web traffic by more than 1,200,000 visits per month #SEO #posicionamiento» quote = »Do you know how to increase web traffic by more than 1,200,000 visits per month #SEO #posicionamiento»]
We started ...
How did I get more than 1,200,000 visits per month?
Before going directly to the strategies, we are going to talk about some important aspects such as designing content strategies.
Since I do not want to get involved a lot and that post becomes a section of Don Quixote, I will tell you to simplify that what you need is a ROADMAP, without it you are absolutely lost,
Simplifying each of these parts I am going to highlight 3:
1.- Objectives of this qualified traffic that you want to capture. They are key and it is best that you define short-term objectives, medium-term objectives and long-term objectives.
These objectives should be SMARTS and that they are objectives that can truly be measured and met within a specific period of time.
2.- Buyer person o buyers personas. In fact there are always many buyers people, I do not know of any project that only has a single buyer person, but this definition will affect many of the decisions and strategies that we are going to use, so do not go through it too quickly.
3.- Realiza un buen diseño de la landing page de captación.
Important aspects in the design of the landing page:
- There must be no LEAKING points.
- Make a good design of the product or service file.
- Don't use negative messages.
- Less is more.
- Realiza pruebas de accessibility y usabilidad desde diferentes dispositivos.
- Inverted pyramid structure.
- Prepare your landing page for all types of users.
4.- Types of users or readers of a Blog.
- Reader 1: The person who does not read scans.
- Reader 2: The beginning reader.
- Reader 3: The reader of conclusions.
- Lector 4: El lector que lee todo el contents. Un auténtica especie en peligro de extinción.
1.- Working my Personal Brand
Someone may come up with the expression "Houston, we have an obstacle."
I say this because what will personal brand have to do with traffic? Has Miguel scratched himself or what is wrong with him?
A priori you may think that the personal brand is not going to bring you traffic to the Blog, because it is a more medium or long-term strategy, but let me tell you that when your brand emerges, the impact will be so great that all your marketing actions will be seen enhanced and amplified.
How to work my personal brand?
Necesitas poseer de un blog y de presencia en al menos 3 canales sociales, para estar en disposición de empezar a trabajar la marca personal, si es tráfico web lo que buscas, entonces te recomendaría Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, a mi son los 3 que mejor me funcionan.
Now I suggest you read my ebook on how to improve your personal brand in just 1 year, and visualize the large number of actions that I suggest.
I know that the human being seeks immediacy, the fast path, but the truth is that experience has taught me to know that work over low heat and with a good strategy is the one that in the end gives the best results.
I also suggest you read
How to create a peer-to-peer Business Facebook Page
Beginner's Guide to Twitter
29 best LinkedIn tools for businesses and professionals
2.- Connecting with good professionals and better people
Hay quién piensa que hacer networking es hacerle una entrevista a un influencer o hacer un intercambio de posts con otro blogger, pero no es así, el verdadero networking es aquel con el que formas una amistad real con otro profesional, y esto tiene un valor incalculable para cualquier persona, pero quizá piensas que no ha llegado el momento para hacerlo o que debes de esperar unos meses para empezar hacerlo, pero déjame decirte o darte un consejo, comienza desde el primer instante que pretendes visibilizarte como profesional en Internet.
How do i do it?
1.- In the first moments
Network with young bloggers. If you have just started your blog, I suggest you analyze and find other professionals who have been in the sector for a short time and try to gradually generate a friendship with them, since you must think that these young bloggers over time can be great bloggers, therefore the friendship that you make in the beginning of this professional will be invaluable.
Make a collaborative article with great references. Choose a cool article that generates debate and discussion, so that it has a greater impact, ask for the collaboration of 10 or 12 influential and relevant professionals in that area.
This is a very effective strategy to obtain a great diffusion of my new blog because all the professionals who participate in the article will share them on Social Networks.
2.- When my Blog is 5 or 6 months old
You already need to present yourself in society and present your blog before the best professionals in your sector, for this what you are going to write is a very complete guide and where you dedicate all your work, effort and dedication to obtain a post that generates a wow effect to many of these influencers.
Steps to apply this strategy:
1.- Choose a theme where you want to specialize.
2.- Write a super complete and valuable guide on this topic.
3.- Mention all the professionals that you intend to present your blog and that you intend to make known.
4.- Comunica de manera privada a los profesionales que has mencionado. Siempre de manera privada y sin pedir nada a cambio, nuestro único interés es que lean nuestro contenido y el valor del contenido be el que hable por sí solo.
Example. Hi Jose, I have commented to you in my last posts among the Social Media professionals to follow. All the best! 🙂
3.- When the Blog is 1 year old
Collaborative project. Participa en proyectos colaborativos más grandes, como por ejemplo en la creación de un curso o un product info, estas acciones van a hacer que tengamos que interactuar muchas horas con estos profesionales y con ello que podamos afianzar y estrechar una fuerte vinculación de amistad.
Launch your first ebook. It is a mistake to launch an ebook when we have just created your blog, and this is so because the impact that we are going to obtain is so low that the result we will achieve will be far from what we expected and this will affect us significantly because we will have dedicated many, many hours to be able to do it.
But when your Blog is one year old, you will already have a community of readers, subscribers and followers on Social Networks, so it will be easier for you to get the ebook known through the Internet and get those results you expected.
I suggest you read:
50 Examples of Goals and Objectives of a company
How to establish the mission, vision and values of a company + Examples
3.- Effective and creative SEO strategy
There are no 2 marketing strategies the same, when we design a strategy in a professional way we have to make a tailored suit for that brand, it is that simple, but I always consider a very important factor to add a large dose of imagination in the SEO strategy, to achieve increase the visibility of our Blog only with our work and effort.
How do we do it?
1.- SEO audit
It is a fundamental part and the starting point of any strategy, before starting to generate content we have to ensure that the technical aspects of our Blog are as optimized as possible.
The best tool to do an SEO audit is Screaming Frog, but I have to tell you that it is a somewhat technical tool and you may be better off starting with another simpler and more understandable audit such as the one of ahrefs.
How to do an SEO audit with ahrefs
Es muy fácil, haces clic en el menú superior derecho en la opción «Site audit» y creas un proyecto con la dirección url que pretendes auditar. En función del tamaño del proyecto puede tardar varias horas es hacer la auditoría pero vas a poder hallar errores técnicos fáciles de entender y corregir para una persona que no tiene conocimientos técnicos.
Pay special attention to correcting:
- Broken external links.
- Backlinks internos rotos.
- Broken images.
- Páginas con duplicate content.
- Páginas con el mismo Meta Title.
- Meta description duplicada.
- It has no Meta Title.
- It has no Meta Description.
- txt has no errors.
- xml no tiene errores.
There are many more, but these 10 are the most basic.
2.- Estudio de Palabras Clave
Dentro de tu content strategy un porcentaje importante del contenido que vas a producir o generar va a tener como objetivo obtener visibilidad en el buscador Google y con ello atraer muchas visitas del principal buscador en España y casi todo el mundo.
A very common mistake when starting a blogger is not to do a keyword study and ignore the main source of current traffic, and this is very sad because over time the content will become invisible and it is as if we put it in a forgotten drawer of our house.
Normally you can make content with different objectives:
- SEO.
- Branding.
- Social Viralization.
- Subscription.
But now I will focus on the first one, on how to make content for SEO.
Types of content to boost SEO:
- Contents to obtain a large number of links from other blogs.
- Optimized content to position in one or more keywords.
- Contents optimized to position a long tail niche.
Completísimo webinar donde Rubén y yo os enseñamos cómo hacer un buen calendario editorial del blog
3.- SEO On Page
Real wonders can be done when making the most of the SEO On PageI even know agencies that only with this optimization achieve great results for their clients, but now the question comes, how do they do it?
I will explain it to you point by point, but it is very easy, almost child's play.
3.1. Loading speed optimization
Debes de obtener aprovechar al máximo al máximo la velocidad de carga de tu Blog, y esto es así, porque al mismo tiempo de ser un factor SEO va a afectar de forma directa con otros valores relativos a la user experience, por lo que optimizando la velocidad estamos dando un gran paso para impulsar nuestro positioning Web.
Analyze your page right now with Google's Page Speed Insights
Tips to get the most out of your upload speed:
- Optimize to the maximum the images of your Blog. The tool that compresses the most today is TinyPNG, que puedes usarla en su versión online o instalar el plugin que tienes para WordPress, eso sí, solo vas a poder comprimir con el plugin 500 imágenes gratis al mes.
- Use a CDN like Cloudflare. Free of charge and it will help you improve the loading speed.
- Delete and uninstall unnecessary plugins.
- They change the plugins that are synchronous for others that are asynchronous.
- Analiza el tiempo de latencia de tu server y habla con tu empresa de alojamiento si el tiempo es demasiado alto. Lo normal es medio segundo aproximadamente.
- Use the Lazy Load plugin and load only the images you are viewing today.
Another alternative that is gaining more and more followers and that is becoming the fashionable cache plugin is WP Rocket, but it consists of a paid plugin, even when I tell you that it is worth the investment, I have it on my blog since 2 years ago I made the change from W3 total cache to Wp Rocket.
3.2 Mejora la experiencia de Username
You must think that you should offer the user precisely the information they are looking for, and that they can enter that information in the simplest possible way, for this, follow these tips:
- Avoid long paragraphs and always make a synthesis that makes it easy to read, as well as add easy-to-read lists.
- Add a navigation menu that allows the user to find what they are looking for in the shortest possible time.
- Resume en una infografía las ideas más importantes del post.
- Always place the information in order of importance; the most important always at the top, then the body of the content and the least important at the bottom.
- It gives the content a pleasant and entertaining visual aspect, this will make you retain visitors longer.
- Tratar de abarcar el mayor espectro de usuarios factible, así reducirás al máximo el Bounce Rate.
3.3 Make the most of the opportunities of SEO On page content
This part may be the easiest to understand and apply, but it is also very important and an aspect where we cannot fail. Follow these tips:
- Make the most of semantics. Always use synonyms and similar words, this will help you index many more keywords, and I assure you that it works wonders.
- Density and Prominence. You must pay attention to both values, even though it is certain that the density is the best known. Always use densities between 0.5% and 2%.
- Post title. Always include the keyword as far to the left as possible and complete it with a call to action or with words that make up or complete the long tail.
- Meta Title. A key and fundamental aspect if you need to position, and where we must include the keyword, but I suggest that you do not use the same title of the article but a different one.
- Meta Description. Pese que este factor no lo tome en consideración el google algorithm, lo cierto es que si influye en el número de clics y el CTR, y por tanto de manera indirecta si influye en un mejor posicionamiento web. Te sugiero que incluyas símbolos en la parte central para resaltar el resultado.
- Start and end. Always include the word in the first 100 words of the content, as well as in the final part of it.
- .H6. Elige una estructura coherente y consistente, e incluye la keyword sin abusar en estos títulos y en diferentes posiciones, a veces de manera completa la keyword o de manera exacta y otras veces de manera parcial o variable.
- Internal backlinks. They are essential because we transmit authority and traffic to other pages of our blog.
Social channels are a "gold mine" when it comes to getting traffic, but now I am going to clarify some of the most effective ways that have allowed me to exceed 60,000 visits per month of social traffic, and I have marked myself as This year's goal is to exceed 100,000 traffic visits from social networks, perhaps it is a somewhat high and difficult goal but hey you have to try ...
I suggest you read:
Marketing strategies. Concept, types and examples
Advantages and disadvantages of social networks
8 Best Tools to analyze and know the visits of a foreign website
4.1. Social Incorporation of the Blog
Integrar un blog con las redes sociales no es poner los botones de tu presencia en Redes sociales sino consiste en tratar de aumentar el engagement social, fundamentalmente facilitando que tu contenido se comparta con más facilidad. Para esto solo necesitas el plugin Sumome, e instalar las aplicaciones Sharer, Image Sharer and Hightlighter.
After 2 years of use, I stopped using Sumome, and now all the lead capture is done directly with the Thrive Leads tool.
4.2. Increase your readers on Feedly
La herramienta Feedly la usan muchos profesionales del marketing para la curación de contenidos, por lo tanto si pretendemos que más profesionales compartan nuestros posts tenemos que obtener que más gente se suscriba a nuestro blog en Feedly.
How to increase readership on Feedly?
1.- Inserting a Feedly banner in the Blog.
2.- Reaching an agreement with other professionals.
3.- Carrying out a mention strategy.
4.- Publishing valuable content regularly.
5.- Through the creation of good images and infographics.
6.- Improving our presence in Social Networks.
7.- Inviting your subscribers to subscribe tb to Feedly.
I suggest you read:
Best free high-resolution image banks
10 Websites to do free online training programs with certificates
¿Qué es un KPI en marketing y para qué sirve? Ejemplos básicos
4.3. Posting to news aggregators (mktfan, marketertop, blogs)
If you manage to get to the front page in a news aggregator you will get a good injection of traffic to your Blog, but it is not from there where you will get more traffic but from social networks, the explanation is very simple, many influencers use the covers of these aggregators to Search for content to share on Social Networks.
If you want to get a cover on mktfan and have many influencers share it on social networks, you need 25 votes.
4.4. Capturing Automatic Twitter
Hoy en día mi Blog cuenta con más de 300 profesionales que comparten sus contenidos mediante de Twitter feeds, pero ¿te imaginas si fueran 1000? ¿Cuánto tráfico social podríamos obtener pocos minutos luego de publicar un artículo?
Therefore it is very important to analyze which users use this tool and see how we get them to add our Blog.
Something you should know is that these automatic tweets are also triggered when you update an old article and put the current date, so imagine the juice that can be made of this.
4.5. Increasing the frequency of posting on Twitter
Perhaps this is going to crash a bit but the truth is that since I increased the frequency of publication on Twitter and expanded the time slot, social mentions on Twitter have increased by 400%, reaching more than 1,000 social mentions.
Try it yourself, schedule content spaced at different times but covering a longer schedule and then tell me what the result is.
I start my posting schedule at 8 a.m., and finish at 1 a.m. the next day and start again, being able to publish from 16 to 18 tweets a day, but lately I don't publish anything at all, but it's simply because it doesn't give me life. with so much travel and event.
I suggest you read:
Measurements of images on Social Networks
How to get followers on Twitter (Very effective trick)
4.6.- Reaching agreements with other professionals
Una buena manera de aumentar tu scope en Twitter es llegar a acuerdos con otros profesionales que disponen buen engagement en esta social network y publicar un tweet diario de su blog, ¿de qué forma?, yo lo que hago es plantear un calendario semanal con los tweets ya preparadas para que así sea más fácil añadirlos a tu programming semanal.
De esta dinámica he conseguido superar el alcance diario de las 2 millones de impressions y mi próximo objetivo es superar los 3 millones, así como además obtendrás aumentar el tráfico social.
Pero la clave está en no dejarte llevar por una cifra de followers sino por la media de RT y Fv que tiene otro follower.
5.- Increasing your list of subscribers
My Blog already has more than 100,000 subscribers, people who follow my brand through email.
My Blog gets 150-200 daily subscribers.
But how do we manage to increase the list quickly?
- Through a course without costs or infoproduct.
- Through an online webinar or workshop.
- Through an ebook.
- By publishing content of great value on the Blog.
6.- Multichannel Strategy
Depender de un solo channel de tráfico puede hacer aumentar el riesgo de tu proyecto, por lo que quizá sea más recomendable tener una estrategia multicanal donde consigamos tráfico desde diferentes fuentes o canales.
En mi caso verás que el tráfico social (32,80%) ya superó el organic traffic (26,79%).
El tráfico referido es de 25,51% y procede principalmente de la newsletter y de otros bloggers amigos como son José Facchin, Claudio Inacio y Rubén Alonso, que al final verás algunas de sus estrategias para obtener tráfico.
7.- Amigo Building
Meeting other professionals in the world of marketing, and particularly other bloggers like you, can be a very positive thing for us to get mentioned in their posts and thus get a lot of referral traffic, this is what I call the "Friend Building" , but do not think that it is something easy to obtain since you will have to determine a real friendship link with these professionals and that takes a long time and fundamentally that it occurs naturally.
8.- One new post and one updated post per week
It is very important to establish an organizational strategy for both new posts that we are publishing, in my case they are generally always Sunday or Monday for the beginning of the week.
And every week I update an old article that I usually do on Fridays.
Now I ask you, what are the posts with the most traffic on the blog?
The new ones or the ones I update?
The solution seems clear, yes, they are the ones that I update, that is why it is as important to update as to publish new posts.
Do not fall into the mistake of thinking that the more content you publish, the more you will increase web traffic because it is not like that.
9.- Easy to apply strategies that always work
Here I am going to clarify 5 simple actions that you can use to find content that you can publish on your blog to get a good boost to traffic.
1.- Analyze the keyword gaps of your competitors. Esto es muy fácil de hacer y es una funcionalidad de la herramientas SEmrush, añades tus competidores y te va a dar un aluvión de ideas de palabras clave y contenidos que puedes usar en tu estrategias de contenidos.
2.- Better pages. You will find this functionality in both semrush and ahrefs, for me 2 essential tools if you need to increase web traffic.
3.- Analyze high-traffic content. In the top menu of ahrefs you have a functionality called content explorer that is worth gold, it is the tool that has helped me the most to find content that triggers my traffic, my visibility and my conversions.
I suggest you search by title and order by traffic and language.
4.- Optimizando el Snippet. The search result has endless optimization that we must know how to make the most of in order to improve the CTR and with this we manage to capture the largest number of clicks possible.
I'm not going to tell you what kind of words to use, just think and put a pinch of psychology, mystery and intensity to each of your results.
5.- Internal linking. They have a very important power to position any content and yet they are not usually used as well as they could.
No solo te quedes con el típico plugin con contenidos similares, prepara los contenidos con los backlinks internos repartidos estratégicamente y consigue disparar el número de páginas visitas por usuario, retendrás más tiempo las visitas y llevarás tráfico cualificado y link juice.
10.- Busting organic traffic
A día de hoy es la principal vía de tráfico y a la que le estoy dando más relevance, debido primero por su gran capacidad de crecimiento y porque no tiene un límite orgánico establecido, puesto que irá en función de tu estrategia de contenidos que puedas subir más o menos.
In my case at this time, organic traffic represents 60% of total traffic and it is the channel that grows the most by far, I got tired of the restrictive algorithms of the main social networks such as Facebook and Twitter that made the tens of hundreds of visits is basically hundreds of visits.
Here are some strategies that I will quickly summarize and that you will see at the Raiola Marketing Conference.
Long Tail Strategy + Specific Keyword. Widely used at this time both for capturing information traffic and also for capturing transactional traffic.
Strategy Find high traffic niches. En esta estrategia analizo nichos interesantes y evalúo el esfuerzo de posicionarlo, para ver si merece la pena el esfuerzo con la conversion que espero conseguir.
Content strategy based on tips. A classic that has been around for many years and is still working and being used at this time.
Modular strategy or IKEA. It is a strategy that you are looking for is to assemble content in phases and by modules, as in the ikea module.
Top 10 analysis strategy. It is a super important filter that decides whether content enters or leaves the editorial calendar.
SEO On Page audit strategy. We have tools today that with a single click you can audit your content.
Analyzing gaps in your competition. This is a very interesting competitive analysis that should be done before creating an editorial calendar.
Strategy of the fantastic 4 or the Pareto principle. This strategy is from my 100% crop and what it comes to tell you is that you only need 4 contents to achieve the objectives of your blog, perhaps today you are saying "What?", But it is a great reality and a mistake where it falls a lot , even when it's sad.
Strategy what users are asking. Fundamental if you need to convert and be successful is to know what users are asking for a certain topic.
Creative launch and sales strategies. This is the part that I like the most about how to design a creative launch and promotion strategy for a product or service.
Strategies to create similar audiences from blog audience. I am testing it this last year and it is giving me spectacular results, at the conversion level of course.
My idea is to continue growing gradually in the different channels that help me how to increase web traffic over 2,000,000 visits per month. I will continue to apply many of the strategies that are described in this post as some that I keep for my future info-product that I am making and that will be available for this Christmas and that will be a free course to increase qualified traffic and improve conversions, I hope that this Christmas 2018 is ready and available.
It is not only essential to know how to increase web traffic but also why, with what objective we intend to do it, this is even more important if possible.
One of the actions that I will continue to work the most is networking with other professionals with whom you can create a "Win To Win" link that benefits both brands.
What is clear is that each blogging professional uses their own strategies and techniques to increase traffic.
I hope this article that I have written in a very personal way helps you obtain and increase your web traffic to unsuspected limits, Believe me when I tell you that if I have achieved it, you can also achieve it, as have other bloggers friends who have thousands of hundreds of visits per month, or who have basically created their self-employment doing what they like the most.
Would you add any more strategies to increase web traffic?
What are the channels that bring the most web traffic to your Blog?
You would be interested in knowing the 20 strategies that have allowed me to obtain more than 1,200,000 visits per month, because if you need to know them in depth buy your ticket for the Raiola Marketing Conference, In the post I will only tell you about some of them.
At the same time you will be able to listen 19 great professionals specialized in all areas of online marketing (SEO, innovation, blogging, strategy, ecommerce, social media, WPO, etc.) such as Luis Villanueva, José Facchin, Álvaro Fontela, Sergio Ramírez, Javier Gobea, Lucas García, Claudio Inacio, Andrés Pérez Ortega, Alejandro Novás, Isabel Romero, Alex Navarro, Raúl Maraña, Rubén Alonso, Fátima Carmena, Maider Tomasena, Miguel Almela, Javi Pastor.
You can follow the event on October 20 and 21 at the Coruña Conference Center or online, since I know that the event is also broadcast in streaming.
Buy your ticket for the Raiola Marketing Conference
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