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Plugin concept

What is a Plugin?

A Plugin is a fragment or component of code made to extend the functions of a program or a tool. In the field of digital marketing, especially within content marketing, it is something that is used very frequently within environments such as WordPress, since they serve when having additions that make the user experience much more comfortable and complete.

With plugins, for example, an editor or SEO consultant You can know the density of keywords in a text, at the same time getting a brief summary of the quality it has to position based on certain keywords. As we said, it is something very common in this territory and its use is something that is increasingly standardized. In reality, to this day, there is no web owner who does not contemplate its use.

There are many types and with very different purposes, but all manage to expand the possibilities of the platform on which they are installed and used, also favoring the development of the activity of those who use it. They are not programs as such, since they do not work independently, but their importance is such that many no longer conceive of their work without them.

Most of the tools with which you work in the web field, including many within digital marketing, contemplate the opportunity to increase their radius of action through plugins.

What is a Plugin for

A Plugin serves, as we have already mentioned, for a tool to acquire many more possibilities based on incorporating more functions. The more that are installed on a platform, the more facilities it will offer so that the user who uses it does not have to rely on other programs to carry out other tasks. It's a good way to bring everything together in one place.

The objective of the plugin, while expanding the compendium of tools or functions of a program or platform, is to make the work of those who use it easier. It streamlines work and, at the same time, can offer fairly high quality standards; at the same time, it avoids having to install more programs.

Plugin Examples

There are many plugin examples currently. We have specific cases such as Yoast SEO for WordPress, which helps to know if a page is well positioned or not, or at least meets the requirements to qualify for a good position in the SERPs, but there are also many more cases. In the following article, we bring you a set as wide as it is interesting:

The 40 best WordPress plugins in 2018

More information about Plugins

In case you want to continue reading more about it and get more information about the plugins, we can offer you more details with the following link. In it you will find more material of interest and even additional information that can be quite useful.