Comenzamos el año con un post básico para cualquier persona que quiere adentrarse en el mundo del blogging y que al mismo tiempo de aclarar qué es un Blog y para qué sirve, encontrarás consejos muy interesantes a seguir, errores que debes evitar, así como un plan de acción punto a punto para hacer que tu blog te ayude o permita alcanzar cualquier target que te propongas durante este 2018.
What is a blog?
Todavía recuerdo aún la primera vez que le dije a mi padre que quería ser blogger, mi miró con cara estupefacta, y posiblemente pensaría en qué locura me estaría metiendo, traté de explicarle que un blog era una herramienta de aprendizaje que me permitiría crecer tanto a nivel profesional como personal, pero aún cuando no entendiera mucho del tema, como buen padre me apoyó en esta nueva “locura”.
Well, what is a blog for me? It is truly a tool with almost infinite potential if we know how to use it correctly, a blog changed my life, allowed me to quit my office job and be able to live on what I am most passionate about, I can live of teaching and passionate my students.
But a blog does not work alone, it needs a lot of love in the form of many hours of well-invested work.
Think for a moment one thing, do not know anyone whose blog has worked the first time, we have all had one or more failures in creating a blog, but the good thing about these failures is that they help us learn and grow, now know how to make better decisions in the future.
What is a blog for?
The creation of a blog can have several objectives, these are some of the most important:
- Earn money.
- Get customers.
- Get a job.
- Enhance the imagen de marca.
- Work on the personal brand.
- Posicionar una tienda online o página Web corporativa.
- Create a reading audience close to the brand.
- Loyalty to readers who follow the blog.
- Para hacer networking con otros profesionales.
- Continuous learning tool.
1.- Make Money
Si tienes poco presupuesto, puedes crear un blog gratis y optimizarlo para empezar a ganar dinero, pero lo que es absolutamente absurdo y un error es el hecho de pensar que puedes ganar dinero con un blog que se acaba de crear.
To monetize un blog necesitas antes posicionar bien tu marca, crear una buena audiencia y crear una strategy de afiliación, si lo consigues, entonces estarás muy cerca de empezar a ganar dinero con un blog.
Yo hoy en día entre promoción comercial y affiliate marketing estoy generando entre 1000 y 1500 euros al mes.
2.- Obtain clients
Look, every week I receive several proposals from companies that want to hire me as a consultant for a project, and notice that no service or product appears on my blog for this purpose, but in any case my work on the blog is a great mechanism attracting customers and companies.
An example of this was the company Mailrelay that he invited me to have coffee one day and offered to manage his blog, and you can believe me when I tell you that they paid very well.
3.- Get a job
When do you need to get the job short or long term?
Why am I asking you this question, for a very simple reason, if you want to get a short-term job, do not focus on your blog, but rather focus on writing in blogs of professionals with a large audience and who are specialized in that specific area where you it would be interesting to work.
Look here you have the case of Mario Camacho got a job after posting a post on my blog. The company Webpositer hired him to work in Alicante.
4.- Boost your brand image
Las redes sociales van y vienen y lo único que solo depende de ti y de tu trabajo es un blog, y es el channel en mayúsculas para trabajar la imagen de marca de cualquier empresa.
It is clear to me, even though there are still many companies suspicious of using it thinking that it is a tool where time and money are dispersed.
There are companies that have realized their potential and dedicate great human and financial resources to give the blog a lot of presence, an example of this could be the company. Raiola Networks and SEMrushThey both do an excellent job with their blog.
5.- Improve personal brand image
In 2012 I decided to abandon my paper resume to start improving my personal brand through the Marketing and Web Blog and social networks.
I tell you a little about things that have happened to me since then:
- In 2012 and 2013 it was very difficult for me to reconcile with a new job I had at the University and the project failed.
- In 2014 I decided to take it up again and take it seriously, I designed a marketing strategy and started working in a very disciplined and specially planned way.
- In 2015 my blog was a finalist for the best Marketing blog at the Bitácoras Awards.
- Invitations began to arrive to me to give lectures at conferences and to teach at universities and business schools.
- In 2016 my blog was a finalist for the best Marketing blog at the Bitácoras Awards.
- In my town, the mayor gave me an award in accreditation of professional and teaching career.
- In 2017 I received the award for the best blog from the ABC newspaper.
- I left my job at the University to make a living from my blog, it was a very thoughtful decision that changed my life.
- A finales del 2017 creé mi propia Escuela de Marketing presencial en Valencia y organicé un congreso que llegó a ser trending mundial en Twitter.
- Several universities in Latin America have invited me to participate as a speaker at international conferences.
I have truly included some of the many things that have happened to me thanks to a blog, and I can assure you that no school or university asks me for my curriculum, indeed, I have not updated it for a thousand years.
6.- Position an online store or corporate website
Now we go a little more on a technical level, but the truth is that a Blog herramienta fantástica para llevar o conducir traffic and link juice a cualquier landing page de nuestro negocio, consiguiendo así mejorar su positioning, y por lo tanto consiguiendo más clientes y ventas.
I cannot understand today and in 2018 a company or an online store that does not have a blog to help position it.
7.- Create a reading audience and close to the brand
Sometimes it is forgotten that the main function of a blog is to obtain a reading audience that follows it, and for me it is one of the most important functions of a blog.
Without readers, a blog has no place, it does not exist.
There are different types of readers, and one that I really like are those readers who follow you feedly, why? Very simple, it is a faithful reader who likes and reads your content, so we are talking about a qualified visit but at the same time it is a reader who shares content on social networks and uses tb feedly as a content curation tool.
8.- Loyalty of readers in subscribers
It is also very important for a blog, and what can have great value both in terms of positioning and monetization of the blog.
We therefore need:
- Establish a strategy for attracting leads.
- Establecer una estrategia de loyalty de estos leads.
- We will take the step to monetize these subscribers.
9.- Network with other professionals
Desde que comencé mi andadura con un blog he conocido muchísimas persons, algunas de ellas se han convertido en amigos muy cercano e importantes en mi vida.
There are people who think that networking is to convince someone to help you spread a product or service, but it is not like that, doing real and quality networking is leaving interests aside and approaching a person, just for the sake of it. to meet her and thus generate a real and sincere friendship.
I could mention a long list of friends but this article would have no end, but if I can tell you that if you want to mention 12 that are special to me and have meant a lot in my life as a professional, they are Luis Villanueva, Alvaro Fontela, Rafa Sospedra, Jose Facchin, Miguel Angel Trabado, Bruno Vazquez Dodero, Fernando Ferreiro, Élia Guardiola, Alexander Novás, Ruben Alonso, R Digital marketing and Carlos de Blas.
All these people are part of my blogging family, with whom I have a real friendship and they are people who I am convinced would always extend their hand to me if I needed their help, and they would always do so in a totally disinterested way.
[clickToTweet tweet = »True networking is the one that approaches a true friendship.» quote = »True networking is the one that approaches a true friendship.»]
10.- Learning tool
It is clear that with a blog you do not stop learning, but it is very important that if you decide to start a blog you do it in an area that you know very well and especially that is very filling and that you are passionate about.
We learn every day by reading from other colleagues in the blogging sector or from their own experiences, and the truth is that I always say and never lack the desire to learn or grow, because it is one of the things I like the most in life .
Types of Blogs that exist
I'm not going to focus too much on the types of blogs that exist today, just mention them in passing in order to go directly to the errors and tips and the launch plan of a blog.
- Personal blog. This blog would be an example of this and it is a blog where we try to provide valuable content and always with a very close communication with the readers.
- Corporate blog. A blog of a company that is looking to make itself known and thereby attract more customers to its business.
- Blog of an online store. A blog that tries to make very educational guides about products or related to their subject matter.
The choice is important when it comes to specifying what a blog is and especially how you are going to use and employ it.
How a blog works
We have already talked about what a blog is, the types of blog that there are and what a blog is for but now we are going to focus on seeing how a blog works.
If you are looking to make a blog work properly, this is what you need:
- 360 digital marketing training. You should not become a super expert, but you should have the tools and resources to compete with other professionals in your sector, who possibly already have training in the area. If you want to train and guide you in the procedure of positioning your blog, I suggest you sign up for the course + mentoring "how to achieve goals with a blog".
- To establish objectives. You must establish the real objectives that you intend to obtain, and it does not serve or obtain traffic or visits, since these are not an objective but a means to achieve them. Based on these objectives, we will define an action plan.
- Design the strategy Para diseñar la content strategy deberás realizar un estudio de canales, de keywords, un análisis de la competencia para así poder elaborar un calendario editorial del blog y un plan de promoción de los contenidos.
- Plan your actions. If you are looking for your blog to function, you must plan your work very well, and the first step is to establish a work schedule and always comply with it, then establish a weekly and monthly work plan.
- Measure, correct and optimize. All our work is useless if we cannot analyze and see the conversions and the objectives that we are meeting.
Would you add more sections in the aspect of how a blog works?
Action plan for your blog in the first 12 months of life
This is perhaps one of the most common questions that I have received from my students and readers of the Marketing and Web Blog and perhaps the main mistake of people who start a blog project with great enthusiasm that due to making bad decisions or bad decisions influence in a low result and that one begins to doubt with following the project.
Pero, cómo quiero que es no te pase sigue este plan de acción para hacer funcionar realmente tu blog. Eso sí, estoy suponiendo que tienes suficientes conocimiento y experiencia en la temática de contents donde radicará tu trabajo en él.
If you really want to know what a blog is and how it works, you must understand very well how to carry out your action plan for the first year.
Month 1: Launch
In order to launch the blog we will need to write 3 to 4 posts on our blog;
- Elige por ejemplo uno a nivel personal que cuente los motivos que te han llevado a empezar con ese blog y donde lógicamente añadas contenido de valor para el Username.
- El segundo post será una guía de tu área de especialización y tiene que ser un contenido super completo y bien trabajado. Su pongamos que pretendes ser Commmunity Manager, puedes debes de hacer una guía de community manager muy pero que muy completa. Completa este post con un listado de profesionales a seguir y así obtendrás amplificarlo y dar a conocer tu nueva marca.
- The third post will be one with a very practical cut, it can be a guide to a tool, or an image and voice explained strategy, that is, it will be accompanied by a video tutorial.
At the same time preparing the launch in the first month you will analyze which are the blogs in your sector with the most traffic and authority, for this you will use the traffic estimation of the free tool similarweb and the free breadth mozbar.
El resultado será un Excel de 50 o 60 blogs donde iremos completando con más información como correo electrónico de contacto o dirección url de contacto.
Download the list of the 50 digital marketing blogs where you should publish.
Design the publication guidelines for your blog, and thus you will be able to invite other professionals from the beginning.
Inviting other professionals in your sector will be very positive both for creating relationships with other professionals and also so that your content can be more diversified and can offer your readers very different and high-quality content.
Download my blog posting guidelines for free and without registration
Choose the 3 social channels that you consider most suitable for the sector and start publishing content and talking with other professionals.
Be patient that the beginnings in social networks are very hard and growth is also a bit slow.
Now we are going to a very important part, we are going to design the editorial calendar of the blog, starting with a design with a view to 3 months is enough but if you feel like it you can even extend it to 6 months.
The choice of these contents of the editorial calendar has to be in line with the objectives that we intend to obtain.
Supongamos que uno de tus objetivos del blog es monetizar a futuro un product info, para ello necesitarás:
- Position your brand on the Internet.
- Create a loyal audience.
- Obtain a significant network of affiliates from your infoproduct.
- Create a good subscriber list.
Well, logically, your content has to be related to the future info-product so that users consider you a very knowledgeable professional on this topic.
Month 2: Work more outside than inside your blog
This month you must work a lot on your personal brand and you must prepare 2 to 4 absolutely spectacular posts to publish in blogs that are references in your sector.
There are people who still think that there is not much complication when we publish a post on another blog, but they do not realize the tremendous mistake, since we are presenting ourselves to a very important community of people and we must cause the best possible impact.
He attends online and offline events, in 2017 I was in 17 events, more than 1 per month, and if I had had more time I would have gone to more.
The best way to connect and meet other professionals is in person at events, and at the same time it is a wonderful space to obtain publication on other blogs, since these things when we treat them in a personal way we get a better result.
It is very important to increase the authority of your blog, therefore while doing guestblogging you should look for other ways that help you get links more quickly.
And for example next month I will be in the Tribucamp where he gives a presentation and a workshop, on February 16 and 17 in Madrid, an event organized by Franck Scipion that I suggest you go.
On March 23 I will be at the Costa Almería Digital Day, other event muy bueno y con un cartel de ponentes espectacular.
And on May 26 I will be as a speaker at VI eCongress MalagaAn event that makes me especially excited, if possible, because I am from Malaga and giving a presentation in the city where I was born in front of 600 people has to be a real blast. It also has very, very good speakers.
Month 3: Analysis of results
After 3 months of hard work, we are going to analyze the results obtained and we are going to see which actions are having the best results.
In month 3 I always like to launch a very powerful guide that presents me to the best professionals in my sector, do not be afraid and take the leap, and let them know about your blog and the great work you are doing, therefore prepare a super guide where you mention 100 best professionals in the sector.
We will continue with a weekly publication plan both within our blog and outside it.
Look at the results of this blog with only 3 months of life, impressive, right? Well, you can get the same if you do things well.
Casi 6 mil palabras posicionadas en Google con más de 70.000 visitas orgánicas al mes. ¿Impresionante no?
Si piensas que incrementar la autoridad de tu domain te va a costar muchísimo y que lógicamente necesitas años, mira la página del congreso que hice el año pasado, con tan solo una única página en pocos meses cuenta con una autoridad de dominio de 35.
At the same time, you should not worry excessively about the authority of your domain, worry about the quality of the content and the way you are going to make it known and promote it.
Month 4, 5 and 6: Positioning the Brand
If you have worked the blog well by now they will be seeing how your brand more and more people know it, but there is still a lot of work to be done.
Analyze what offline and online actions you can start taking to position your brand, such as:
- Present the blog to all awards and contests.
- Attend all the online events in your sector.
- Attend face-to-face events.
Empieza a invitar a otros profesionales a participar en artículo colaborativos donde x profesionales contesten a una o dos preguntas que decidas. Este aspecto es muy importante porque conseguiremos un gran branding, así como lograremos llegar a posicionar una keyword competida pese a que nuestro blog no tengo mucha autoridad.
Month 7-12: Road to Monetization
You are getting closer and closer to starting the monetization of your blog that we have located at month 12 or what is the same when we turn one year old, but before this, it is highly recommended that you design a first course or event without costs with the objective to make your brand known to many people, also to strengthen the relationship with other professionals and especially to obtain a large number of well-segmented leads that we can later monetize.
En esta fase debes de intensificar los viajes y asistir a los eventos porque necesitarás obtener un red de afiliados lo suficientemente amplia para que el lanzamiento de tu infoproducto be todo un éxito.
If you have worked your blog well, the domain authority should be greater than 20, and your blog would have a traffic between 10,000 and 30,000 visits per month.
It should reach 3,000 subscribers. You would begin to receive all kinds of proposals and contributions from other blogs, this is an indicator that your brand is already emerging and is known in the sector, when other professionals begin to be interested in you and your work.
Logically I have told you in a very summarized way how to start the first 12 months of your blog, if I went into detail I would never finish this post, despite everything if you have any questions in this entire procedure, you can leave me a comment at the end of the post , and delighted to answer.
10 Tips to Create a Success Blog
1.- Create a blog if you have enough knowledge and experience
Something that seems out of the box and quite obvious, it can be the first and the last stone that a blog finds in the way if it decides to select an unknown topic or with little knowledge or experience. This is what I call the beginning of the end of a blog.
If you are looking to create a blog, answer before:
- Are you able to write content of value for the user?
- Will you still have interesting topics to write about after several months?
- Does writing put you in a bad mood?
- Is it difficult for you to read the posts of other bloggers?
- Do you have little time at your disposal to dedicate to the blog?
Notice that these are very simple questions, and that it can bring you closer to or away from the world of blogging, don't you think?
2.- Don't be obsessed with publishing content
Think for a moment the following, how much time are you going to spend writing blog posts? 50%? 60%? 70%?
What would you say to me if I told you that a 30% is more than enough?
If you do more than half the time you spend working on your blog writing posts, believe me your project is not going to work. The writing part is basic and necessary, but it must be combined with many other actions of linking work, dissemination, brand work, etc.
3.- Establish a goal and design an effective strategy
At the beginning of this post we have seen some of the most common objectives when creating a blog, therefore it starts by establishing what your objectives are and from there begin to design your digital marketing strategy.
Here you have one Very complete guide that will help you create a digital marketing plan.
4.- Design an editorial calendar 90 days ahead
It is the basis of correctly working a blog, establishing an editorial calendar well with at least 3 months in sight.
You decide the tool with which you are going to store this calendar, Excel is usually the most common but do not start your blog work before having this calendar finished.
Here I leave you one Very complete guide to make an editorial calendar, where at the same time you will be able to download a template that you will be able to use.
5.- Invite other professionals to write on your blog from the first moment
I understand that this costs a little and more if we have just started but do not be afraid, go ahead and invite other professionals and assign them a topic from your editorial calendar.
We are going to enrich our blog much more and our readers will have more diversified content.
Of course, avoid exchanges, I personally do not like them, if you want to invite someone, basically do it.
6.- Crea un pequeño lead magnet que te permita obtener leads
Vale, es cierto que un lead magnet nos va a ayudar a obtener suscriptores para nuestro blog, pero si acabas de empezar y tienes poco tráfico, lo más normal es conviertas pocos suscriptores, por lo tanto en esta etapa inicial yo te sugiero que utilices una plantilla como lead magnet que no va a costar demasiadas horas.
Therefore, start with small lead magnets that can enrich your blog content.
7.- Create strong relationships with other professionals
It is one of the keys to monetizing a blog, if you think you can go "John Wayne" and go solo, you are very wrong, since a key factor in the monetization of a blog is to get a large number of professionals in the sector spread your products.
But creating relationships looking for an interest, believe me they do not work, you must generate a real friendship with other professionals in your sector but without putting any personal or professional interest first.
Yo le dedico casi 2 horas al día a conversar con otros profesionales por teléfono, redes sociales, Skype y teléfono, ¿y tú?
The best way to network is face-to-face and in person, so I suggest you attend all the face-to-face events you can.
8.- Attend all the online and face-to-face events that you can
It is true that in the events we can learn many of the speakers who attend but I think that it should not be the main purpose of attending them, but rather it should be a space to talk and connect with other professionals in the sector, that is, it should be always a networking space.
It is also very interesting to interact with other professionals who participate in an online event, such as talking on Twitter.
9.- Plan your actions very well
Any professional in the blogging world has to start planning and thinking about how many hours of the day he is going to dedicate to working on his blog. Once the hours have been defined, the next step is to specify the work schedule.
After this, what we will do is distribute that time in the actions that we are going to carry out every day and every week.
10.- Work, effort, talent and passion; the key to a successful blog
I have always believed that all people have talent in something specifically and when that talent matches your true passion, you may just need to work hard and push yourself to achieve whatever goal you set for yourself.
I discovered when I was 33 years old that my 2 passions were teaching, that is, training my students and writing through my blog.
What are you most passionate about?
10 blunders you should avoid
You could say that mistake number 0 would be not knowing what a blog is and what a blog is for.
1.- Create an ebook with the launch of a blog
Think for a moment the hours that it can take you to write an ebook and now think how many leads you are going to get converted with your blog that barely generates web traffic, the truth is that it does not make any sense and the only thing it is going to do is to Demotivated by the lack of results.
Instead of creating an ebook, start with a small lead magnet such as a template.
2.- Expect to get a job in the short term
If you want a short-term job, then you don't need to create your own blog at all, instead, spend your time writing blog content that is very relevant to your sector.
Your own yes can help you get a job but always looking at the long term.
3.- Monetize a blog from the start
I do not agree at all and I find many students who come to my + mentoring course, with very negative experience since I thought that they could monetize their blog from the beginning and some of them had spent hundreds of euros on commercial promotion with quite a lot of results away from the desired one.
I've been in the blogging world for many years and don't know anyone who has monetized their blog from the start.
A blog needs a maturation process of 12 to 18 months to be able to start its monetization stage, in this way it is essential to know the maturation stages of a blog.
4.- The day-to-day strategy
This is a classic, I write posts about topics that come to mind and without having taken into account any analysis of the competition or study of keywords.
In addition, I call it the NO strategy, that is, we write and share the content that we are publishing on the blog and that is how our actions end, but the result is that we do not get results.
5.- Wanting to compete without the necessary tools and resources
To be able to compete in a race we need a good vehicle as well as a good team of mechanics, so if you want to position a business on the Internet you must compete with other highly trained professionals in the world of digital marketing, therefore you must train very well to be able to compete on equal terms.
We often have so much information on the Internet that we do not know what the best decisions to make are, in those cases it is essential to have a person to guide and guide you on the right path of the blog.
If you want me to be the mentor of your project, don't wait any longer and sign up for the 3rd edition of the course + mentoring, and let me help you position your business on the Internet.
If you work on something that you do not like or if you dedicate many hours to your project and you do not get results, in your hand is the decision to be able to change this situation.
6.- Not having an editorial calendar of the blog
A blog without an editorial calendar is like a ship without a compass, we do not know in which direction we are going and we do not know where we will end up.
Fix it and design an editorial calendar with at least 3 months to go.
7.- Practice pseudonetworking
If you add a component of interest in a connection with another person, that connection has its days numbered, but now the Internet is looking for that a lot, getting a person to do something specifically and that's it, and we believe that we are networking but in fact not it is.
Networking is getting to generate a real friendship with another professional in your sector, it takes time, there are many conversations, but when you achieve that friendship, you will have achieved a great ally for your brand.
8.- Obsessed with increasing traffic
Often when I start one of my classes I ask my students what their goal is with a blog, and sometimes, they make the mistake of saying increase traffic, not only because it is not a goal but a means to get it, but because of the fact that such a basic aspect is not clear.
El tráfico sin conversion no tiene ningún sentido, así cuando alguien presuma por la cantidad de tráfico que tiene, pregúntale entonces cuantas conversiones tiene.
9.- Do not give importance to conversion
Conversion should be one of the most important aspects of any project on the Internet.
There are many forms of conversion and the design of our actions should always aim to obtain them.
Yo siempre recomiendo siempre establecer estos objetivos de conversión en el buscador de Google analytics desde que se comienza el trabajo con un proyecto en Internet.
10.- Lack of patience and persistence
Another way to establish what a blog is could be a long-term career, and unfortunately more than 90% does not go beyond the first year, due to this lack of patience in seeing results.
Notice that I had this blog up to 2 times in "stanbyte" due to the lack of results. It was the third year when I took the project absolutely seriously and designed a digital marketing strategy.
Alberto Alcocer (@AlbertoAlcocer)
Alejandro Novás (@Alejandro_Novas)
Alex López (@retailmeeting)
Alex Navarro (@vivirdelared)
Alex Serrano (@Alexserramar)
Alfonso Alcantara (@Yoriento)
Alfredo Vela (@alfredovela)
Alicia Rodríguez (@ aroru26)
Alvaro Fontela (@alvarofontela)
Álvaro Peña (@ AlvaroPCG1)
Amalia López Acera (@AmaliaLopezAcer)
Ana Mata (@MataTweet)
Ana Nieto (@ webempresa20)
Andrés Pérez Ortega (@marcapersonal)
Angela Villarejo (@avillarejo)
Antonio Cambronero (@blogpocket)
Berto López (@ c2cero)
Borja Girón (@borjagiron)
Carlos Bravo (@carlosbravo)
Carlos Carbellido (@carbellido)
Carlos Miñana (@cminana)
Christian Delgado (@christiandve)
Christine Suta (@chris_suta)
Claudio Inacio (@ cinacio06)
Cristina Aced (@blogocorp)
Daniel Collada (@DaniCollada)
David Ayala (@soywebmaster)
David Cantone (@DavidCantone)
David Gómez (@MktgBienPensado)
Dean Romero (@ DeanRomero10)
Diego Artola (@ DiegoArtola1)
Elena Charameli (@echarameli)
Emilio García (@CampamentoWeb)
Emilio Marquéz (@EmilioMarquez)
Enrique Dans (@edans)
Élia Guardiola (@EliaGuardiola)
Ernesto G Bustamante (@ernestogbusta)
Eva Collado (@evacolladoduran)
Fatima Martinez (@fatimamartinez)
Fernando Cebolla (@fcpsocialmedia)
Fernando Ferreiro (@profesordeseo)
Fernando Rubio (@FerRubioA)
Fernando Tellado (@fernandot)
Franck Scipion (@ income2)
Gaby Castellanos (@gabycastellanos)
Gema Minayo (@gminayolopez)
Guillem Recoloms (@guillemrecolons)
Ignacio Santiago (@ignaciosantiago)
Iñaki Huerta (@ikhuerta)
Iñaki Tovar (@seomental)
Ismael Ruiz (@ismaelruizglez)
Isabel Romero (@c_isabelromero)
Javier Echaleku (@echaleku)
Javier Élices (@monetizados)
Javier Gosende (@javiergosende)
Javier Manzaneque (@Javi_Manzaneque)
Javier Pastor (@jpastorre)
Jesus Pernas (@jpernas)
Jon García Tajadura (@jongarciataja)
Jordi Collel (@jordicollell)
Jordi Hernández (@jordi_hc)
Jose Facchin (@facchinjose)
Jose Galán (@_josegalan)
R Marketing Digital (@JosemiguelMKD)
Jose Peña (@tuwebdecero)
Juan Carlos Mejía (@JuanCMejiaLlano)
Juan González Villa (@seostratega)
Juan Merodio (@juanmerodio)
Keka Sánchez (@kekasanchez)
Laura Ribas (@Laura_Ribas)
Leticia Grijó (@Letigrijo)
Luis Villanueva (@ lu1sma)
Mabel Cajal (@MabelCajal)
Maider Tomasena (@maidertomasena)
Manolo Rodríguez (@manolorodriguez)
Manuel Moreno (@TreceBits)
Mariano Cabrera (@mclanfranconi)
Maria Lazaro (@marialazaro)
Mery Elvis (@meryelvis)
Miguel Ángel Trabado (@MAtrabado)
MJ Cachón (@somosmjcachon)
Nacho Monterde (@SeoAzul)
Nano Lamberti (@nanolamberti)
Octavio Regalado (@octavioregalado)
Pablo Aracil (@ paf17)
Pablo Herreros (@pabloherreros)
Paco Viudes (@pacoviudes)
Pedro Rojas (@SeniorManager)
Rafa Sospedra (@rafsos)
Rober Ortega (@rober_ortega_)
Roger Bretau (@rogerbretau)
Romuald Fons (@RomualdFons)
Ruben Alonso (@rubenalonsoes)
Rubén Máñez (@RubenManez)
Sonia Duro (@DuroLimia)
Susana Albares (@SusanaAlbares
Teresa Alba (@Teresalbalv)
Tristan Elósegui (@tristanelosegui)
Victor Martin (@vmdeluxe)
Vilma Núñez (@Vilmanunez)
Yi Min Shum Xie (@SYimin)
I would love that you help to continue increasing the list, would you be interested in adding more people? Leave me a comment with the person and the twitter account that you would be interested in adding, and in the next update I will add it.
Essential tools for your blog
1.- Google Analytics
Google Analytics is much more than a tool to see the traffic we have and therefore, which we must know how to use correctly, I suggest you define objectives to see what actions are giving you the best result.
Descarga la plantilla de cuadro de mando SEO para Google Analytics.
2.- Search Console
If I have to synthesize the benefits of using Search Control I would do it in these three points:
- Diagnosticar posibles problemas en mi web desde el punto de vista de Google: indexing, rastreo, penalizaciones,…
- Know the origin and find the most effective method of expanding organic traffic to the web.
- Facilitar información a Google sobre nuestra web: cómo pretendemos que aparezcan nuestras URLs (por ejemplo con o sin www), enviar nuestro sitemap para facilitar el rastreo e indexación de nuestra web e informar de la relevance de cada página (según nuestro criterio) entre otras cosas.
3.- Ahrefs
Ahrefs is a true tool pass and one of the best ones that have evolved in the last 2 years. For me it is a key tool if you want to improve your visibility and traffic of a project on the Internet.
My blog already exceeds 500,000 visits per month and it is partly thanks to how I build long tail combinations with this function.
4.- Twitter Analytics
Twitter Analytics is a powerful tool, available to everyone, which has made a considerable advance in measuring our results in the actions we undertake.
Twitter es la social network que más tráfico lleva a mi blog, particularmente entre 30.000 y 50.000 visitas la mes, por lo tanto para mí es un canal imprescindible.
5.- SEMrush
Undoubtedly my favorite tool to carry out a competitive analysis and that I also use practically daily for my content strategy.
I love the “keyword magic tool” feature and it makes creating my editorial calendar a lot easier.
6.- Buffer
Thanks to this tool we can enjoy more of the weekend and our vacations since it allows us to schedule our publications on Social Networks.
7.- Similarweb
A tool that I really like and with which we can analyze very useful data for any project for free.
It is the tool that comes closest to calculating the real traffic of a web page, what I do is my own formula, the data that gives me the division by 2 and the rounded down.
8.- Tinypng
An essential tool to compress the images of our posts before uploading them to the blog.
It is very easy to use, yes, please do not upload images of several megabytes, xddd.
9.- Feedly
Esta herramienta de lectura y de curación de contenidos es oro para el SEO puesto que te va a traer a tu blog un tráfico muy cualificado.
Very few bloggers, and I really do not understand it, give the real value that this great tool has.
10.- Excel
Basic tool in digital marketing and blogging with which we make reports, analysis, studies, etc.
It has been a long time since I wrote such a long post, I hope that in these 6,000 words that the post has, you have learned what is a blog and what is it for, what are the characteristics of a blog, but fundamentally how should you start working on a blog so that one day you can monetize it, and why not, even being able to live on it, it will not be easy or simple, that I assure you, but yes you get, you will have made an excellent investment.
Anyway, a blog is used for many other things but in my personal experience it allowed me to create my School of Marketing, fix something virtual that does not exist physically but that is laying stone by stone the foundations of a future business.
Starting a blog is difficult, and especially when you do it alone and surrounded by so much infoxication of what to do and how to do it in hundreds of blogs, that is why I would like to be your mentor in the 3rd edition of the mentoring course to help you take the best decisions, and so that all your efforts are rewarded with the results you deserve.