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Strategy Concept

What is a Strategy?

The strategy is a compilation of actions that are carried out to achieve a purpose specifically. The term "strategy" comes from the Greek stratos (army) and agein (guide), so originally, the strategy had characteristics of a military nature, which requires a series of operations to achieve the defense or attack of a territory.

The concept was adapted to different areas, ceasing to be a purely military definition to become a business term. In addition, strategy is used in the educational, sports and leisure fields, the latter being the one that make up various kinds of strategic games such as chess or role-playing games, which require creating a strategy to beat the opponent.

In the business field, the strategy is applied according to the different objectives pursued by a company. For this purpose, the marketing strategies, managerial strategy, operational strategy and positioning strategy. All of them have the purpose of achieving the greatest benefits for the company and stand out from the competition.

They must always have a clear objective. It is also essential know what resources are available to establish if carrying it out is feasible. In a team there is always a person dedicated to creating strategies to ensure that the company meets all the goals and achieve the best possible results.

What is a Strategy for?

It serves for correctly plan the actions to be carried out to make decisions and obtain the best possible results. Each strategy must consider the setbacks that can occur while the task of achieving the objective is carried out, so it must have alternatives to follow in case of emergencies.

Today, there are online marketing strategies, which emerged with the rise of the Internet in recent decades. These strategies are used to position a business web portal among the first results of search engines and attract potential customers interested in obtaining a product or service.

Strategy Examples

To mention an example, we will pose a hypothetical situation. Let's say the NeoAttack blog has organic positioning problems. For this case, they decide to implement a series of SEO strategies to make the most of the page, recover its positioning and appear among the first results of search engines.

If the NeoAttack team correctly designs the SEO strategies to follow, they will achieve their goals and have a guaranteed victory. However, results are slow to emerge, so a lot of patience and analysis is required to correct potential errors, discard actions that do not work, and try new ones to achieve the desired results.

More information on Strategy

In the following posts you will find more information regarding the different types of strategy and some examples related to the business field