Subdomain Concept
What is a Subdomain?
A Subdomain is a extension that is added to the name of a domain to organize the different sections that your website may have, even when operating completely independently of it. In general, they are generally words that precede it and that are separated from it using a period to emphasize both its independence and the idea that they are something unrelated to its main content.
Its main characteristic is that it is something that works completely independently of the other parts of the web. In reality, you can even have your own style that, even when it is not recommended, highlights that difference.
Generally it is used with the purpose of improving the organization of a web, even when it normally has more administrative or administrative purposes; It is not something that is usually used to separate the different contents of a web page. It helps, and considerably, to reduce the traffic load that a website may suffer when operating in parallel and separately.
The main hosting companiesAt the same time, they usually include among their plans the opportunity to create as many subdomains as desired once a main domain is purchased. The owners of the web, therefore, have at their disposal a full range of infinite possibilities with which to create more sections and experiment with them without fear of saturating their main domain.
Even so, it is recommended that they be as short as possible and that the words that make them up are as descriptive as possible.
What is a subdomain for
A Subdomain is used to create more pages within one of its own in order to perform different types of tasks. For portals such as the media, it is the main way to have access to the content manager with which to publish everything that appears on the main website and what users access when reading.
It is the best system to add functions to a website or direct different types of traffic without saturating the main domain due to an excess of users in it.
Subdomain Examples
As examples of subdomains we can think of a lot. Taking as a starting point our main website,, we could think of one oriented to the agency team dashboard,, or even a forum to maintain constant contact with clients in the event of possible queries that could be of use to others,
The structure, as we previously indicated, always starts from the idea of adding the keyword before the central domain and, at the same time, separating it by a period.
More information about Subdomains
If you need to learn more about subdomains, you can expand the information that we have just detailed with the links that exist below. In them you can read about possible uses or even more useful concepts when taking advantage of them.