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Global Domains

Global Domains Concept

What are Global Domains

The Global Domains are those most commonly used on the net: .com, .net, .org ...etc. That is, they are the domains that position worldwide, unlike geolocated ones such as .es, .ar or .de, those that position in a country or region. There are several outdated myths and knowledge surrounding domains and SEO, but the reality is that, at the moment, they are the two main types of domains.

The different types of domain have the main function of helping Google to know where the target audience is located on the web. That is why we have global domains and geolocated domains. In the past, each domain positioned for a more specific audience, so it was recommended that, depending on your niche, you choose an appropriate domain duration. Currently, this is no longer so rigorous, even though it is convenient to select your domain well.

What are Global Domains for?

Global domains are used to position websites that address an audience that is not limited by regional borders. If you have a website with content aimed at people everywhere, it is best to use a .com domain, which is the one that most people remember first. In another era, Google positioned websites according to domain, and the .net domain used to be a cheaper option to the recognized .com, which ranked equally well.

Currently, search engine algorithms are much more intelligent and, even when you have a domain that does not correspond to your country, (for example, if you have content in Spanish, but your domain duration is .de), the search engine will know by the language and keywords for whom your website should show the results.

The Global Top Level Domains (GTLD) are those used by companies seeking to position themselves globally. According to the old SEO rules, it is good to have a domain that tells the user what your website is dedicated to (.edu for educational pages, .gov for government entities, .org for institutions). These rules have changed over time and at this time this is not as important for SEO as content and keywords are that you are positioning.

Then there are the Country Code Superior Domains (CCTLD), or geolocated domain extensions, which serve to services and businesses that target a local audience. These domains are useful for SEO, since they tell Google which region you want to reach from your company.

Examples of Global Domains

Examples of global extensions or GTLDs are:

  • .com (for commercial use websites)
  • .net (for digital infrastructure websites)
  • .org (for all types of institutions)
  • .gov (for government entities)
  • .mil (for sites related to military forces)
  • .edu (for pages of educational entities)

For geolocated domain extensions the most common examples are:

  • .ve (Venezuela)
  • .mx (Mexico)
  • .ar (Argentina)
  • .cl (Chile)
  • .us (United States)
  • .pa (Panama)

More information about Global Domains

You can learn more about domains and how they can help improve the SEO positioning of your website, by consulting the links below:

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