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In the Windows 10 toolbar we are with the icons of some of the applications of the computer. It is a very useful bar, because it allows us a really fast access to these applications. We can anchor some of them to the bar, so that these icons are displayed on it. Even when on some occasions we find a fault.

Because of this, it may happen that the icons of these applications disappear from the Windows 10 toolbar. Something that surely has happened on occasion. Luckily, there are ways to easily fix the problem, should this happen.

This is not something weird, that happens to millions of users on occasion. In some cases, If you restart Windows 10, this icon usually reappears with total normality. Even though this method doesn't always work. Then we can try another way to get the icons back to the taskbar. There is the icon cache.


We must go to this folder on the computer: C: Users user AppData Local which we can enter by putting your username where the user appears at this address. We copy this address into the computer's file explorer and enter it. In some cases, the application data is hidden, so press show hidden files to see it.

So, we come across a file called IconCache. We have to remove said file from Windows 10, so the icons or icon in question will reappear in the toolbar of our team. In case it does not appear, open the application in question whose icon does not appear in the toolbar.

By doing this, we will see how the icon returns automatically to the Windows 10 toolbar. Then the problem is solved in a simple way. A trick that works very well in the vast majority of occasions.