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The health application for our most famous view of all, F.Lux is now available for Windows 10. The famous application has been uploaded and published by its developers in Microsoft Store, which allows us to install the application from the operating system without having make changes or download the application for other versions of Windows.

F. Lux or Flux is a program that manages the brightness and color of the screen, in such a way that depending on the time and the environment, our screen can change the brightness and thus do less damage to our eyesight. F.Lux is an interesting program and not only takes care of our eyes but also helps us to spend long periods of time in front of our PC monitor.

Once we have F.Lux installed through Microsoft Store, we have to configure the application so that it works correctly. One of the things we need to know for configuration is the geographic location of the team. For this we can use the link offered by F.Lux. Once we know the altitude and latitude of our equipment, we have to access the data in the F.Lux application. This will allow the application to modify the brightness and the rest of the parameters of the screen of our monitor.

F.Lux is also in exe format for older versions of Windows

Now we have to make sure that the application is active when we start the PC. For this we go to the Task Manager and we go to the Home tab. All the services that run at startup will appear.

If we have another version of Windows that is not Windows 10, in the official web portal of F.Lux We will get the exe file to install on Windows. We also have all the documentation to use the program. At this time, many applications and many operating systems are incorporating tools that regulate the brightness and color of the monitor, however we can already do it ourselves with F.Lux.

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