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Triggering a popup from a navigation menu item is easy to do.

Create the popup

  1. First, create your pop-up window.
  2. At Advanced tab of the Popup Settings, add a class name (with the previous point) in the Open by selector field. For this example, we will enter .break free
  3. Now publish the popup and configure the Display conditions. If the menu is in a site-wide header, set the Display Conditions to Whole site. If the menu is on a specific page, set the Display Conditions on that specific page (Singular> Pages> find and select your page).
  4. Make sure that No Triggers or Advanced rules are configured for your pop-up window.

Edit the menu item

  1. Next, edit your WordPress menu located at Appearance> Menus.
  2. Open the Display option tab located in the upper right corner.
  3. Check the CSS classes box. This will allow you to add a CSS class to any menu item.
  4. Edit the menu item that will activate the popup.
  5. Add the name of the class you assigned in the pop-up window in the CSS Classes field for that menu item (without the dot above). For this example, we will enter break free

That's! Now when a user clicks the Release Now menu item, the pop-up they designed will be activated.

R Marketing Digital