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the Reviews The widget displays a sliding carousel of user reviews.
Displays a list of all items on the slide. You can drag and drop them to change their order. Click the Add Item button to add another item to the list.
Tip: Quickly duplicate or delete items by clicking an item's Duplicate or Delete icon
- Image: Upload or choose the reviewer's image
- Name: Enter the reviewer's name
- Title: Enter the title of the reviewer
- Classification: Assign a numerical grade, from 0.0 to 5.0
- Icon: Choose the type of icon you want to use, either Font Awesome or Unicode
- Link: Link the review to a URL
- revision: Enter your review text
- Slides per view: Select the number of slides to be displayed at one time, from 1 to 10
- Slides to get around: Select how many slides you want to scroll per slide, from 1 to 10
- Width: Sets the width of the carousel, in percentage or pixels
Additional options:
- Arrows: Show or hide the navigation arrows
- Pagination: Select the carousel pagination style, None, Points, Fraction or Progress
- Duration of transition: Sets the time between slide movement, in milliseconds
- Self-reproduction: Slide to YES for the carousel to slide automatically
- Auto play speed: Sets the speed at which the carousel will scroll, in milliseconds
- Infinite loop: Set to YES so that the carousel continues to slide, infinitely
- Pause in interaction: Set to YES so that autoplay pauses when the carousel is scrolled with the mouse or clicked
- Image size: Set the image size, from thumbnail to full, or enter a custom size
- Space between: Controls the spacing between review items
- Background color: Choose the background color of the review card
- Border size: Sets the thickness of the border around the review card
- Edge radius: Sets the radius of the border to control the roundness of the corners
- Border color: Choose a border color
- Filling: Sets the padding within the border of the review card box
- Background color: Choose the background color of the review card header
- Gap: Controls the space between the heading and the revision text
- Separator: Choose to show or hide the separator line between the heading and the revision text
- Colour: Choose the color of the separation line
- Size: Sets the height of the parting line
Name / Title / Revision
- Colour: Choose the color of the name / title / review
- Typography: Change the font options for the name / title / review
- Image size: Adjusts the size of the reviewer image
- Image space: Controls the space between the image and the reviewer's profile information
- Edge radius: Sets the radius of the border to control the roundness of the corners
- Colour: Sets the color of the social icon. Choose the official color from the social network or set a custom color of your choice
- Size: Adjusts the size of the social icon
- Icon: Choose the type of icon you want to use, either Font Awesome or Unicode
- Unmarked style: Choose Solid or Outline for unmarked icons
- Size: Sets the size of the rating stars
- Spacing: Adjusts the amount of space between each star
- Colour: Choose the color of the rating stars
- Unmarked color: Choose the color of the unmarked part of the stars
Arrows / Pagination
- Size: Adjusts the size of the navigation arrows
- Colour: Choose the color of the navigation arrows
Note: Autoplay is affected by Google autoplay policy in Chrome browsers.