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Best practices for setting your Referral Policy and using the referral in incoming requests.


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Safe and secure


  • La fuga inesperada de información de origen cruzado dificulta la privacidad de los usuarios de la Web. Una política de referencia protectora puede ayudar.
  • Consider establishing a referral policy of strict-origin-when-cross-origin. It preserves much of the sender's usefulness, while mitigating the risk of leaking cross-data sources.
  • Do not use cross-site request forgery (CSRF) referrals. Use CSRF tokens
    en su lugar, y otros headers como una capa adicional de seguridad.

Before we start:

  • If you are unsure of the difference between 'site' and 'origin', see Understanding 'same site' and 'same origin'.
  • the Referer The heading is missing an R, due to an original misspelling in the specification. the
    Referrer-Policy header and referrer in JavaScript y DOM están escritos correctamente.

Referer and Referer-Policy 101

Las solicitudes HTTP pueden incluir el opcional Referer

header, que indica el origen o la Url de la página web desde la que se realizó la solicitud. los Referrer-Policy

header defines what data is available in the Referer header.

In the following example, the Referer The header includes the full URL of the page in site-one from where the request was made.


the Referer The header can be present in different types of requests:

  • Solicitudes de navegación, cuando un Username hace clic en un link
  • Solicitudes de subrecursos, cuando un browser solicita imágenes, iframes, scripts y otros recursos que necesita una página.

For navigations and iframes, this data can also be accessed via JavaScript using

the Referer The value can be revealing. For example, an analytics service might use the value to determine that the 50% of visitors from site-two.example He came from social-network.example.

But when the full url including the path and the query string is sent in the Referer through origins, this could be hinder privacy and pose security risks as well. Take a look at these URLs:


URLs 1 to 5 contain private information, sometimes even identifying or confidential. Silently filtering them through sources can compromise the privacy of web users.

The URL n. 6 is a Capacity url. You don't want it to fall into the hands of anyone other than the intended user. If this happens, a malicious actor could hijack this user's account.

To restrict what referral data is available to requests from your site, you can set a referral policy.

What policies are available and how are they different?

You can select one of eight policies. According to the policy, the data available from the Referer
header (and document.referrer) can be:

  • No data (no Referer header is present)
  • Just the origin
  • The full URL: source, path, and query string

Some policies are designed to behave differently depending on the context- Cross-origin or same-origin request, security (if the request destination is as secure as the origin), or both. This is useful for limiting the amount of information shared between origins or for less secure origins, while maintaining the richness of the referrer within your own site.

Here is an overview showing how referral policies restrict available url data in referrer header and document.referrer:


MDN provides a full list of policies and behavior examples.

Things to keep in mind:

  • Todas las políticas que tienen en cuenta el esquema (HTTPS frente a HTTP) (strict-origin,
    no-referrer-when-downgrade and strict-origin-when-cross-origin) treat requests from an HTTP source to another HTTP source in the same way as requests from an HTTPS source to another HTTPS source, even if HTTP is less secure. That's because for these policies, what matters is whether a security degrade occurs, that is, if the request can expose data from an encrypted source to an unencrypted one. An HTTP → HTTP request is not encrypted all the time, so there is no degradation. HTTPS → HTTP requests, on the other hand, have a degradation.
  • If a request is same origin, this means that the scheme (HTTPS or HTTP) is the same; therefore, there is no security degradation.

Políticas de referencia predeterminadas en los browsers

As of July 2020

If no referral policy is set, the default browser policy will be used.

Browser Default Referrer-Policy / Behaviour

Planning to switch to strict-origin-when-cross-origin in version 85 (previously no-referrer-when-downgrade)

  • no-referrer-when-downgrade
  • Experimenting with strict-origin-when-cross-origin

Similar to strict-origin-when-cross-origin. Watch
Prevention of follow-up Prevention of follow-up for details.

Setting up your referral policy: best practices

objective: Explicitly establish a privacy enhancement policy, such as
strict-origin-when-cross-origin(or stricter).

There are different ways to set referral policies for your site:

You can set different policies for different pages, requests, or items.

The HTTP header and meta element are at the page level. The order of precedence when determining the effective policy of an item is:

  1. Element-level policy
  2. Page level policy
  3. Default browser



<meta yam="referrer" content="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />
<img src="..." referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" />

The image will be requested with a no-referrer-when-downgrade policy, while all other child resource requests on this page will follow the strict-origin-when-cross-origin politics.

How to see the referral policy?

When inspecting an HTTP request:

  • In Chrome, Edge, and Firefox, you can see the Referrer-Policy.
  • In Chrome, Edge, Safari, and Firefox, you can see the Referer.


Chrome DevTools, Net panel with a selected request.

What policy should you set for your website?

Summary: Explicitly set a privacy enhancement policy as strict-origin-when-cross-origin (or stricter).

Why "explicitly"?

If no referral policy is set, the default browser policy will be used; in fact, web sites often yield to the browser's default. But this is not ideal, because:

  • The default browser policies are no-referrer-when-downgrade,
    strict-origin-when-cross-originor stricter, depending on the browser and mode (private / incognito). Therefore, your website will not behave predictably in all browsers.
  • Browsers are adopting stricter defaults, such as strict-origin-when-cross-origin and mechanisms like reference clipping for cross-origin applications. Explicitly opting for a privacy enhancement policy before browser defaults change gives you control and helps you run the tests as you see fit.

Why strict-origin-when-cross-origin (or more strict)?

Necesita una política que be segura, que mejore la privacidad y que sea útil; lo que significa «útil» depende de lo que desee del remitente:

  • Sure- If your website uses HTTPS (if not, make it a priority), you don't want your website URLs to be leaked in non-HTTPS requests. Since anyone on the network can see them, this would expose your users to person-in-middle attacks. The police officers no-referrer-when-downgrade,
    strict-origin-when-cross-origin, no-referrer and strict-origin Solve this problem.
  • Privacy enhancement: for a cross-origin request, no-referrer-when-downgrade share the full url; this does not improve privacy. strict-origin-when-cross-origin and strict-origin only share the origin, and no-referrer does not share anything at all. This leaves you with
    strict-origin-when-cross-origin, strict-originand no-referrer as options to improve privacy.
  • Useful: no-referrer and strict-origin never share the full url, even for requests from the same origin, so if you need this, strict-origin-when-cross-origin it is a better option.

All this means that strict-origin-when-cross-origin it is generally a sensible option.

Example: set a strict-origin-when-cross-origin politics:


<meta yam="referrer" content="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />

O del lado del server, por ejemplo en Express:

const helmet = require('helmet');
app.use(helmet.referrerPolicy({policy: 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'}));

What if strict-origin-when-cross-origin (or stricter) doesn't suit all your use cases?

In this case, don't set an insecure policy like unsafe-url. What you can do instead is take a
progressive approach- Set a protection policy for your website and, if necessary, a more permissive policy for specific requests or items.



<meta yam="referrer" content="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" />
<img src="" referrerpolicy="no-referrer-when-downgrade" />


fetch(url, {referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer-when-downgrade'});


One policy per item is not supported by all browsers browsers (Examples: referrerpolicy for to

elements, for img elements, and to link elements). But browsers that don't support this tend to take a strict approach anyway (e.g. all cross-origin requests will be set Referer to the origin).

What else should you consider?

Your policy should depend on your website and use cases; this is up to you, your team and your company. If some URLs contain identifying or confidential data, establish a protection policy.

Warning: Data that may not seem sensitive to you may be sensitive to your users, or it is simply not data that you want or hope to silently filter for cross-origin.

Using the incoming request reference: best practices

Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection (CSRF)

Using the referral of incoming requests for CSRF protection has some difficulties:

  • It can be hidden with the no-referrer policy, or falsified by the issuer of the request. If you have no control over the implementation of the request issuer, you cannot make assumptions about any header that you receive.
  • the Referer header (and document.referrer) can contain more data than you needFor example, a full URL when you just want to know if the request is cross-sourced.

Use CSRF tokens
as your primary protection instead. For added protection, use SameSite, and instead of Referer, you can use headings like
Origin (disponible en solicitudes POST y CORS) y
Sec-Fetch-Site (if available).


the Referer header (and document.referrer) may contain private, personal or identifying data, so it should be treated as such.

And instead of Referer, consider using other headers that may address your use case:
Origin and


Payment providers can trust Referer header of incoming requests for security checks.

For example:

  • The user clicks on a Buy on button online-shop.example / cart / checkout.
  • online-shop.example redirect to payment-provider.example to manage the transaction.
  • payment-provider.example check the Referer of this application against an allowed list
    Referer values set by merchants. If it does not match any entry in the list,
    payment-provider.example rejects the request. If it matches, the user can continue with the transaction.

Best practices for payment flow security controls

Summary: As a payment provider, you can use the Referer as a basic check against naive attacks, but you should definitely have another more reliable verification method in place.

the Referer The header alone is not a reliable basis for a verification - the requesting site, whether a legitimate merchant or not, can easily establish a no-referrer policy that will make the Referer
information not available to the payment provider. However, as a payment provider, looking at the
Referer can help you catch naive attackers who did not establish a no-referrer politics. Then you can decide to use the Referer as the first basic check. If you do that:

  • Don't wait for the Referer be always present; and if it is present just check with the piece of data it will include as a minimum: the origin. When configuring the allowed list
    Referer values, make sure no path is included, just the origin. Example: the allowed
    Referer values for online-shop.example It should be online-shop.exampledo not
    online-shop.example / cart / checkout. Why? Because by waiting or not Referer at all or a
    Referer value which is the origin of the requesting website, avoid unexpected errors as it is make no assumptions about the Referrer-Policy Your merchant has established or on the behavior of the browser if the merchant does not have an established policy. Both the site and the browser could remove the Referer sent in the incoming request only to the origin or not send the Referer absolutely.
  • If he Referer is absent or is present and your Referer origin verification was successful - you can move on to your other more reliable verification method (see below).

What is a more reliable verification method?

A reliable verification method is to allow the applicant hash the request parameters along with a unique key. As a payment provider, you can calculate the same hash on your side and only accept the request if it matches your calculation.

What's the matter with him Referer When does an HTTP merchant site with no referral policy redirect to an HTTPS payment provider?

No Referer will be visible in the request to the HTTPS payment provider, because most browsers use strict-origin-when-cross-origin or
no-referrer-when-downgrade by default when a website does not have a policy in place. Also note that Change Chrome to a new default policy it will not change this behavior.


A protective referral policy is a great way to give your users more privacy.

For more information on the different techniques to protect your users, check out the safe and secure collection of

Many thanks for contributions and comments to all reviewers, especially Kaustubha Govind, David Van Cleve, Mike West, Sam Dutton, Rowan Merewood, Jxck, and Kayce Basques.
