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The new Windows 10 update has made Paint evolve. Microsoft's classic drawing and painting tool switched to 3D. Something that many are liking but many others like the classic Paint interface, in other words, Classic Paint.

Today we can Go back to Classic Paint and skip the famous Paint 3D. using two methods, but the first of them is provisional, in other words, with future updates of the operating system it will not be feasible, so we are going to clarify how to return to Classic Paint in the safest and easiest way that exists.

Today, both paintings exist in Windows 10. Regardless, the modern interface is the one that is by default in Windows 10. We can fix this by uninstalling Paint 3D, but this option will disappear over time, as it happens with Internet Explorer or other old Windows functions that are still in Windows 10. Thus, it is best to go to the Windows registry and mark the Classic Paint as the default program.

How to return to classical painting

For this we have to use the regedit tool. For this we open the Windows Registry by typing Cortana Redgedit.exe. Now we go to the next key HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAppletsPaintSettings

In it we will create a subkey called DisableModernPaintBootstrap. This will be a 32-bit DWORD value. When it is created, we will give the value 1 for this subkey. Once we have created this, we save it and restart Windows 10. After the restart we can verify that the Classic Paint has returned to our Windows 10.

This method is the most durable and efficient option that exists to return Classic Paint to our Windows 10. In spite of everything, Microsoft bets on Paint 3D and finally not even this method will be valid so that we have the Paint of a lifetime in our Windows. Hopefully, as with Internet Explorer, Microsoft will release a separate Classic Paing application.