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Windows 10 users have a feature available that enables them to control the computer using voice commands. We can do some functions or execute certain commands thanks to time recognition from the PC. Sometimes it can be useful, and there are people for whom it is very comfortable. Even though many users hardly use it, for this reason, it is feasible that they want to deactivate it.

This voice recognition in Windows 10 is what allows us to control Cortana and ask the assistant to perform some functions. But many people do not use these voice commands, which are somewhat limited. So disabling the feature is quite reasonable.

The steps we have to take in this case are very simple. We start by going to the Windows 10 configuration. Once we are inside we must go to the Privacy section. When we are in this section, we have to look at the menu that appears on the left side of the screen, in the column.


Later we click on the section called Voice. Once inside, we went to an area called voice recognition online that appears on the screen. We have a text about this function, and underneath is a switch. Most likely it is disabled by default. Even if it's on, we basically have to flip the switch.

When we do this, Windows 10 speech recognition is disabled. So we cannot use this function on the PC at any time, until we activate it again. Therefore, we will not be able to send voice commands to Cortana, the computer assistant.

As you can see, the steps we have to follow in this case are very simple. If you ever intend to activate this voice recognition in Windows 10 in the future, the steps to follow are the same.

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