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Scroll concept

What is the Scroll?

The Scroll is an English definition that is used to talk about the scrolling of 2D contents that are displayed in a browser window. It is that simple gesture that the user makes when they slide their finger across the screen or use the mouse wheel to go up or down while looking at the contents of a page.

Even though it is a concept that is used in many more sectors, fundamentally that of the video game, it is also something that is increasingly taken into account in the fields of web design and usability. For example, before this movement takes place, what is shown when accessing a website is something known as Above the Fold, the first impression that one has of it due to the contents that appear as soon as they arrive.

Apart from this, thanks to the Scroll some design techniques that are as successful as they are interesting can be carried out. Things like the parallax effect, which simulates depth thanks to the displacement of different layers when the user goes up or down on a website, are only possible due to this movement that we are talking about.

From its conception and, fundamentally, now, the scroll is something that accompanies anyone who enters the internet to consult anything. We have it so internalized that we use it instinctively, almost without realizing what it simply is.

What is the Scroll for?

The Scroll is used to see all the contents of a website, or at least of the page where a user is. For the companies behind the web in question, it is a procedure that they should pay attention to when structuring their content and the design of the page, since we are talking about a movement that, fundamentally, is usually vertical.

If used properly, a designer or team of these can take advantage to apply effects such as the aforementioned parallax. Knowing this, at the same time improving the usability of the page, they can also give it an extra with respect to image, something that the user always appreciates and increases their evaluation a little more.

Scroll examples

To give Scroll Examples, what we are going to do is present a very simple and easy-to-understand case. Imagine that you enter the blog chapter of the NeoAttack website, our digital marketing agency. The first thing you see is exactly the most recent article that has been published.

Do you want to see more? Then you must scroll down the page to see what else there is. In effect, you are scrolling while everything scrolls on your screen as a consequence in addition to this effect.

More information about the Scroll

If you want or are looking for more information about the Scroll, you can take a look at the contents that we leave below. They will be useful to you and will help you expand your knowledge.

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