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Content Republishing

Content Republishing is the republication of content that has been slightly modified or updated. From this dynamic, different types of content already published are recycled in order to increase reach, on the one hand, and, on the other, increase content and domain performance. Content republishing can translate content into other formats and attract new audiences. A prerequisite is that the content be modified in a unique way. The latter expressly includes an SEO-friendly markup. The term "content recycling" is used frequently.

General information

Regular production of editorial content takes a lot of time and effort. Blogs should appear regularly, meet the needs of the target audience, and be marketed across multiple channels. However, the scope of the content is always tied to a channel. Not all potential recipients can be reached. Reissuing content can expand reach through a multi-channel approach with little effort. However, this requires a content marketing strategy. The planning of the content, the available formats and the target group, therefore, must precede the reissue of the content or content republishing.

Outdated blogs, for example, can be updated with little effort. Other alternatives for content can be created from a blog entry, for example, by creating infographics based on the information in the published entry. Efficient content republishing aims to make the most of existing content to add value for readers, but the effort on the part of the provider is much less than creating original content.

How does it work

Reissuing of content is generally done in several steps.[1] Each step can be accompanied by a few key questions.

  • Analysis: What content would be beneficial to republish? Which blogs, whitepapers or infographics generated how much traffic? What are other KPIs like, such as length of stay, displacement or number of inbound links? Y: What content is outdated and out of date? These and other questions are intended to identify the feasible content of the new publication and recommend its modification or update in the context of media planning.
  • Relevance: What content seems fundamentally relevant to the corresponding target group? What channel is suitable for the reissue of content? Which channel is relevant for each target group? These questions are intended to allow strategic alignment of content and, if the app is correct, increase reach.
  • Revision marks: Should a canonical URL be given to certain content? Should the URL be changed? What keywords should be kept or complemented? What keywords have special potential to improve rankings? Should links be added to the content? Content reuse depends on SEO-compliant markup, regardless of whether it consists of your own or third-party content.[2] In any case, duplication of content should be avoided. Metadata like canonical tags and meta descriptions are just as useful as transparent handling of sources and references. Since the outdated content has already been indexed, it is advisable not to change your URL. The gaps in the keyword strategy can be located to cover terms or take full advantage of the ranking of these terms.
  • Reissue: Content reuse, like content marketing, depends on its efficient marketing. Reach can only be optimized if content is advertised in a certain way. For example, updated blogs can be shared again on social networks and microblogs, or integrated into a newsletter campaign. Reaching out to readers alongside influencers is critical to achieving the greatest possible coverage of the target group.


Each type of content is tied to various republishing options when considering a digital asset. For example, other content formats can be produced from a blog post:

  • Blogposts and updates: The information of a blog at any given time will be out of date. In some industries, such as technology or marketing, the half-life of a blog post is specifically short.
  • Infographics and listings: The information in a blog entry can be presented in a different format.
  • Books and ebooks: Longer formats can be created if the blogpost topic has enough depth. Furthermore, case studies and experience reports are possible.
  • Presentations and slides: In general, the information can be displayed very efficiently, so that the recipients can consume the information more easily.
  • Videos and webinars: How-to guides, how-to instructions, or interviews can build on existing content, complement it, and turn it into a dynamic visual format.
  • Newsletters and email campaigns: Blogs or parts of them can be used as part of email marketing and to generate more reach and contacts.
  • Mailings and advertising letters: It is recommended not to communicate digitally with certain target groups. Blogposts can also be modified in printed versions.
  • Audio and podcasts: Blogposts can be recorded as audio where the text is read. Audio formats are highly recommended in the barrier-free web framework.

Depending on the source format and the marketing channel, different reissue formats are indicated. It makes a distinction between content in the short form and content in the long form. The first is suitable for social networks and microblogs, while the second can be distributed, for example, through email marketing. It is also advisable to consider structure and markup (for example, with tags and keywords) when creating content for the first time. This makes republishing easier, as you can choose parts of the content and assign topics more easily. Therefore, content reissue is integrated into the overall content marketing strategy.

Relevance for online marketing

Google and other search engines are sensitive to duplicate content. In this way, the reissue of content must pay attention to certain criteria that are critical for success. If the content is reused, it must be modified in content or format. This means that even if the content is reused, unique content must be created. A data-driven approach is recommended for choosing content that matters, drives traffic, and potentially opens a new perspective on your topic.

In content reissue, the content is not only published multiple times, but is appropriately added or transferred to a different format. This prevents search engines from associating recycled content with spam, duplicate content, or copyright infringement. Factors such as relevance, value, transparency and quality should be a central concern for content republishing, in order to guarantee consumer satisfaction and the correct classification of reused content by search engines. When content republishing is executed accurately, search engines are likely to reward this practice, since that way the content will be updated, will have authority and will have different ways of linking.[3]

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