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The analysis "A / B Testing" offers the opportunity to webmasters to compare two different versions of the same website to make improvements and facilitate its optimization. In this type of test, small changes are normally made and the results obtained in each version are analyzed with the «Google Analytics» tool. [1]


An analysis "A / B Testing" It is used to compare two different versions of the same web portal and has countless apps:

New design

You can find out if a new design improves or worsens the user experience. Two versions are created and their success is analyzed based on the conversion generated by each version.

Feature enhancements

Navigation improvements and new functions such as filters or product comparisons can be made. These improvements are separated into different versions and it is analyzed which ones have the best effect on users. It can also help correct operational errors.

Review landing page conversion

If we are not sure whether a Landing Page, landing page, is generating the best results based on its potential, you can review another landing page at the same time to see which one generates the best conversion. Change items such as images, videos, contact forms, amount of texts, etc. are factors that can be analyzed with the A / B Testing.



Changes made to a web portal can cause traffic changes immediately. Dwell time and bounce rate, for example, can change abruptly very quickly. Since changes may not generate the expected results, performing this type of "A / B Testing" analysis allows you to minimize losses and select the version of the web portal that users liked the most and offers the best results.

Its operation is very simple: in the A / B Testing there are two different versions of the same website. The total traffic of the web portal is divided arbitrarily between the two available versions. The version that generates the best Conversion will be the one selected.

Temporal factors

It is essential that the A / B Testing perform the analysis of the two versions at the same time and that the changes in the variants are made after having analyzed the results of the preceding variants. The results must also be analyzed based on many other factors such as the time of day. They are external factors that interfere with users and these must always be taken into account.


  • The effect of the changes between the two versions can be compared. When a web portal is optimized, it must always be done with the aim of improving the user experience.
  • It is simple to execute, the efforts are minimal and no specific techniques or knowledge is required to carry it out.
  • The analysis is unique and the change of the web portal can be made directly after the analysis A / B Testing.
  • This tool can also be used with low traffic websites.


  • An analysis A / B Testing it is useful only if the changes are easy to handle. If you make too many changes, it can be difficult to determine the actual success of each release.
  • Since there is only one “winner” in this analysis and this version is implemented, all information for the losing version is automatically lost.
  • Changes that are too big can confuse regular customers. Therefore, the A / B Testing It should be done not only with new visits, but also with regular customers.
  • The data must be sufficient to be able to be correctly evaluated. Therefore, small websites usually take a long time until the information collected is sufficient.

Companies that offer A / B Testing

  • Optimizely: for SMEs and large companies. With the WYSIWYG editor the results appear immediately. Free for 30 days and then € 14 for up to 2,000 visits. Prices available for different packages.
  • Google Content Tests: no costs and part of Google Analytics. Less intuitive than other tools and fewer functions.
  • Kameleoon: easy to install, intuitive operations thanks to the WYSIWYG editor and minimal loading time. Free Freemium account up to 2,500 visits / month. Other packages available.
  • Visual Website Optimizer- Easy to use with the WYSIWYG editor and with many different functions available such as heatset and click maps. Easy to install. Free test 1 month up to 1,000 visits. Other packages available.

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