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What is a landing page?

A landing page can increase your number of conversions exponentially. In this post we will see what it is and how to get the most juice out of it.

How can a landing page help us?

A landing page, also called a landing page or sales page, is a page that we create specifically to sell a product or service, or simply to collect the contact information of any user through a form. That is, it is a page that we create for capture leads and generate conversions. Its content must be precise and as synthetic as possible

The usual thing is to promote these landing pages through different advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads, Google AdWords and even through email marketing campaigns. In this way, when a person sees our ad and clicks on it, they will go directly to our landing page. Through this website we will obtain relevant data from our prospect

However, landing page is also considered any page that has been created to attract subscribers or sell some type of product or service without necessarily having a paid promotion. For example, users can also arrive by SEO.

How does a landing page work?

Landing pages work as follows:

  1. The user reaches the landing page through an ad, a campaign of email marketing or thanks to a good SEO positioning of the page.
  2. On the landing page we offer all the information in a clear and simple way to try to convince the user and in this way we advance the purchase / conversion process.
  3. We get the user to perform the conversion that we want:
    • Buy our product directly.
    • Fill in a contact form to request more information.
    • You sign up for our newsletter with which we will then send you new content or offers.

In any case, the goal is for visitors who arrive do the conversion. An optimized landing page is key to this. Now we will see some key points to achieve this.

1 · Create a simple and clear landing page

Don't bombard the user with info - a landing page has to be simple and unpretentious. If we put a lot of elements, animations and colors, it will be more difficult for the user to focus on what you really want.

2. Make your message clear and impact users

The important thing is to generate a good first and only impression. The user who arrives at our landing page spends between 4 and 5 seconds on average to see if he finds what he is looking for. Therefore, it is very important that when creating a landing page, you place yourself in the top your main message and the characteristics and advantages of what you offer.

As an example, if we want the user to subscribe to our Newsletter, we must make it clear what they will receive in return.

3. Highlight the purchase button or the form

If we are looking for conversions, we will have to locate and expose a buy button or call to action. Therefore, it is best that we make it as easy as possible, highlighting our purchase button or form with striking colors, increasing its size and putting it in the most visible place on the landing page, which is above all.

4. Include images and / or videos on your landing page

Another one of the most determining factors when creating a perfect landing page is the visual appearance and the confidence that your landing page generates.

It is not the same to enter a sales page with images that have nothing to do with the product (confuses the user), than to enter a landing page in which real images are shown from various angles. You have nothing to hide, so it is best to show your product as much as possible.

In addition, if you dare to explain your product or service in video format and highlight the benefits that those who buy it will give you, it will give you a plus compared to your competitors and, in addition, you will contribute closeness and trust.

5. Make a simple and usable contact or subscription form.

In case you want users to fill out a form, we advise you to ask for the minimum possible data. The more fields your contact or subscription form has, the less chances that users will end up completing it.

Don't worry if you need more information, you will have time to ask them when you have their first contact information. Keep in mind that if users start filling in the form, it means that they have an interest in what you offer and therefore we should not limit the possibilities of this happening.

6. Optimize the title to improve CTR and SEO

The title is first bridge that users must cross before seeing what you want to offer them. If the title doesn't sell, don't expect conversions. Therefore, if you are going to create a landing page that you later want to position on Google or any social network, I recommend that you think of a title that has a hook and make you want to click on it.

A good way to create a catchy and engaging title is to attack the weak point of your target audience.

Let's go with an example.

Imagine that you offer services SEO positioning Like R Digital Marketing and your target audience are people with a website that has no visits. A good title to attract that audience could be something like “Don't your friends visit you when you're sick? Improve your SEO and increase the traffic of your website x10 "

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