De la profunda oscuridad a la máxima visibilidad en Google. How We Made Hoogstra Medical Centers Dominate Search Results
The problem
Antes del diagnóstico inicial, la Web solo se posicionaba en primera página para 11 términos clave dentro de la rama de la medicina estética.
Durante el proceso de diagnóstico nos dimos cuenta que el problema principal era una bounce rate elevada. Como pudimos corroborar luego esto se debía a:
The results
We can summarize the results so far in:
- 73% increase in organic clicks in 5 months
- 112% de incremento en las impressions en el mismo periodo
- 61% increase in conversions (queries made through the web)
- More than 50 keywords on the first page
- The rebound rate went from 78% to less than 10%
- The average session on the web went from 1 minute 10 seconds to 3 minutes
The strategy
A full technical SEO analysis of the Hoogstra Medical Centers website was performed and major changes were implemented to fix obvious SEO issues. This included an update on how pages were interleaved internally, fixes to title tags, image file names, header tags, keyword density indexing control and much more.
The essential changes in the landings of each treatment responded directly to improving the user experience. Here the writing of the texts was restructured. Keywords were incorporated into titles and subtitles. The corresponding HTML tags were applied to them. Playlists with videos of the treatments were added within the landing.
A partir de aquí, era esencial mejorar la «Autoridad de dominio», una métrica que ayuda a predecir la capacidad de un sitio web para clasificar en las páginas de resultados del motor de búsbúsqueda de Google. Dicho en términos simples, la Autoridad de domain de un sitio web se basa en el número y la calidad de los vínculos de retroceso que apuntan a ella. En resumen, cuantos más backlinks de calidad tenga un sitio web, mayor será su clasificación en Google.
By building relationships with webmasters and business owners in the medical and cosmetic surgery industry, we were able to create content to promote Hoogstra Medical Centers, through guest blog posts, infographics, videos, and other content, including an inbound link to the website of the Medical Center.
It is possible to follow the performance of the web through SEM Rush report
”In just a few short months, we were able to position Hoogstra Medical Centers on the front page for over 50 top keywords, including extremely competitive cosmetic surgery phrases.
Organic clicks achieved per month
The sweet wait for results
All the aforementioned strategy was carried out for 5 months, establishing priorities and evaluating at each moment what would be the next step to follow.
Los primeros resultados empezaron a aparecer a los 2 meses con un importante salto en las impresiones. Esto nos estaba diciendo que ibamos por buen camino y que si lograbamos posicionarnos bien, llegaría el deseado traffic
Here we leave the comparison between the month of March and the month of August
The comparison between these two months shows us the increase of 73% in organic clicks and 112% in impressions in Google results.
Incorporar nuevas keywords y, a su vez mejorar el positioning de aquellas palabras para las que ya nos estabamos posicionando, nos permitió alcanzar estos números.