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Taxonomies concept

What are Taxonomies?

Taxonomies, within the web scope, is another way of naming the classifications. It consists of all those structures with which the information published on a web page is organized, distributing and branching through different categories and subcategories for determine a hierarchy that facilitates navigation and improve the user experience.

Any website that is currently visited and that is properly ordered has behind it its own taxonomy system with which everything that parades through it is cataloged and placed. Thanks to this system, at the same time, concepts or entities can be connected and encompassed under the same subset so that users can find them nearby and always based on appropriate criteria.

Actually, one of the most important points of taxonomies is that all and each of the terms that are part of its structure keep some type of link among them. From this dynamic, a hierarchy is defined that goes from more to less or from more general to more specific, allowing a perfect breakdown of the different categories in which the different types of content of any web page can be gathered.

It is something elaborated with the purpose of shedding clarity and developing simple and easy-to-navigate structures on the Internet. It was exactly the boom of the digital age and the networks that caused the term of taxonomies to become generalized due to its continuous presence in everything digital.

What are Taxonomies for?

Taxonomies are used to make browsing a website much easier. They allow the information to be ordered according to themes or criteria that those responsible for the page consider appropriate, but always offering a hierarchical system that allows going from less to a higher level of accuracy.

Thanks to this, a general pattern is defined that facilitates interaction with any website. This system allows the user experience to always be the best possible and that there is no frustration when searching for certain content, which is why it also improves the fame of any website as long as it establishes the correct taxonomy.

Examples of Taxonomies

To give examples of taxonomies we can think of the structure of the website of our digital marketing agency, NeoAttack. Part of a main cover or Home from which several branches open to services, portfolio and blog. Each of these, in turn, is subdivided into several smaller sections based on themes and other points of interest.

The hierarchy that establishes the taxonomy system is thus defined, while maintaining those links between different materials due to the common background they possess.

More information about Taxonomies

To learn more about taxonomies, we suggest you take a look at the following links. You will find more information about it here.

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