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Manual Actions Report

The manual actions report They have been a feature of the Google Search Console since August 2008. It is used to inform web operators about manual actions that have been taken due to violations of the Google Webmaster Guidelines committed against their website.

Manual actions in the GWT

With this service, you can check if your website is subject to "manual actions". To do this, go to Google Webmaster Tools and switch to the "Searches" menu option and, below, to "manual actions". If a manual action is present, it will appear in this area.

This is a fundamentally important part of Google's Webmaster Tools, as Google has been taking manual steps to remove web spam from SERPs for some time now. Matt Cutts explains more about that in this video from YouTube video YouTube. If a website is subject to a penalty, you can find out precisely what the problem is. Once the error has been resolved, you can report it to Google with the "Request a review" button. If Google later discovers from the review that the policy violations have been removed, and depending on the severity of the penalty, the previous ranking in the SERPs or at least an improved position may be achieved.

Types of manual actions

Google describes[1] Here are nine examples of different types of manual actions:

  • Unnatural links to the site.
  • Unnatural links from your own website.
  • Hacked site.
  • Low quality content with little or no added value.
  • Pure spam.
  • User-caused spam
  • Cloaking or diverting redirects.
  • Hidden text and keyword stuffing.
  • Free spam hosts.

What to do if manual actions have been taken

If a manual action was imposed on a web, the web operator must spend the necessary time and clear the bugs in question. Penalties are usually imposed for unnatural link building, such as keyword over-linking, link chaos, use of post directories, and decidedly buying or renting links. First, there are possible causes to be identified.

Unfortunately, Google does not specify the exact links in question. Therefore, all links must be thoroughly verified for regulatory compliance and removed when necessary. Some links that weren't simply targeted for action are likely to be downgraded. This degradation of the link must be documented in writing to be able to demonstrate to Google workers what measures have been taken.

Afterwards, a new exam may be requested. In this context, it should be explained what measures have been taken to comply with the regulations. You can request the cancellation of the manual spam action.

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