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Marketing 2.0

Marketing 2.0

What is Marketing 2.0?

Marketing 2.0 (prior to current marketing 3.0) is a type of marketing and commercial promotion strategies that draw on the concept of Internet 2.0; In other words, they take advantage of the potential and presence of social networks to make them one of their main vehicles when acting. It is something that is born from the evolution of the consumer, who ceases to be a passive agent to an active one. In this way, interaction with it is pursued, at the same time as communication.

Hence, social media is such an important concept for this type of marketing. They are the perfect channel for a brand to spread a message, promote a product or service; as well as for users, once interested, to interact with it based on an opinion or even to make inquiries. That communicative flow is essential for this new marketing trend; actually, it is its main component.

A strategy, or set of these, aimed at capturing the modern consumer, the one who is not satisfied with receiving offers, but analyzes the market and the competition to compare and find out, which is exhaustive when establishing the cost-benefit link of each product whose purchase is raised. In short, a type of marketing that has evolved in the same way as the network and users to continue looking for a way to arouse interest among the public.

What is Marketing 2.0 for?

Marketing 2.0 serves to understand how to approach the 21st century buyer. It reinforces the values of the company, encourages interaction and fundamentally pursues the good treatment of customers to obtain their future loyalty. This compendium of strategies aims to reinforce the study and use of new trends, of new platforms, to take advantage of them.

At the same time, it raises a change in philosophy that invites us to take a more active part in communicating with the user, while allowing the user to understand even better the message and the benefits of the business or brand that is always behind everything.

Examples of Marketing 2.0

An example of marketing 2.0 is the Twitter account of our agency, NeoAttack. Through it we launch content, mobilize services and products; but we also connect with users to transmit our messages, our values and facilitate communication between both parties to boost the image of the brand.

Any current business, which has known how to adapt, exemplifies what this type of marketing entails. Today, it is rare to find a brand that does not take advantage of it to obtain the profitability that it wants.

More information about Marketing 2.0

Eager to learn more about Marketing 2.0? In that case, you can expand your knowledge with the information contained in the following articles. The links we provide provide more details that can be very interesting.

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