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Direct Traffic

Direct Traffic Concept

What is Direct Traffic?

Direct traffic is all that volume of users who enter a web page by typing their Url in the address bar of your browser or that, in another way, they do it through a list of favorites or bookmarks. With no intermediate steps beyond using a browser, it is a definition that can be misleading due to different interpretations.

Without going any further, Google also includes within this concept all those visits whose source is not able to establish because it is not able to obtain the information necessary to find out its origin.

This difference is something that has led to a multitude of different interpretations for a concept that simply follows the definition that we have given in the first instance. Unfortunately, this small degree of confusion is something that also affects web analytics tools, see Google analytics, which in turn implies a greater degree of difficulty when performing analysis and SEO strategies.

It is one of the main agents that cause problems for SEO Agencies in the field of positioning due to its ability to cloud the statistics of a website. However, the search for organic traffic can still be carried out wisely despite this inconvenience, since it also depends on many more factors that have a more than considerable weight in this field.

What is Direct Traffic for

Direct traffic is used to find out how many people enter a web page without intermediate links, directly through their browser, their favorite bars or even taking advantage of the autocompletion in the URLs. It is a way of establishing to what extent there is knowledge of the portal and if the name of the domain it is simply easy to remember and enter.

It makes special sense to know the degree of consumer loyalty with the brand, or at least with your website. The frequency of entries is something that helps the memorization of the web, and what it implies to its direct introduction.

Examples of Direct Traffic

We can find countless examples of direct traffic; but we are going to put a practical case to make it clearer. To access our home page,, it is possible to do it through the link that we have just provided. However, this would not be direct traffic.

To obtain this type of traffic, it would be necessary for a user to take said URL and write it in the address bar of their browser to automatically enter through it. Thus, a direct visit would be achieved and one more unit to add to the value of this metric.

More information about Direct Traffic

In case you want to get more information on direct traffic, we can provide you with several links with more details and even tips related to this concept. Check out.

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