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How to report a stolen account on Instagram

The followers of the blog many times come to us to ask us how to report a stolen account on instagram And contrary to what you might think, account theft happens more often than you think.

Either through the third-party app authentication procedure (ALWAYS make sure you access your credentials through Instagram's authentication system) or basically through a distraction of the account holder (most of the cases that come to us are due to theft of the phone), in 99% of the cases that person ends up creating a new account, without even trying to recover his stolen account and losing all his photos anyway and those followers that have been so hard to get.

What to do when your Instagram account has been stolen?

First of all, DO NOT give up your account out of the blue and create a new account as if that will fix it. Come now! Creating a new account is not a solution, it is the last resort. Remember that you have lost everything, do you really think you are going to recover all your followers? Pleasures, comments and mentions just for having a new account? There are a couple of real alternatives to recover your stolen account and we will show you how to use them.

In case you don't know Instagram has a specific page for cases of stolen accounts in which they put at your disposal a very detailed form with the steps you must follow so that you can regain access to your profile. In the following link you will find the page we are talking about:


NOTE: It seems that they have removed the page we are talking about. Instead, you can visit the following link and choose the type of complaint according to your case.

At this point and before reporting the theft of your Instagram account as desperate, what you should do is identify in the form which of the 2 possible cases is yours:

  • If you have access to the email account that appears on your Instagram profile. This would be the best scenario, since it would be enough to reset the password of your account to be able to access it again. In this post we already explained how to reset the password using your email address.
  • You do not have access to the email account.. Here things get a bit more complicated and the procedure to recover your account is no longer instant. Instagram has to study your case before giving you access to your profile again, so you should get used to the idea that the procedure could take days or even a few weeks. But being the only option to recover your stolen account, it is better to wait than to lose your account permanently, don't you think?
    When selecting this option you will see that Instagram asks you for a series of data to make sure that you are the owner of the account, therefore make sure you access all the data correctly, fundamentally the field that says «Email address where we can contact you«. It is in that email address that they will send you the new access data to your

Finally, if you ever find yourself in this situation, remember that there is a Official way to report the theft of an Instagram account and that you will still have a chance to regain control of your account. Of course, do not forget to enter the data correctly in the claim form, because if you make a mistake in any of them, it is feasible that there will be no going back and you will have no choice but to create a new account.

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