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When designing with Elementor, you may notice that some elements have size options, allowing you to choose PX, EM, REM, %, VW, or VH. But what do those options really mean, and when should you use one over another?

Let's start with the basics.

In CSS, you can specify element sizes or lengths using various units of measure. The units of measure you'll find in some Elementor options include PX, EM, REM, %, VW and VH, although there are several more available in CSS. Not all Elementor items will offer all of these units. Elementor only presents the options that make the most sense for the given element.

The most important thing to learn about the different units is that some units, such as PX, are absolute units and others are relative units.

Absolute units

PX: Pixels (px) are considered absolute units, although they are relative to the DPI and resolution of the display device. But on the device itself, the PX drive is fixed and doesn't change based on anything else. Using PX can be problematic for responsive sites, but it's useful for keeping the size consistent for some elements. If you have elements that shouldn't be resized, then using PX is a good option.

Relative units

EM: Relative to the parent element

rapid eye movement: Relative to the root element (HTML tag)

%: Relative to the parent element

Vw: Relative to the width of the viewport

VH: Relative to the height of the viewport

Unlike PX, relative drives like %, EM, and REM are better suited to responsive design and also help comply with accessibility standards. Relative units scale better on different devices because they can scale up and down according to the size of another element.

Let's look at a simple example.

In most browsers, the default font size is 16px. Relative units calculate size from this base. If you change that base by setting a base size for the HTML tag via CSS, that becomes the basis for calculating relative units on the rest of the page. Similarly, if a user adjusts their font size, that becomes the basis for calculating relative units.

So what do these units mean when it comes to the default of 16px?

The number you specify will multiply that number by the default size.

1em = 16px (1 * 16)

2em = 32px (2 * 16)

.5em = 8px (.5 * 16)

1rem = 16 px

2rem = 32px

.5rem = 8px

100% = 16 px

200% = 32 px

50% = 8 px

Great, but what if you or the user changes the default size? Since these are relative units, the final size values will be based on the new base size. Although the default value is 16px, if you or the user were to change it to 14px, the calculated sizes would end up being:

1em = 14px (1 * 14)

2em = 28px (2 * 14)

.5em = 7px (.5 * 14)

1rem = 14px

2rem = 28px

.5rem = 7px

100% = 14 px

200% = 28 px

50% = 7px

This gives the user the freedom to adjust their browser's default font size, while maintaining the relative scale of each item they have specified.

What is the difference between EM and REM?

Looking at the graph above, it shows EM and REM looking exactly the same. So how are they different?

Simply put, they differ based on heredity. As mentioned, REM is based on the root element (HTML). Each child element using REM will use the size of the HTML root as the calculation point, regardless of whether or not a parent element has different sizes specified.

EM, on the other hand, is based on the font size of the parent element. If a parent element has a different size than the root element, the EM calculation will be based on the parent element and not the root element. This means that nested elements that use EM for sizing can sometimes end up having a size that you didn't anticipate. On the other hand, it gives you more granular control if you need to specify the size of a particular area of a page.

So what about %, VW and VH? What are they about?

While PX, EM, and REM are primarily used for font size, %, VW, and VH are primarily used for margins, padding, spacing, and widths / heights.

To reiterate, VH stands for "viewport height", which is the height of the visible screen. 100VH would represent the 100% of the viewport height or the total height of the screen. And of course VW stands for "viewport width", which is the width of the visible screen. 100VW would represent the 100% of the viewport width, or full width from the screen. % reflects a percentage of the parent element's size, regardless of viewport size.

Let's look at some examples of where Elementor offers %, VW and VH options.

Column widthsNote: If you edit the layout of an Elementor column, you will notice that there is only one width size unit available: %. Column widths only work well and responsively when using percentages, so no other options are offered.

Margins: The margins of a section can be specified in PX or %. It is generally preferable to use % to ensure that the margins are not larger than the content when scaling down for a mobile device, for example. By using a percentage of the device width, your margins will remain relative to the content size, which is almost always preferable.

Filling: The padding of a section can be specified in PX, EM, or %. As with margins, it is often preferable to use EM o% so that the padding remains relative as the page size increases.

Font size: If you edit the font of an element, such as a heading, you will see four options: PX, EM, REM and VH

have you ever created a header big and admired how great it looked on desktop, only to realize it was too big on mobile? (Admission of guilt: I have, more than once).

The key to solving this elegantly is to use EM, REM, or VW instead of PX. What you choose depends on your particular situation. I usually choose EM because I want the size to be relative to the parent of the header. But if you prefer the size to be relative to the root size (HTML), choose REM instead. Or, you can set it to be relative to the viewport width (VW) if that works better for your case.

Note that you can also set device-specific font size PX values by using the device icons to specify a size for desktop, tablet, and mobile. But that still places limits on responsiveness and accessibility, so keep that in mind if you choose PX.

More about VW and VH

Viewport units represent a percentage of the current browser window (current browser size). While similar to percentage units, there is a difference. Viewport units are calculated as a percentage of the current size of the browser viewport. On the other hand, percentage units are calculated as a percentage of the parent element, which can be different from the size of the viewport.

Let's consider an example of a 480 px x 800 px moving screen viewport.

1 VW = 1% of the viewport width (or 4.8 px)

50 VW = 50% of the viewport width (or 240 px)

1 VH = 1% of the viewport height (or 8px)

50 VH = 50% of the viewport height (or 400 px)

If the size of the viewport changes, the size of the element changes respectively.

When should you use one unit over another?

Ultimately, there is no perfect answer to this question. In general, it is often better to choose one of the relative units instead of PX so that your page website has the best opportunity to represent a design beautifully responsive. Choose PX however, if you need to ensure that an element never changes size at any breakpoint and stays the same regardless of whether a user has chosen a different default size. PX units guarantee consistent results even if that's not ideal.

EM it is relative to the font size of the parent element, so if you want to scale the size of the element based on the size of its parent, use EM.

rapid eye movement it is relative to the font size of the root (HTML), so if you want to scale the element size based on the size of the root, no matter what the parent size is, use REM. If you have used EM and are running into size issues due to many nested elements, REM is probably the best choice.

Vw It is useful to create elements of full width (100%) that fill the entire width of the viewport. You can of course use any percentage of the viewport width to achieve other goals, like 50% for half the width, etc.

VH is useful for creating full-height elements (100%) that fill the entire height of the viewport. You can of course use any percentage of the viewport height to achieve other goals, like the 50% for half the height, etc.

% it is similar to VW and VH, but it is not a length relative to the width or height of the viewport. Instead, it is a percentage of the width or height of the parent element. Percentage units are often useful for setting the width of margins, for example.

Elementor makes it easy to choose the option that best suits your design. Ultimately, it is your choice.

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