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How to create a Hello Bar countdown popup

Create a popup window showing a 24 hour sale countdown timer

You will learn how to create a pop-up window that:

  1. Add urgency
  2. Increase sales

Design the pop-up window and its content

  1. Go Templates> Popups> Add new and give your new popup window a name
  2. Choose a predesigned popup template or close the library overlay and design your popup from scratch. For this example, we will design our own.

Popup Window> Design Tab

  1. Width: 100vw, so it will show in the viewport width 100%
  2. Height: Personalized
  3. Custom height: 300 px
  4. Position> Vertical: Upper part
  5. Cover: Slide to Off
  6. Entrance animation: Merge
  7. Animation duration: 2.2 seconds

Pop-up window> Style tab

  1. Popup> Color: Slide to transparent
  2. Popup> Box Shadow: Click the reset arrow to turn off the box shadow.
  3. Close button> Vertical position: 20
  4. Close button> Horizontal position: 4
  5. Size: 30

Popup> Advanced tab

Filling: 30px for everyone.


  1. Click + to add a new section with 4 columns.
  2. Section> Design> Content position: Means, medium
  3. Section> Style> Colour: # e8e8e8
  4. Add a Vault widget, write your title and adjust font size and weight as you like
  5. Add a Button widget and adjust text, color and design elements as you like
  6. Add a Countdown widget and stretch it by dragging the column
  7. Countdown> Content> Type: Evergreen timer
  8. Countdown> Content> Hours: 23
  9. Countdown> Content> Minutes: 59
  10. Countdown> Content> Actions after expiration: Choose Hide and New message
  11. Countdown> Content> Message: The message you want to display with the timer expires
  12. Countdown> Style> Boxes> Background color: Select a color
  13. Countdown> Style> Content> Digits: Change the color and font as you wish
  14. Countdown> Style> Content> Label: Change the color and font as you wish
  15. Add a Image widget and choose a photo from your library.
  16. Image> Advanced> Margin: Set a negative margin at the bottom so that the image floats slightly below the pop-up window.
  17. Image> Advanced> Entrance animation: Rotate down left
  18. Image> Advanced> Animation duration: Slow
  19. Image> Advanced> Animation delay (ms): 500

Set publishing options

  1. Condition: Include> Entire Site
  2. Triggers> Load on Page: Yes, in 3 seconds
  3. Advanced rules> Hide from logged in users: Yes, all users
  4. Advanced rules> Show up to X times: Yes, 1 time

All ready. Visit your page and after 3 seconds the Countdown popup will appear, creating a sense of urgency and an incentive to purchase a product.

R Marketing Digital