Why is it so important to have servicios gratuitos para monitorizar una Web?
Con frecuencia, los servidores de algunas web dejan de funcionar correctamente. Cuando los usuarios se conectan a una web que no funciona correctamente el browser le muestra un mensaje de error, por lo tanto, es importante que monitoricemos nuestras webs para así podamos detectar y corregir este problema de estabilidad.
Es muy importante conocer cuánto tiempo esta operativa nuestra web. Para ello me puesto a investigar en los mejores servicios gratuitos para monitorizar una web y que nos informe vía email o SMS en caso cuando la web deja de estar operativa.
Best free services to monitor a website
Pingdom te ofrece un servicio gratuito para monitorizar una web os server, además incluye 20 alertas al móvil y alertas al correo electrónico.
Pingdom. Free services to monitor a website
Uptime Robot
Uptime Robot te permite monitorizar hasta 50 webs de forma gratuita. Te envía las alertas por email, sms, twitter, rss o iphone/ipad.
Uptime Robot. Free services to monitor a website
Tag Beep
Tag Beep te monitorizar hasta 50 webs en su registro gratuito. El servicio te enviará por email y sms las alertas de servicio, el minuto y segundo que la web dejo de estar operativa, así como información sobre los errores. Cuando se detecta un error Tag Beep crea un snapshot de la página y lo guarda en HTML
Service Uptime
Service Uptime allows you to monitor a website for free. It will check the status of the web every half hour and will notify us by email or sms in case of error.
Site Uptime
The free Site Uptime plan will allow you to monitor a website. The program will review all the errors in the server log and will inform us when the website is not operational and when it is again.
Site Uptime. Free services to monitor a website
Site 24 × 7
The free option allows us to monitor two websites in a 60 minute time interval.
Site 24 × 7. Monitor a website for free
Monitor.us offers you unlimited monitors in its free option, as well as notifications via email.
Monitor.us. Free services to monitor a website
Uptime Dog
Uptime Dog checks the availability of your website every 2 minutes and notifies you via email if it is not operational. The free option requires us to insert a button on our website on our website.
Uptime Dog. Monitor a website for free
100 Press
100 Pulse will not allow you to monitor 2 websites for free and at 15 minute intervals.
100press. Free services to monitor a website
Internet Seer
The free Seer internet account will allow you to monitor a website and notify you by email in the event of a crash or not being operational.
Internet Seer. Monitor a website for free
Binary Canary
A free Binay Canary account allows you to monitor 5 websites and check them every 15 minutes.
Binary Canary. Free Services to monitor a website
Uptime Spy
Uptime Spy offers you a set of monitoring features for a very interesting website for free. The service monitors your website at 1/5/15/30/60 minute time intervals and informs you of the service alerts.
Uptime Spy. Monitor a website for free
Article Source: 12 Free Services to monitor a Web
Translation: Marketing and Web