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QuicTransport is a new API that offers low latency bidirectional client-server messaging. Learn more about their use cases and how to comment on the future of your deployment.



What is QuicTransport?

QuicTransport is a web API that uses QUIC protocol in a bidirectional transport, not HTTP. It is designed for two-way communications between a web client and a QUIC server. It supports sending data unreliably through its datagram APIs and reliably through its streaming APIs.

Datagrams they are ideal for sending and receiving data that does not need strong delivery guarantees. Individual data packets are limited in size by the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of the underlying connection, and may or may not be transmitted successfully, and if transferred, they may arrive in an arbitrary order. These features make Datagram APIs ideal for low-latency, best-effort data transmission. You can think of datagrams as user datagram protocol (UDP) messages, but encrypted and controlled by congestion.

Streams APIs, by contrast, provide trustworthy, transferencia de datos ordenada. Ellos son muy adecuado a escenarios en los que requiere enviar o recibir uno o más flujos de datos ordenados. El uso de diversos flujos QUIC es análogo a determinar diversos TCP connections, but QUIC flows are lightweight and can be opened and closed without much overhead.

What is WebTransport?

QuicTransport is a part of the greater WebTransport Initiative. WebTransport is a collection of APIs for sending and receiving data between a web client and a server. QuicTransport is the interface for using the QUIC protocol in the context of bidirectional WebTransport communications.

Chrome is implementing the QuicTransport part of WebTransport first, before any of the other proposed interfaces. The Chrome team has made the decision to start with QuicTransport after talking to web developers about their use cases. We hope to solicit early feedback on the overall WebTransport effort based on developers' experiences with QuicTransport.

Use cases

This is a short list of possible ways developers can use QuicTransport.

  • Enviar el estado del juego a intervalos regulares con una latencia mínima a un servidor mediante mensajes pequeños, poco fiables y fuera de orden.
  • Recibir flujos de medios enviados desde un servidor con una latencia mínima, sin tener en cuenta otros flujos de datos.
  • Receive notifications sent from a server while a web page is open.

Como parte del procedimiento de prueba de origen, nos interesa saber más acerca de cómo planea utilizar QuicTransport.

Actual state

He passed Condition
1. Create an explainer To complete
2. Create initial draft specification To complete
3. Collect feedback and repeat the design In progress
4. Proof of origin In progress
5. Launch Not started

Linking QuicTransport with other technologies

Is QuicTransport a replacement for WebSockets?

Maybe. There are use cases where WebSockets or QuicTransport may be valid communication protocols to use.

WebSockets communications are modeled around a single, reliable, and ordered message stream, which is fine for some types of communication needs. If you require those features, the QuicTransport Streaming APIs can also provide them. By comparison, QuicTransport's Datagram APIs provide low-latency delivery, with no reliability or ordering guarantees, so they are not a direct replacement for WebSockets.

El uso de QuicTransport, mediante las API de datagramas o a través de diversos instancias de API Streams concurrentes, significa que no tiene que preocuparse por head-of-line blocking, which can be a hindrance with WebSockets. At the same time, there are performance benefits in determining new connections, since Quick handshake it is faster than starting TCP over TLS.

QuicTransport es parte de un nuevo borrador de especificación y, como tal, el ecosistema WebSocket en torno a las bibliotecas de cliente y servidor es hoy en día mucho más sólido. Si requiere algo que funcione «fuera de la caja» con configuraciones de servidor comunes y con un amplio soporte de cliente web, WebSockets es una mejor opción hoy.

Is QuicTransport the same as a UDP socket API?

No. QuicTransport is not a UDP socket API. Aunque QUIC utiliza UDP «bajo el capó», QuicTransport tiene requerimientos en torno al cifrado y el control de la congestión que lo hacen más que una API básica de UDP Socket.

Is QuicTransport an alternative to WebRTC data channels?

Yes, for client-server connections. QuicTransport shares many of the same properties as WebRTC data channels, even when the underlying protocols are different.

Los canales de datos WebRTC admiten comunicaciones de igual a igual, pero QuicTransport solo admite la conexión cliente-servidor. Si cuenta con varios clientes que necesitan hablar de forma directa entre sí, QuicTransport no es una opción factible.

In general, running a QUIC-compliant server requires less installation and configuration than maintaining a WebRTC server, which means understanding various protocols (ICE, DTLSand SCTP) to get a working transport. WebRTC comes with many more moving parts that could lead to failed negotiations between client and server.

La API de QuicTransport se diseñó teniendo en cuenta los casos de uso de los desarrolladores web, y debería sentirse más como escribir código de plataforma web moderna que utilizar las interfaces de canal de datos de WebRTC. Unlike WebRTC, QuicTransport is supported within web employees, which enables you to perform client-server communications regardless of a particular HTML page. Because QuicTransport exposes a Currents-compatible interface, supports optimizations around back pressure.

A pesar de todo, si ya dispone de una configuración de cliente / servidor WebRTC en funcionamiento con la que está satisfecho, es factible que cambiar a QuicTransport no ofrezca muchas ventajas.

test it

The best way to experiment with QuicTransport is to use this python code to start a supported QUIC server locally. You can then use this page with a basic JavaScript client to test client / server communications.

Using the API

QuicTransport was designed on the primitives of the modern web platform, such as Streams API. It relies heavily on promisesand it goes pretty well with async and await.

QuicTransport's proof of origin supports three different types of traffic: datagrams, as well as one-way and two-way flows.

Connect to a server

You can connect to a QUIC server by creating a QuicTransport example. The URL scheme must be quic-transport. You must explicitly specify the port number.

you should use the ready promises to wait for the connection to be established. This promise will not be fulfilled until the configuration is complete and will be rejected if the connection fails at the QUIC/TLS phase.

the closed The promise is reached when the connection is closed regularly and is rejected if the closure was unexpected.

If the server rejects the connection due to a customer indication error (for example, the url path is invalid), then that causes closed reject, while ready remains unsolved.

const url = 'quic-transport://' ;
const transport = new QuicTransport ( url address ) ;

transport . closed . then ( ( ) => {
console . log ( ` The QUIC connection to ${ url address } closed gracefully. ` ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( error ) => {
console . error ( 'The QUIC connection to ${url address} closed due to ${error}.' ) ;
} ) ;

await transport . ready ;

Datagram API

Once you have an instance of QuicTransport that is connected to a server, you can use it to send and receive bits of discrete data, known as datagrams.

the sendDatagrams () the method returns a WritableStream, which a web client can use to send data to the server. the receiveDatagrams () the method returns a ReadableStream, lo que le posibilita escuchar datos del servidor. Ambas transmisiones son inherentemente poco confiables, por lo que es factible que el servidor no reciba los datos que escriba y viceversa.

Both types of currents use Uint8Array instances for data transfer.

const ws = transport . sendDatagrams ( ) ;
const writer = ws . getWriter ( ) ;
const data1 = new Uint8Array ( [ 65 , 66 , 67 ] ) ;
const data2 = new Uint8Array ( [ 68 , 69 , 70 ] ) ;
writer . write ( data1 ) ;
writer . write ( data2 ) ;

const rs = transport . receiveDatagrams ( ) ;
const reader = rs . getReader ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
const { value , done } = await reader . read ( ) ;
if ( done ) {
break ;
console . log ( value ) ;

Chrome no hoy en día expose a asynchronous iterator for ReadableStream. At the moment, using the getReader () method combined with a while () loop is the best way to read from the sequence.

Streams API

Once you've connected to the server, you can also use QuicTransport to send and receive data using its Streams APIs.

Each part of all transmissions is a Uint8Array. Unlike the datagram APIs, these streams are reliable. But each stream is independent, so the order of the data between the streams is not guaranteed.


A SendStream is created by the web client using the createSendStream () method of a QuicTransport instance, which returns a promise for the SendStream.

Use the close () method of WritableStreamDefaultWriter associated with the sequence to send a QUIC Stream FIN bit to the server. The browser tries to send all pending data before closing the associated QUIC flow.

const stream = await transport . createSendStream ( ) ;
const writer = stream . writable . getWriter ( ) ;
const data1 = new Uint8Array ( [ 65 , 66 , 67 ] ) ;
const data2 = new Uint8Array ( [ 68 , 69 , 70 ] ) ;
writer . write ( data1 ) ;
writer . write ( data2 ) ;
try {
await writer . close ( ) ;
console . log ( 'All data has been sent.' ) ;
} catch ( error ) {
console . error ( ` An error occurred: $ { error } ` ) ;

In the same way, use the abort () method of WritableStreamDefaultWriter to send a QUIC RESET_STREAM to the server. When you use abort (), the browser can discard any pending data that has not yet been sent.

const ws = await transport . createSendStream ( ) ;
const writer = ws . getWriter ( ) ;
writer . write ( ... ) ;
writer . write ( ... ) ;
await writer . abort ( ) ;


A ReceiveStream it is started by the server. get a ReceiveStream it is a two-step procedure for a web client. First, call the receiveStreams () method of a QuicTransport instance, which returns a ReadableStream. Every piece of it ReadableStream, is, in turn, a ReceiveStream which can be used to read Uint8Array instances submitted by the server.

async function readFrom ( receiveStream ) {
const reader = receiveStream . readable . getReader ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
const { done , value } = await reader . read ( ) ;
if ( done ) {
break ;
console . log ( value ) ;

const rs = transport . receiveStreams ( ) ;
const reader = rs . getReader ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
const { done , value } = await reader . read ( ) ;
if ( done ) {
break ;
await readFrom ( value ) ;

You can detect the closure of a stream using the closed promise of ReadableStreamDefaultReader. When the QUIC sequence is closed with the FIN bit, the closed The promise is reached after reading all the data. When the QUIC flow is closed abruptly (by way of example, for STREAM_RESET), so he closed promise rejected.

const reader = receiveStream . readable . getReader ( ) ;
reader . closed . then ( ( ) => {
console . log ( 'The receiveStream closed gracefully.' ) ;
} ) . catch ( ( ) => {
console . error ( 'The receiveStream closed abruptly.' ) ;
} ) ;


A BidirectionalStream it can be created by the server or the client.

Web clients can create one using the createBidirectionalStream () method of a QuicTransport instance, which returns a promise for a BidirectionalStream.

const stream = await transport . createBidirectionalStream ( ) ;

Can you hear a BidirectionalStream created by the server with the receiveBidirectionalStreams () method of a QuicTransport instance, which returns a ReadableStream. Every piece of it ReadableStream, is, in turn, a BidirectionalStream.

const rs = transport . receiveBidrectionalStreams ( ) ;
const reader = rs . getReader ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
const { done , value } = await reader . read ( ) ;
if ( done ) {
break ;

A BidirectionalStream it's just a combination of a SendStream and ReceiveStream. The examples in the previous two sections explain how to use each of them.

More examples

the WebTransport specification project includes several additional online examples, along with complete documentation of all methods and properties.

Enabling support during proof of origin

  1. Request a token by your origin.
  2. Add the token to your pages. There are two ways to do it:
    • Add a origin-trial tag to the header of each page. As an example, this might look like this:
    • If you can configure your server, you can additionally add the token using a Origin-Trial HTTP header. The resulting response header should look like this:
      Origin-Trial: TOKEN_GOES_HERE

QuicTransport in Chrome DevTools

Unfortunately, Chrome DevTools the support for QuicTransport is not ready for the start of the proof of origin. Please "star" this chrome problem to receive notifications about updates in the DevTools interface.

Privacy and security considerations

Please see the respective section of the draft specification for authoritative guidance.


The Chrome team wants to hear your thoughts and experiences using this API throughout the origin testing process.

Comments on the API design

Could there be something in the API that is awkward or not working as expected? Or missing parts you need to put your idea into practice?

Present an obstacle Web Transport GitHub Repositoryor add your thoughts to an existing obstacle.

Problem with the implementation?

Found a bug with the Chrome implementation?

File a bug in Include as much detail as you can, along with simple instructions for reproduction.

Do you plan to use the API?

Your public support helps Chrome prioritize features and shows other browser vendors how important it is to support them.

  • Make sure you have signed up for the essay of origin to show your interest and provide your domain and contact information.
  • Send a tweet to @Cromodev with #QuicTransport and details about where and how you are using it.

General Discussion

You can use the Web-transport-dev Google Group for general questions or problems that do not fit into any of the other categories.


Este post incorpora información del WebTransport explainer, draft specificationand related design documents. Thanks to the respective authors for granting that base.

The main image of this post is from Robin pierre on Unsplash.

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