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The WordPress platform has several functionalities that sometimes it is difficult for us to detect at first glance, in fact, its performance and handling can improve with the implementation of certain actions. We hope you take full advantage of this online WordPress course to show you the best WordPress tricks.

WordPress tricks

Write with full screen

best WordPress tricks

Whether you can't see the letters in the text editor well, or you just want more space to write, this trick will do it. Few editors discover the box with four arrows that is below the Text tab, if you click there the editor area will open up to full screen. In this way you can improve the visualization of everything you write on it.

Let WordPress look for internal links

Internal links in WordPress

Some time ago we talked about the relevance of internal links, well, one of the peculiarities of WordPress is that you can search for a link just by typing a word. At the time of accessing the link Edit panel you have at the bottom a space called "Or link to existing content".

This section is hidden when you start using the platform, but just click on the arrow next to the previous title. Once this other space is displayed, you will see the Search option, there you only have to access the word or words that you are interested in linking to and it automatically presents the associated entries. All you have to do is click on the option that seems best to you and that's it.

Maximum visibility at your best entrance

Posts in WordPress

There are different ways to find out what it is the best entry on your website, you can even find out using Analitycs, Search Console or an installed hit counter. When you locate it you can insert it in the first entry of your posting thread to make it even more visible.

To perform this option you must go to Edit entry, in the right sidebar you will see an option where it says Set this entry on the home page, click and save. It will immediately rise to the first position within your WordPress and will be visible by all visitors who browse within the blog.

Insert multimedia with URL

You do not need to upload an image or video to be displayed in a post, just add the plain URL in the text you are writing to convert it into a file. This option is available for the latest versions, this WordPress hack It saves you the time it takes to upload heavy images or long videos.

Simplify the desktop

When you enter WordPress for the first time you may see several windows on the right side as this space is known as WordPress dashboard and its purpose is to show some immediate routes so that you can streamline various processes. But at the same time it is true that they are not always useful, you can remove or eliminate them just by moving them or clicking on one of their corners. In this way you optimize part of your desktop.

Remove Uncategorizer from categories section

By default when you install WordPress at the same time you install the Uncategorizer category, it must be removed or renamed so that it does not affect the structure of your website. The problem occurs when it is not done believing that it does not affect internal SEO, in fact it has consequences in that aspect and in the general structure of your blog. Modify and go to Settings> Writing and there choose the category in question and rename it.

We hope that these WordPress tricks they are useful for you to achieve improve the performance of your website. There are several more in fact in each update of the platform new ones are incorporated. The best way to discover them is to be curious and see what changes help us to optimize their handling.

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