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To show PDF files in WordPress it is possible, at the same time it is quite simple. In this tutorial on you will learn how to display PDF.

Why show PDF files in WordPress?

If you have at your disposal some time in this blogging You will know that it is possible to share PDF in WordPress. We can upload some PDF file, either in a post or a page. But in that case WordPress by default it shows the file as a link. Which is not bad at all.

The problem with the link is that it is ... that: a simple link.

And if you want to enhance navigability a file shared by means of a link is not enough on your site and the time of permanence of the readers.

Imagine the scenario:

You prepared a super guide (which could well serve as leadmagnet). And you intend to share it without anything in return, for the simple pleasure of provide quality material, to your blog readers. You did your best to model it so it has a cover that is a invitation to read. You upload it in WordPress, add it to your blog post. And ... Instead of appearing your brand new cover you find a sad link.

Where is the problem?

WordPress does not incorporate a display that allows you to show PDF files.

Is it necessary to activate a viewer to display PDF files in WordPress?

It is not necessary as long as you don't mind losing the visual potentialwhat a Pdf displayed directly in your entry from Blog. That without counting the permanence and retention that guarantees you have the reader reading a PDF on your blog.

How to activate a viewer to display PDF files in WordPress?

To activate a viewer that allows us to display PDF files in WordPress we have to go to the WordPress plugin repository.

There we will find different options.

We use: PDF Embedder

Using PDF Embedder to display PDF files in WordPress

PDF Embedder

PDF Embedder

In the WordPress plugin repository we will find PDF Embedder.

It is easy to recognize it because to date it has more than 100,000 active installations (what the PDF viewer plugin for most used WordPress).

This is a plugin fremium. In other words than when installing it we don't have to pay anything, but we will use the version free that has limited functionalities. This version gives us everything we need to embed PDF files directly on our site.

Install PDF Embedder

Installing it will not be a problem if you are a frequent reader of our tutorials.

In case you miss how to install a plugin We leave you a complete tutorial about it:

Plugins in WordPress: what they are and how to install them

Once activated It's time to configure it.

Configure PDF Embedder

When PDF Embedder is active, a new tab will appear on your WordPress dashboard. Specifically in the settings section.

Settings> PDF Embedder


There we configure the options as shown in the image.

Configure PDF Embedder2


Because we want to make it easy for you reading the PDF to visitors to our blog.

The toolbar in the top bar is more comfortable for the purposes of navigating a PDF.


At the same time we will make it appear only when the visitor is positioned on our PDF file.

Although you can configure options as you wish or leave them as they come for default.

Uploading a PDF file to WordPress

Uploading our PDF file to WordPress is easy. Just as if we wanted upload an image we will use the media library.


  1. We press the add object button.Uploading a PDF file to WordPress
  2. We select our PDF file, we wait for it to load.
  3. Once it is loaded we select it. You will notice that in the media library, under the file naming options are options associated with PDF Embedder.We select our PDF1 file
  4. We press: Insert in the input. Instead of a link, a series of code similar to this will appear: [pdf-embedder url = »» title = »an example PDF - yourwebaddress .com"]
  5. We publish our entry or we click preview. Uploading a PDF file to WordPress
  6. We have our PDF file with preview in WordPress.pdf in wordpress2

Are there other options to display PDF in WordPress?

Yes, there are several options. We list others that we usually use at the same time:

Google Doc Embedder

Google Doc Embedder

This free plugin will not only allow you to display PDF files, but also any type of document:

  • Files of Microsoft Office: DOC / DOCX, XLS / XLSX, PPT / PPTX in other words: Word, Excel and PowerPoint
  • ZIP / RAR compressed
  • Adobe files like Photoshop, Illustrator
  • Typographic fonts
  • AutoCad projects
  • At the same time other types of files and useful files

Which makes it a powerful tool. With all that you may wonder:

Why do we use PDF Embedder over Google Doc Embedder?

So we live insisting. Although they are your files, you are using a tool that belongs to Google. And Google may well shut it down at any moment.


Another option to display PDF is Flowpaper. This offers the appeal of allowing readers to view the PDF and turn the pages of the electronic document as if it were a book or magazine. A good option if you prioritize aesthetics over functionality.

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