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WordPress comes by default with a role system, permissions and functionalities. But every now and then we need create users with custom roles. We show you how to create users with custom roles in WordPress.

Although it is viable and most of us start by managing our blogs like authentic one-man orchestras. At the same time it is true that creating and manage a website, in some cases, it is not a matter of one person.

WordPress user roles

So WordPress incorporates by default a system that makes it possible to create and manage users, with different roles.

The user roles that come in WordPress from factory are:

  • Administrator
  • Editor
  • Author
  • Collaborator
  • Subscriber


The quintessential WordPress user. The Administrator user can:

  • Create new blog posts
  • Edit and delete entries
  • Install and uninstall plugins
  • Change topics and the appearance of the site
  • Add and manage the different web users

In short, it is the most important user (by the amount of permissions it has) within a website. That's why this is reserved for site owners.

  • With total Access to the different WordPress management areas.


Users with permissions of Editor take care of the content management. That is why they can: Create, edit, modify, delete articles and comments. That is why it is not surprising that it is the user profile that is always assigned to editors, copywriters and proofreaders.

  • Limited access: No access to the plugins, settings and themes sections.


This role has certain similarities with the profile of the Editor. Except that it is more limited in terms of permissions. Who is granted the user role of Author you can only: create and edit your own tickets and comments.

  • Limited access: No access to the plugins, settings and themes sections.


The collaborators can create content (articles and blog post), with some limitations:

  1. They can't post the content they create.
  2. They also cannot upload files (such as images to illustrate posts).
  • Limited access: No access to the plugins, settings and themes sections.


This type of user does not have no admin privilege within a site WordPress. They can only update their user profile information like avatar image, passwords.

To install plugins or write post, no way.

And although it might seem like a role a bit ... Useless. The subscriber role actually works great if you enable content that only subscribers can see. Or in case you ask to subscribe as an essential requirement to be able to leave a comment.

If you are one of those who wonder:

What happens when default options, referring to user roles they are insufficient?

Or if you want Mix some characteristics of the different user roles pre-existing.

The answer is creating users with custom roles.

How to create users with custom roles in WordPress?

For create users with custom roles there are various tools. When we don't crave to fiddle with code, we use:

  • Capability Manager Enhanced

Why create users with custom roles using Capability Manager Enhanced?

Because it is simple, fast, very versatile. And at the same time, we don't have to modify the file functions.php of our active WordPress theme.

How to use Capability Manager Enhanced to create users with custom roles

Capability Manager Enhanced

With Capability Manager Enhanced it is impossible not to think about the control board of a complex spaceship.

And that's what it looks like. The huge board of some complex artifact.

But don't let its appearance fool you.

Is a plugin designed to do your job without complications.

To create a user with custom role Using this plugin, follow the steps below:

Capability Manager Enhanced CourseWpress how to create users

  1. Locates Capability Manager Enhanced at repository of WordPress plugins.
  2. Install it and activate it.
  3. Once installed you will find it on your desktop WordPress. In the Users section. You will see a tab marked as: Capabilities.
  4. Create a new role in the tab: Create New Role.
  5. Configure the options you need to add to the role you created. To do this, you just have to check the options you want to provide the new role.
  6. Save the changes.

Clever. Now you can create users with custom roles.

But with Capability Manager Enhanced the options are almost endless

If you have at your disposal a site managed by different specialists. CME will facilitate the work of role assignment and permissions for tasks.

Do you need to hire a freelancer who is in charge of doing a pluging exclusive to your website?

You can assign only the task related permissions. In this case plugins.

Do you work with a copywriter for your sales pages?

Perfect, you can only limit their editing privileges to static pages and suppress post editing.

I can now create custom roles in WordPress. Now what?

Now it is your turn to become an expert of the best web content manager. Sign up for the best course in Spanish and online about WordPress that exists.