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Relational marketing

Relational marketing

What is Relationship Marketing?

Relational Marketing, which is also known as relationship marketing, is a compilation of processes and strategies with which the idea of pursue customer acquisition to make way for loyalty of these for keep them long term. It is the initiative totally contrary to transactional marketing and more traditional.

Its three fundamental pillars are quality, marketing and customer service. This last point is what makes it different from the more usual initiative, since it considers that the best way to improve the benefits of a business and the profitability of a product is by getting the audience not only to consume it, but also to stay thanks to a quality in addition to the treatment.

A concept coined over many years that little by little has gained special importance in the market. Today's companies are betting more and more on make customers profitable, and the best way to do it is by establishing a bridge, a link between business and user that allows, at the same time of the capture, the loyalty of these.

A series of strategies whose results point to the long term. Instead of pursuing the immediacy of transactional marketing, the relational prefers to go slow and strengthen consumer well-being with the brand to ensure its return in the future. Thus, that profitability is achieved and you can have the certainty of having a constant influx of income.

What is Relationship Marketing for?

Relational Marketing serves to maintain a solid base of clients that, in turn, generate a series of income in a business or brand. At the same time, it serves users fundamentally since it translates into a much closer treatment, in a constant effort for their satisfaction and for a quality solution, as well as in a product or service where quality and compliance prevail. of your need.

It benefits both parties and, in the long run, helps a business grow and give a pristine image to the public thanks to an extensive string of more than satisfied consumers.

Examples of Relationship Marketing

In this circumstance, we can resort to NeoAttack completely to exemplify what relationship marketing is. Our marketing agency strives to offer the best treatment to customers and always a tailor-made response, since this is how loyalty is so important for the well-being of a business.

This is something that translates into personalized emails, promotions for veteran clients and a personal and close treatment, among equals.

More information about Relationship Marketing

In case you want to have more information about relationship marketing, we suggest you read the articles that we leave below; they can be quite interesting and useful.

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