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Broad Agreement

Broad Match Concept

What is Broad Match?

Broad Match is a definition used within the Google Adwords system to refer to when and how ads are to be displayed. Specifically, this type of agreement is used to show commercial promotion when the words indicated are in any viable order, allowing the appearance before synonyms or other types of syntactic variables.

It is an approach designed to take advantage of the different types of search that users carry out today, as well as the modifications that the Google search algorithm undergoes with respect to positioning. Proposing rigid systems, restricted solely and exclusively to the established keywords to display the advertising formats, would be a mistake and a big problem for advertisers; hence this method arises.

For Adwords, broad agreement is the system that is defined by default when hiring space for commercial promotion. From Google they understand that there are many alternatives to search for the same concept on their platform, so they offer that flexibility so that those interested in enjoying privileged positions have more options to appear before the audience.

A concept to pay attention to due to the importance it has in the field of commercial promotion, positioning and search engines. Taking advantage of its benefits, you can get a large influx of traffic.

What is Broad Match for?

Broad match is used to appear to a greater number of people with an ad on the Internet. By expanding the radius of words for which the commercial promotion can be displayed, you are more likely to attract attention and get more leads and even the desired conversions with the ad used.

Thanks to it, you can take better advantage of the different queries that users use. Since the vocabulary is very wide and there are many alternatives to indicate the same thing, in the singular, in the plural, with synonyms, etc; This is a good way not to lose potential and have a higher profitability from the advertising format used.

Broad Match Examples

To give examples of broad match, let's think about the case of Neoattack, our digital marketing agency. If we make an ad in the Google Adwords search engine and we intend to position by "marketing agency", thanks to this agreement, the format may appear in searches such as "marketing agencies", "marketing company" and other similar ones.

The range of alternatives is much larger thanks to all the variants that can appear in this way. Hence, this type of match is so important at this time for advertisers and even users.

More information on Broad Match

If you want to learn more about broad match, we suggest that you read the information in the following articles. Through the links that we provide below you will be able to enter many interesting details and expand.

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