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Una gran cantidad de complementos de calidad, creados por socios o creados por la comunidad es a menudo el signo de una plataforma de software saludable. Si bien indica que todavía hay nichos que el producto principal no cubre, las organizaciones reconocen que ningún producto va a satisfacer todas las necesidades de todos. En cambio, el desarrollador es abierto y apoya a la comunidad en general, lo que ayuda a enriquecer la oferta principal y a construir un ecosistema de herramientas de apoyo.

As with any major effort, companies must be in a position to document and have a plan to mitigate the potential risks associated with implementing software. It is no different with Microsoft Power BI.

Please note that the purpose of this post is merely an encouragement to assess risk exposure and consider how you would overcome potential future issues that might arise from any cause, is do not a warning against using external tools created by the Power BI community in general.

What about Power BI?

“Mi empresa usa Power BI” no refleja el scope general de la plataforma. Ni siquiera se detiene en Power BI Desktop, Service, Gateway, Report Server o cualquier otra cosa que desarrolle Microsoft.

  • Visuals - Power BI has been promoting "custom visuals" for nearly five years (although the term "custom visual" seems to be disappearing), it has an evolving SDK for creating visuals, it has a market with more than 250 images, a process for «certify“Visuals, toggles to block all visuals or only non-certified visuals in the Power BI service, and has built in support for organizational visuals in the Power BI service.
  • Connectors / Data Extensions - Power BI has a Power Query SDK to build custom connectors and a process to certify connectors
  • External tools - At its Business Applications Summit in May, Microsoft did a demonstration and wrote about the next function to open "External Tools" directly from a tab on the Power BI Desktop ribbon (DAX study, ALM Toolkit, Tabular editor, and whatever else you want to define)
  • XMLA endpoint - With XMLA read / write in Power BI Premium, you can now connect a large number of external applications to Power BI models (even non-Microsoft BI tools could be part of your "Power BI deployment")

Even within these categories, there are several areas within Power BI Desktop and Service to apply different settings. These can be at the model or report level, at the workspace or tenant level. Are you aware of the different options out there and their impact on your organization's Power BI experience?


Why should we assess risk?

Identificar y planificar los posibles riesgos no es una señal de que algo esté mal, significa que está preparado en caso de que algo salga mal. Debería ser una parte fundamental de una strategy de implementación.

Dos artículos recientes y algunas conversaciones con clientes han hecho que el concepto de riesgo be lo más importante para mí.

  1. CloudScope ends support for Power BI custom visuals by CloudScope - both the article itself and the follow-up discussion in the community
  2. I'm done using Visual Studio! by Paul Turley - You don't quite give up on VS, but Tabular Editor is clearly the future of large-scale model development
  3. A question as to why Microsoft would even allow non-certified custom visuals
  4. A question about whether DAX Studio can be 'trusted' on company assets when Windows Defender provides a warning before installation
  5. A question about how reliable DAX Studio is if it's a single developer publishing it

Materialicé algunos pensamientos en esta publicación de hoy después de que Paul publicara su publicación en el Blog. Creo que la gente debería estar preparada y ser capaz de «exponer el caso» de las herramientas externas en el ecosistema de Power BI a medida que se generalizan y, de hecho, Microsoft las promueve en el producto. En particular, Tabular Editor y DAX Studio están preparados para ser adoptados aún más ampliamente.

Sample questions

Here are some sample questions that might help you get started as you evaluate different aspects of third-party tools around the Power BI ecosystem (some serious, some lighthearted):

  1. Have you read about the differences between certified and non-certified custom connectors or visuals, and are you ready to accurately describe the differences and their usage implications to co-workers?
  2. What custom extensions and visuals are used in your organization? How are they distributed? How would they be inventoried? Are did they inventory?
  3. What does the Microsoft certification process for images and extensions entail?
  4. Will your IT department or other relevant areas of your organization support the use of external tools such as DAX Studio and Tabular Editor, and to what extent?
  5. Does your company use organizational visuals and, if so, what are the processes related to developing, implementing and supporting visuals, especially in case of rotation?
  6. ¿Las herramientas de terceros que eliges son de Open Source? Si es así, ¿has mirado el código?
  7. What level of support is available for the visuals, extensions, and third-party tools that you use? Does the actual level of support differ from your expectations?
  8. What if Darren Gosbell, Daniel Otykier, Andrej Lapajne, or others who create community tools are hypothetically “hit by the bus,” or decide to stop supporting your work for whatever reason?
  9. Does Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari secretly collect, read and laugh at your deadly level DAX if you send it to
  10. What if a third-party tool in use in your organization disappeared tomorrow? What alternatives would be available and how long would it take to implement them?

Final thoughts

No estoy aquí para responder todas las preguntas y emitir juicios que funcionen universalmente para todas las organizaciones. Más bien, simplemente quiero que las persons sean intencionales sobre el uso de herramientas de terceros en Power BI y puedan responder preguntas en lugar de entrar en pánico si un jefe o ejecutivo pregunta sobre algo específico. Todo tiene un elemento de riesgo: depende de usted y de su empresa decidir cuánto tolerará y cuál es su plan para superar los posibles problemas si surgen.

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