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Set any item to scale (grow or shrink) as the user scrolls up or down the page.


Advanced or Style> Background

Motion effects

  1. Scroll Effects: Slide to ON
  2. Scale: Click the pencil edit icon
    Direction: Choose from Scale Up, Scale Down, Scale Up, or Scale Down
    Speed: Sets the scaling speed from 0 to 10
    Viewport: Determines when to start the effect, based on the height of the viewport (the visible size of the device screen). For example, if the viewport value is set between 50 and 100, the effect starts only after you move half the height of the viewport.
  3. Anchor point X: Choose the horizontal axis from which the element will be scaled, selecting from Left, Center or Right
  4. Anchor point Y: Choose the vertical axis from which the element will be scaled, selecting from Top, Center, or Bottom
  5. Apply effects on- Select this option to apply motion effects on desktop, tablet and / or mobile devices.
  6. Effects Relating to: Choose from Default, View, or Full Page

Note: The two settings, X and Y Anchor Points, determine the axis around which the item is scaled. If you set the top-left orientation, the scale will occur from the top-left point of the item. If you set the center-to-center orientation, the scale will occur from its center.

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