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Basic gallery widget

the Basic gallery widget allows you to easily add and design beautiful image galleries on your page.


image gallery

  1. Click Add image to select images to display. Once selected, click Create a new gallery and then click the Insert gallery button.
  2. Image size: Choose the size of the image, from thumbnail to full
  3. Columns: Sets the number of columns to be displayed, from 1 to 10
  4. Link to: Link images to their respective media files, attached pages, or none (media file must be selected if Lightbox is enabled)
  5. Lightbox - Choose to display images in a lightbox. If Yes or No is chosen, that selection will override the global default Lightbox setting. Images will only appear in lightbox if Media file is selected as the Link to: option.
  6. Order: Choose default or random order of images within gallery



  1. Spacing: Sets the space between slides. Choose Default (20px) or Custom (Spacing option is only available if more than 1 is chosen for Presentations to display on the Content tab)
  2. Border type: Set the border type, choosing from None, Solid, Double, Dotted, Dotted, or Groove
  3. Edge radius: Sets the radius of the border to control the roundness of the corners


  1. Monitor: Hide or show subtitles (if subtitles are displayed, the following additional options are available)
  2. Alignment: Aligns the title to the left, right, center or justified
  3. Text color: Select the color of the legend text
  4. Typography: Sets the font settings for the legend text


Set the advanced options that are applicable to this widget

R Marketing Digital