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A website is made up of several items. We tell you everything your WordPress website must have to function.

If you are a regular visitor to the tutorials that we share in CourseWpress.comIt is very likely that you already know enough about the basics of WordPress to start and manage your web project.

But setting up a website, however simple it may be, at some point can get messy. The domain, the hosting, the plugins.

Hours and hours of work in front of the computer and you do not know if it is already ready. You don't know what you lack. That is because we tend to forget everything that a WordPress website must have to function.

In this article we list all the items that your website should have, it is for this reason that you save this post in your bookmarks or in your favorites: if you are setting up a website it will serve as a map and a roadmap.

1. Domain

The first thing we do when we want a website is buy a domain.

We have already shared with you in an article verbatim everything you need to know about domains and some tips so that choose the best.

Domain is important because is the first thing users see and it's the first thing they remember from our website. It is for this reason that we must ensure a good domain name: short, memorable, powerful. That communicates the truth and the essence of your project.

Have you already chosen your domain name?

2. Host

VPS or Virtual Private Server (3)If we make an analogy with the business of the world real, the host would be the equivalent of the physical space where your business is installed, warehouse included.

The host offer in wide.

In the market it is feasible to find  Accommodation Services ranging from the most modest, to the more expensive dedicated and unlimited accommodations.

Although to start with, sometimes you don't need to hire the most expensive host service.

Just make sure that the service provider offers you the possibility of scale your plan when you require it.

3. SSL certificate

FREE SSL Certificate WizardIf you need your website to be visited, and that is what all bloggers and webmasters want, you must have an SSL security certificate installed.

As we explained in the tutorial: what is SSL and how to get a free SSL:

SSL or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a cryptographic security protocol on the web. It is what makes the address of certain web pages: HTTPS instead of HTTP. Where the letter "S" means Safe.

The most used browsers Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and all those that focus on them, in their most recent updates They do not let you have access to a website if it does not have an SSL certificate.

Yes, your website must have one.

4. Theme

The theme is important because it is what determines, to a large extent, the visual aspect of your website.

The possibilities are almost endless.

There are thousands of free themes in the WordPress template repository.

If you need to know everything you need to choose a good WordPress theme in this tutorial we will show you how:

How to choose a template for a WordPress blog

Make sure your template fits your niche. We have selected the best by niche:

5. Plugins

Yoast Seo Plugin wordpressPlugins are those add-ons that make life easier for us. There are some necessary plugins that your website must have, regardless of the theme.

  • Yoast SEO.
  • WordFence, a security plugin.
  • Akismet, an antispam tool.
  • SumoMe or some plugin to share on social networks.
  • Jetpack for WordPress, a suite that does everything.
  • Mailchimp, for email marketing.
  • Contact Form 7, for our contact page.

6. Google tools

There is not a web project, that claims to be serious, that does not have Google analytics and Google Webmaster Tool installed from day one.

We have created a series of tutorials dedicated to Google tools. They will be very helpful for you to configure the Analytics and sign up for the Webmaster Tool.

7. Content

Yes, content is king.

It is what will guarantee that you have visits and that those visits generate conversions.

Without content there is no blogging.

And it doesn't matter if you have an ecommerce, an app page or whatever. If you have a web project at your disposal, it must have the best content.

Did you check everything?

  This is all your website needs to function. Make sure that before putting it online it is not missing any of the items that we list in this article. Apparently, this is the beginning, there is much more to learn, if you want to know more sign up for the best online WordPress course in Spanish.

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