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• ▷ What is the err_too_many_redirects error in WordPress and how to fix it (KO)

As you probably already know, WordPress is an extremely reliable and stable system that anyone can useregardless of the level of knowledge.

Nevertheless, ease of use may be affected by some bugs.

Sometimes these errors can be very rare for beginners, such as white screen, internal server or too many redirects in WordPress, among others.

In general, these problems are generated by external sources, considering that the core programming of this platform is quite solid.

When we talk about external sources, these can come in various forms, including themes and plugins that may be incompatible with the version of WordPress you are using.

Due, an error indicating too many redirects may appear on the screen. When this error appears, you should know that your website is not working properly.

In addition to this, keep in mind that it appears differently in different browsers. If you use Google Chrome, show that this web page has a redirect loop; whereas, if you are using Firefox, the screen will show that the page it is not being redirected correctly.

Then, What exactly are these errors about and what can you do when you experience them?

This tutorial is to guide you through the meaning of too many redirects and how you can fix them.

What is ERR_Too_Many_Redirects error in WordPress?

The reason behind this error is pretty much how the name implies. Often times this error means that your WordPress configuration you have some misconfiguration that is causing the site to go into an infinite redirect loop.

If this happens, your site will not stop redirecting from one page to another, and your website might get stuck.

Y, Unlike other types of errors, this one may not resolve itself. As we have mentioned, it may appear differently, depending on the browser you are using.

What causes too many redirects in WordPress?

Considering that WordPress comprises an SEO friendly URL structure that uses the redirect feature, there are several well-known plugins that follow suit.

As an example, there are several SEO plugins for WordPress that allow you to remove the category base directly from the category URLs.

But this can be done by simply redirecting visitors to a url that doesn't come with any category base.

At once, there are cache and SSL plugins that at the same time use redirects.

Because misconfiguration of any of these tools, your site may redirect visitors to a URL that is redirecting them back to another referrer URL.

In such situation, the visitor's browser will be caught between two pages, so this redirect error will be displayed.

Caught in the loop:

Often times these error messages appear due to misconfiguration in the settings; Nonetheless, there are times when the reasons can be more complicated.

You may see this error if:

  • The URLs of your website or home page are wrong or different.
  • Misconfigured plugins installed on the site that redirect URLs.
  • One hiccup with custom changes to the .htaccess file.
  • If you have developed a new entry on your site with the same URL.
  • If you use hosting for multiple networks or sites on one IP address.

Even though these may seem like simple setups, they can easily break down your entire website and cause redirect problems.

Fixing these problems on your own is the way to regain access to your website..

How to fix ERR_Too_Many_Redirects error in WordPress

Before you start fixing this error, you will need these two important things:

  • Access to the control panel of hosting or hosting and FTP access.
  • Access to the WordPress Dashboard as an administrator (although this is optional, it is recommended).

Once you have access, start with these steps:

Step 1 - Check the URL settings

The first thing to do while troubleshooting the error is to examine the URL settings. There are two different ways to do it:

Checking the URL settings through the WordPress Dashboard:

To do this, you have to go to WordPress admin dashboard and click Settings: Here, the general settings will appear on the screen.

Following, check WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL). You need to make sure the URL here is correct, if not, make the appropriate changes and click the Save button.

Manually checking the URL:

It is possible that do not have access to the Dashboard or administration area of the WordPress installation.

In this situation, you can change the URL settings via the file wp-config.php. This is one way to edit the file through the file manager:

  • Access the File Manager through the web hosting control panel or hosting
  • Find the file named wp-config.php
  • Click on Edit and add the following lines at the end of the code

define ('WP_HOME', '');
define ('WP_SITEURL', '');

  • Click on the icon Keep
  • Visit the website and check if the changes have fixed the bug or not.

Step 2 - Disable Plugins:

Another reason that can cause too many redirects in WordPress are outdated or corrupt plugins.

We recommend deactivating the plugins and trying to regain access to your website. Follow this quick and easy way to disable plugins through your hosting provider:

  • Access the File Manager via the control panel hosting.
  • Locate the wp-content folder and access it.
  • Look for the plugins folder and rename it with another name (for example, plugins_old).
  • Save the modification.

Once you have renamed the folder, try to enter the site. If the bug has been removed, chances are there are corrupt or outdated plugins on your site.

To fix this problem, try removing some recent plugins and rename the folder back to plugins.

Step 3 - Disable the .htaccess file

Another possible reason your site could get into a redirect loop it is due to certain settings in the .htaccess file.

In that case, you will have to disable the .htaccess file to regain access to the site. For this, follow these steps:

  • Access the File Manager via the control panel hosting
  • Select the file .htaccess (in the root directory where you have installed WordPress)
  • Right-click and select Rename
  • Change the file name to any other
  • Once this is done, access the domain and check if the site loads correctly

If the site works, try taking a look at the .htaccess file configuration. Press the option Edit and use the default settings.

All you have to do is remove all content from renamed file and paste this:

# BEGIN WordPress RewriteEngine On RewriteBase / RewriteRule ^ index.php$ - [L] RewriteCond % {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -F RewriteCond % {REQUEST_FILENAME}! -D RewriteRule. /index.php [L] # END WordPress
  • After that, rename the file back to .htaccess.

If the website starts working, it is confirmed that the problem was caused by incorrect settings in the .htaccess file.

Err_too_many_redirects error - solved

When you have understood why they occur too many WordPress redirects, fixing them will not be a hassle for you.

Usually, there's nothing you can't fix on your own. So if you've encountered this error once and didn't know how to get things back on track, well, now you have all the ideas.

You can easily apply these methods and fix what you may worry about generating errors when visiting the site that discourage visitors.


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