Si eres nuevo en la optimización de search engines (SEO) o te encuentras por primera vez con Screaming Frog , This post is for you!
When trying to strike a balance between learning new SEO concepts as a part-time intern and become familiar with the tools we use on a daily basis, notoriously we had less time to interact with the concepts .
Mi primer rastreo como pasante fue para un sitio con más de cientos de miles de Url y me encontré con un puñado de problemas de los que tuve que aprender. Cuando comience a trabajar en SEO, encontrará herramientas poderosas que lo ayudarán a encontrar datos valiosos. It is important to be able to use and navigate these tools as efficiently as possible.
En R Digital marketing, una herramienta que usamos a menudo se llama Screaming Frog, un rastreador de sitios Web que rastrea URL y devuelve datos valiosos para que los analicemos para auditar el Technical SEO y en el sitio.
In this Blog, cubriremos cómo configurar su dispositivo para Screaming Frog y las configuraciones que se realizarán para rastrear un sitio y ejecutar su rastreo.
Setting up your device
When you start crawling sites, you will find that some sites are larger than others and require more memory from your system to store and process the data that Screaming Frog finds. Before you start crawling websites, it would be beneficial to allocate more RAM from your system to Screaming Frog, allowing for greater speed and flexibility for all future crawls. This will be necessary for sites with more than 150k URLs to crawl.
Settings> System> Memory
The default settings for 32-bit machines are 1 GB of RAM and 2 GB of RAM for 64-bit machines. I recommend using 8GB, which allows Screaming Frog to crawl up to 5 million URLs. Screaming Frog recommends using 2GB less than your total RAM, but be careful if you dedicate your total RAM, your system may experience a crash.
Cuando haya terminado de asignar más RAM a Screaming Frog, deberá reiniciar su software para que se apliquen los cambios.
Once you start crawling sites, it is important to adjust your settings accordingly to ensure Screaming Frog is crawling as efficiently as possible. Here I will show you some basic settings that I like to use.
Settings> Spider> Basic
These are the default settings Screaming Frog has for each crawl. It is a good habit to set your specific settings for the trace you are about to run and make adjustments here.
These are the basic settings I use here at R Marketing to run my technical audits:
- Follow " nofollow ”Internal : nos permite rastrear enlaces internos con “atributos nofollow” para verificar si nuestro sitio está implementando esta etiqueta para mostrar contents que queremos / no queremos descubrir o indexar.
- Track Canonicals : allows us to track canonical link elements to verify if we are indicating which pages we want to classify.
- Track next previous : allows us to track rel = "next" and rel = "prev" elements to give us an idea of whether our site clearly communicates the relationship between the pages.
- Extract hreflang : muestra el idioma hreflang, los códigos de región y la URL para verificar que estamos comunicando las diferentes variaciones de nuestro sitio.
- Track site maps XML vinculados : allows us to discover URLs in site maps XML.
- Automatic discovery of XML sitemaps via robots.txt : allows us to find site maps detectables a través de robots.txt
Si está tratando con un sitio que utiliza JavaScript y desea verificar la navegación interna, deberá ejecutar un rastreo por separado con diferentes configuraciones para esa página específica, no todo el domain. Navegue a la pestaña «representación» para asegurarse de que nuestro rastreador pueda encontrar esas instancias.
Settings> Spider> Basic> Rendering
Después de las configuraciones de araña, siempre necesitamos establecer filters personalizados para cosas específicas que queremos mostrar en nuestro rastreo.
Settings> Custom> Search
I regularly use these filters to include and exclude things that I want to keep an eye on and to make sure all pages are taken into account:
- <incrustar: comprueba cualquier contenido crucial cargado en flash
- <iframe: comprueba cualquier contenido cargado en iframe
Now that you have configured your settings for your initial crawl, you can save these settings for future crawls so you don't have to go through this process every time. Just load the settings you need before running each scan.
File> Settings> Save As ...
File> Settings> Load ...
Tracking your first site
Now that we've set up our system and made our settings, the only thing left to do is start crawling our site!
To crawl a website, you'll want to use Screaming Frogs' default "Spider" mode.
Mode> Spider> Enter URL> Click Start
Además del modo Spider, también utilizo el modo «Lista» que rastreará una lista de URL que pueden provenir de un archivo o de una simple copia y pegado. Para este ejemplo, utilizaremos el sitemap of a web.
Mode> List> Upload> Download sitemap
Important things to keep in mind when crawling:
- Puede detener y reanudar su rastreo según be necesario.
- Shutting down the system or exiting Screaming Frog will cause your data to be lost.
- You can always save your tracking and resume to finish later.
After crawling our site, it's time to use the data we've collected and give it some context.
If you'd like to share your first Screaming Frog experience, have any questions or comments, or found it helpful, please leave a comment below!