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Unfortunately, there are many who, despite wanting to work, there comes a time when the employment relationship ends. Or those who, after completing a career or professional training, decide to sign up for unemployment to find their first job possibility. This procedure, in other words, make an appointment for unemployment, should not be seen as something negative, nor as a failure if you have lost your job; but as a possibility for companies to notice you.

That is why today we are going to talk about how to register for unemployment, the benefits you can find and how to make an appointment for unemployment for it is important that you know what you are going to find in it.

What is unemployment


Spain is one of the countries of the European Union that has the most unemployment, but that does not mean that it is impossible to get out of that condition. For this reason, the body that regulates the unemployed tries to be up to date and help these employees who want to work as much as possible.

We could establish unemployment as that situation that a person of legal age goes through that means that they do not have a job. In this way, these people are called "detainees". Many of them register with the Employment Office of their city to have possibilities in case there are job offers that arrive there, and they also search privately.

What are the benefits of registering for unemployment at the Employment Office?


By now everyone knows the Employment Office. Acronyms such as INEM, SEPE, SAE ... are well known, since they are related to these offices and are used to manage people who are looking for work. However, in these employment offices you will not only find this. The truth is that signing up for unemployment has some extra benefits that not many know. Are you interested in knowing what they are?

  • You will have access to job offers that you would not otherwise know about. And is that some companies often request help from these offices to find their employees, including in the public sector. As an example, imagine that you have just finished Early Childhood Education and have made an appointment for the grant. There, a job offer may come in from public nurseries (those that fill up with contests) because their lists are empty. Subsequently, they remove the lists of unemployed from the employment offices and that means that you would enter, without any opposition, to work there, even if it is temporarily.
  • You will have free training. Another alternative that unemployment registration gives you is to take free training. We are not going to tell you that they are the best training programs, but you can take advantage of part of your time in training and improve your resume without costing you money.
  • You offer bonuses and incentives for hiring you. Because, in case you don't know, signing up for unemployment means that many companies, if they hire you, have benefits. In this way, they may sometimes ask you to enroll in unemployment before signing the contract.
  • Access to aid. You cannot always have access to them, but there will be a greater possibility of obtaining them, such as unemployment benefits, or those for the long-term unemployed.

How to register for unemployment


If we have already convinced you but you are not sure what are the procedures that you must carry out to register for unemployment, avoid worrying because we are going to give you a hand to that end.

To begin, you must know that There are different ways to sign up for unemployment in Spain. One of them, and the most usual, is to make an appointment for the strike and go in person to the office that corresponds to you (which is usually the one closest to your home). However, the truth is that it is not the only option because it can also be done through the SEPE (Spanish Public Employment Service) website; as long as you have a digital certificate, electronic DNI (active) or Cl @ ve password.

Whatever you decide, The next steps you need to take are as follows:

Prepare documentation

To register for the strike, you must have the following documents on hand or bring:

  • DNI. If you are a foreigner, you must present your NIE (Foreigner Identity Number), as well as your passport and residence and work permits.
  • Social Security.
  • Training titles. In other words, the title of your FP, university degree or training programs that you have completed. The person responsible for your unemployment appointment will be in charge of opening a file in the lists of unemployed and completing the register with the titles you present. It is essential to show them to them, because they attest that what they have put on the card is correct because you have shown them the title. In other words, they are not going to keep that documentation (they won't even scan it).
  • Laboral life. You can contribute it, even when it is not mandatory, but it can help, fundamentally to put experiences in the file so that they see that you have worked; But as we say, it is optional because SEPE records are assumed to contain that information.

Go to unemployment appointment

The next step you have to do is go to your unemployment appointment. It is essential that you do not rush, since, if it is the first time, or if you are going to sign up again because you have lost your job, it is possible that the official will have to fill out the form, and that will take time. In this way, make sure that on the day you have to go you have nothing else to do that is urgent.

Once you're there, it may not be your turn at the right time, due to delays, so arm yourself with patience.

The The official who attends you will be in charge of completing the form on the computer with all the information you provide but it will also ask you some questions such as time availability, geographic (if you want to work only in the city, in cities and towns or you could move to another city), and the type of work you are looking for. Thus, your application may appear on the list if there are active job offers that require a person from your profile. Actually, do not be surprised that, on that first date, they tell you that you have an interview for a feasible job. Everything will depend on the demand that there is according to the job you want.

Delivery of the DARDE when signing up for the strike

The DARDE, or unemployment card, is a document that proves your unemployment status. It is very important since, as a job seeker, one of your obligations will be to go to the SEPE to stamp the unemployment card every 3 months.

And that's it, you don't have to do anything else to sign up for the strike.

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