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What tags to put on Instagram?

When you start posting your photos on Instagram, you still don't know how to optimize the use labels and that's when the question arises; What tags to put on Instagram?

Since Instagram enabled the use of labels On its platform, users have experienced an exponential improvement in searching for photos using labels, so that anyone with well-labeled photos could see how Pleasures and the comments on these photos rose brutally compared to the others.

The relevance of use correct tags on your Instagram photos, since the visibility of your photos and your profile are closely related to the good use you make of them. It is very important when you start on Instagram, that you take the time to learn ways and methods about how to use the best tags for your Instagram photos. This is why you will be interested in continuing reading this post, where we offer you a very interesting method that will help you select the best tags for your photos.

The difference between quantity and quality in Instagram tags.

Using many tags on your photos does not guarantee that those photos will be visible to other Instagram users, there must be a balance between the number of tags you use (up to a maximum of 30 per photo) and the words you choose as tags. .

For a good tagging strategy to work, you should not use Popular Tags (which have many searches), but you must also include them in photos that are relevant, in other words, the tag «#beach»(beach in English) may be very popular on Instagram, but it doesn't make sense for you to use it in a photo that has nothing to do with a beach.

With the latter, you only get people to discard your photo the first time and even consider you unwanted mail. Seriously, don't try to attract views to your Instagram account by confusing people, that's useless, trust us. We offer you a solution that is extremely easy to implement and that ensures the use of labels optimized according to the content of your photo.

With #TagsForLikes You can get a collection of the best labels based on the theme of your photo and in just a few seconds. This web portal implements a directory of the best tags for Instagram, organized by categories to make it easier for you to find the right tags for your photo.


How to use TagsForLikes to give more visibility to my photos.

The way to use this platform is truly simple, since it does not require registration or configuration adjustments of any kind. You just have to go to the web portal of TagsForLikes (, find the category your photo fits best in and click on it to display all subgroups of tags.

These subgroups will help you even more to find the perfect tags for your photo, once you find the subgroup that best sets the theme of your photo, then you just have to copy the tags and paste them into the subtitle before posting it on Instagram.

If you want to use this method with already published photos, you can do so by pasting the tags from TagsForLikes in the comments section of your photo.

Advantages of using TagsForLikes to tag my Instagram photos.

  • Photo labeling time is drastically reduced. You don't have to stop and think about what labels to put on your photos.
  • Optimized labels for each photo, thus improving the positioning and visibility of your photos.
  • Easier to get followers on Instagram.
  • Automatic tag update. The website of TagsForLikes It periodically reviews the most popular tags for each category and updates its directory with each change.
  • Labels written in English. We have usually talked about the relevance of using labels in English in our photos, with TagsForLikes We don't have to worry about translating the labels into English.
  • Free mobile device application available for iPhone and Android.

Even though the directory of TagsForLikes It will make your job much easier now, we suggest that you also include your own labels, always trying not to exceed 30. Over time you will see how using the correct labels you will be able to get enough Pleasures and followers quickly.

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