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WLANExt.exe has 7 recognized versions, the latest one is 6.3.9600.16384 (winblue_rtm.130821-1623). WLANExt.exe runs as a standard Windows procedure under the SYSTEM account with various privileges. The average file size is 86.64 KB. Over the life cycle of the procedure, typical CPU resource usage is approximately 0.0008%, including foreground and background operation, average private memory consumption of approximately 4.25 MB, and maximum disk space of approximately 8.6 MB. At the same time, the typical read and write speed of disk I/O operations is approximately 5.4 KB per minute for read access and 3 bytes per minute for write access.

What is WLANExt.exe?

WLANExt.exe is the file that runs the framework and does not harm your computer.

Non-system processes, such as WLANExt.exe, come from software you have installed on your system. Since most applications store data on your hard drive and in your system registry, it is likely that your computer has become fragmented and collected invalid entries that can affect your computer's performance.

Wlanext.exe is an important part of Windows, it is a system procedure that hosts various Windows services. It is important for the implementation of shared services processes, where several services can share a procedure to reduce the consumption of resources. WLANExt.exe is located in the C:\Windows\System32 folder.

The Wlanext.exe procedure can be enabled on your computer if you visit malicious websites on the Internet that can easily infiltrate malware on your computer. Sometimes, WLANExt.exe is also secretly distributed via downloads and installations of various free programs that include various additional packages in the installers, also called some additional offers. This means that today's users must be very careful when installing free applications, even if they choose reputable resources on the Web.

Can I delete WLANExt.exe?


Many processes that are not running can be stopped because they are not involved in running your operating system. WLANExt.exe is used by the Microsoft® Windows® operating system. It is an application created by Microsoft Corporation.

If you are no longer using the Microsoft® Windows® operating system, you can permanently delete this software and thus WLANExt.exe from your computer. To do this, press Windows + R simultaneously, then enter 'appwiz.cpl'. Then look for the list of installed programs for the Microsoft® Windows® operating system and uninstall this application.

How to delete WLANExt.exe

delete folder

  • Go to the WiFi adapter and disable yours.
  • Open Task Manager and close WLANExt.exe.
  • Go to C:Windows and delete the wmu3 folder.
  • Resume
  • Turn the WLAN back on and the problem is fixed

Perform a clean boot


  1. Boot the computer in safe mode with network connection and check if the issue still occurs.
  2. Perform a clean boot if the issue does not occur in safe mode.
  3. Install Windows Defender Online if it still exists.

Run System File Checker (SFC)


  • Press the Windows Start button.
  • Type “cmd” in the search field, but DO NOT press “ENTER”.
  • Hold down "CTRL-Shift" on your keyboard while pressing "ENTER."
  • An authorization dialog appears.
  • Click "YES" in the box.
  • You should have a black screen with a blinking cursor.
  • Type “sfc /scannow” on this black screen and press “ENTER”.
  • SFC will begin scanning for problems with wlanext.exe and any other system file problems.
  • Follow all the on-screen commands to complete the procedure.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance