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✅ Display and configuration problems, screen resolution problems in Windows 7

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Windows Screen Quality Troubleshooter It helps you if you notice that the screen on your Windows 7 computer is not good and the text readability is also bad. This could be an obstacle with your screen. drivers, or perhaps your screen configuration is not optimal.

Windows screen quality troubleshooting

Microsoft has released a Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Service (ATS Fix it) that enables you to automatically detect and fix these display problems. Automatically diagnoses and corrects an obstacle affecting display quality and text readability.

As soon as you download and run this ATS patch, you will be looking for problems. You can choose whether you want problems fixed automatically or whether you want to choose and apply the fixes yourself. Once the analysis is complete, you will receive a troubleshooting report.

Click Next to troubleshoot. Once the issues are resolved, they will be listed and you will be informed of the issues that have been resolved.

Click Next and complete the normal run. You may need to restart your computer once the TTY closes.

Windows display quality troubleshooter fixes Windows display problems

The Windows display quality troubleshooter fixes the following problems:

  1. The video driver WDDM is not supported or not installed.
  2. The display settings are not optimal for your monitor.
  3. Screen color settings need to be calibrated.
  4. The text is vague and difficult to read.

So if you're having Windows display issues, go to Microsoft to download the Windows display quality issue answer.

UPDATE: This troubleshooting appears to have been removed. Now you can open a tall command prompt and run that command:

msdt.exe /id Device Diagnostics

Fixes problems using access hardware and devices connected to the computer.

Related topics :

  • How to fix ATI display issues in Windows
  • Issues after upgrading to a larger monitor with a higher screen resolution
  • Problems, errors and problems with video playback
  • Xbox One display and screen issues
  • The screen resolution changes automatically.

RECOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windows errors and get the most out of your system performance


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