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Tik Tok is a social network that increases its strength over time, being today a network with more than 800 users in all parts of the world. The good thing about this social network is that it not only offers us quality content for all tastes, this being its main attribute, but also gives users the opportunity to profit financially.


Can we get money using TikTok? Actually, and in different ways, one of the most used is through coins, which can be achieved in Live Streams. Another way to take advantage of TikTok is through advertising exchanges, even though for these you must have a good number of followers, so we suggest that you do everything possible to appear in the main sections of the application.

How to make the coin appear on TikTok

The TikTok coin is that icon that will tell us if we can monetize our account, in the same way, it will tell us if we can do it. It is usually located in the upper left corner.. There will be some cases where this currency does not appear on the interface, this may be due to certain factors. If this error appears on your phone, you will first need to try to identify the cause, so we suggest:

  • Check if you have the latest version of TikTok. Since this function is not that old, there is a chance that you have an outdated phone and that is why it does not allow you to access this function. If so, we suggest you update your operating system, in the same way, you can also update only the applications. If not, you can change your phone.
  • You must verify that it is not an internal error in the system of your telephone, since even when you have a fairly modern phone, there is always the chance that there is one or the other bug out there.
  • You can also check if you are in a region where they do not allow monetizationIf so, it is possible that you can enter the coin, but not monetize your account.

Once the problem is found, we can proceed to fix it, There are different ways to do thisYou can update your operating system, you can find a way to monetize your account, etc. But one of the methods that works the most for people who have this situation is to factory reset their phone.


First look in this list if your region is available for payment activation

Like many other apps like Spotify, Netflix, HBO GO, Disney+, etc. TikTok may have usage limitations, depending on the country you are in. One of the most common blocks in terms of regions that TikTok presents is that, in certain countries, you cannot monetize the content you create, and you cannot use TikTok Bonus either. That is why you must be well informed about the places where the application allows you to monetize content.

Fortunately for you, here we offer you a list of countries where you can get paid using TikTok, and more specifically, Tik Tok Bonus:

  • Argentina.
  • Mexico.
  • Colombia.
  • USA
  • Europe.

Now, there are certain countries such as: Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, El Salvador, Panama, etc. In which this function has not yet arrived, so if you are from one of these countries you will probably have to wait a while to start earning money with TikTokBonus.

My country is not on the list. Is there any solution?

If your country isn't on the list, it's probably because TikTok hasn't reached an agreement with entities in your country, or because managers basically haven't thought to enable the feature in your country. lucky for you There are different solutions for this problem.

If monetization is not allowed in your country, you can always change your VPN to a country where, after that, you can use a PayPal account to withdraw your money, we suggest you also use it with VPN. You must do this procedure very carefully, since it is likely that if you do not do it as it is, you will lose your money.


TikTok is a great social network that we suggest you try, it is very likely that you will like it and later want to make more of your life with it.

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