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Hermosas o impresionantes no son etiquetas que puedas fijar fácilmente en WordPress. Pero lo que lo hace emocionante y atractivo es la gran cantidad de complementos que amplían enormemente las funciones de la plataforma. Piense en cualquier función que desee que realice WordPress. Lo más probable es que haya varios complementos disponibles para esa función.

WordPress users have many options to choose from when it comes to plugins. As of date, the total plugin count in the WordPress plugin repository is touching 45,000 with a total of 1,291,557,880+ downloads. These numbers do not include the numerous free and premium plugins released by third parties.

With all of these options, you'll probably want to install a few (or more). At some point you will ask yourself: ¿Cuántos complementos debería instalar en un sitio Web con WordPress? Si tiene los recursos del server para admitirlo, realmente puede Install as many quality plugins as you want. Si los complementos están codificados de forma limpia y PHP tiene suficiente memoria asignada, no debería tener ningún problema. Pero un complemento mal codificado puede hacer que su servidor caiga, ya be que tenga dos complementos instalados o veinte. La respuesta aquí es calidad sobre cantidad.

A simple rule to follow to make sure plugins don't slow down your site is disable plugins you are not using. Inactive plugins take up space on the server but do not consume RAM, bandwidth or PHP. This simple step can add a few milliseconds to your site speed.

Most plugins are developed independently and are useful if coded well. But poorly coded plugins that lack ongoing author support, or plugins that are incompatible with WordPress versions, themes, or other plugins, can have disastrous consequences for your site. They can cause a site to slow down or even crash, cause errors or eat up memory space, or result in a white screen of death.

Checklist for choosing plugins

It's always good to set some ground rules while sorting through plugins. That way you won't go overboard or clutter your site with too many plugins. Here are some simple guidelines to keep in mind before installing a new plugin:

1.Make a Plugin Feature Wish List

Start by writing your list of plugin feature requirements in the order that is important to you. Include all the tasks you want the plugin to do with “Can't live without” tasks at the top, followed by others as you go down the list.


Some functions are essential para todos los sitios web, como copia de seguridad, SEO y protección contra correo no deseado. Estos deben estar en la parte de arriba de su lista y donde comienza la búsqueda de complementos, dado que son clave para las operaciones diarias del sitio web. Si no está seguro de por dónde empezar, no tema. Hacia el final de este artículo, he enumerado algunos de los mejores complementos para llevar a cabo estas importantes funciones.

A la vez, antes de instalar cualquier cosa, asegúrese de verificar que las características que desea no estén ya provistas por su tema o hosting. A modo de ejemplo, si usa el alojamiento de WordPress administrado por WPEngine, no necesitará un complemento de almacenamiento en cache, y si ha instalado las funciones del tema Total WordPress, como el intercambio social, las opciones de tipografía y los controles deslizantes están incluidos.

2. Start Search for Plugins

When looking for a plugin, you will probably find free and premium options. Generally free options are a good starting point, since they do not require investment. by free plugins the best source is WordPress Plugin Repository. Existe miles de opciones, todas GRATIS, por lo que es un excelente punto de partida. Los envíos se mantienen con altos estándares de codificación, compatibilidad con WordPress y actualizaciones de autor. Los complementos al mismo tiempo están etiquetados y categorizados para facilitar la búsqueda. Simplemente use los filters para encontrar una lista de posibles complementos. A la vez, muchas de las opciones gratuitas en el repositorio al mismo tiempo ofrecen actualizaciones premium para funciones adicionales y soporte premium si lo necesita / desea.


Premium plugins, aside from this, are really not that expensive and come with better support. At the same time, after the initial cost, lifetime updates are generally free. by premium add-ons, search for CodeCanyon. They offer some of the best premium plugins on the web and follow similar coding standards to At the same time they host most of the popular premium plugins on the web. Are you looking for the best page builder for WordPress? CodeCanyon is the home of Visual Composer. Do you need a powerful and responsive slider plugin? Try Slider Revolution, another CodeCanyon standout. And the list goes on and on…

Whatever the case, just download plugin from trusted sources. There are many websites that offer free plugins, so try to use your best judgment before downloading and installing anything. Use recommendations from well-known blogs (start with these awesome WordPress blogs) to get an idea of where to find high-quality plugins. at the same time avoid illegal free downloads of premium plugins. Not only is this unfair to the author who put so much effort into creating their awesome plugin, but you'll probably get some nasty malicious code injected into your website (not worth the $ 10-20 in savings if you ask me).

3. Select quality plugins

A la vez de las fuentes confiables, es una buena idea verificar las calificaciones y reseñas de un complemento. Para muchos complementos populares, una búsqueda rápida en el buscador de Google arrojará un montón de reseñas detalladas de los bloggers. En el directorio de WordPress y en CodeCanyon, puede verificar los detalles que se muestran en la barra lateral derecha de la página del complemento individual

Look for the number of downloads against the complement. A high number is a good indication of the popularity of the plugin. Sometimes a plugin may not be downloaded as commonly simply because it meets a niche requirement.

Check the star rating. Even though a higher rating means a better complement, the opposite is not necessarily true. If you find the plugin you like, but it has a low rating, don't rule it out right away. The rating may be biased due to a limited number of reviews or a single reviewer who was very particular. If you have any questions, simply leave a comment or email the plugin author to find out if the plugin is capable of what you need.


The plugin must be supported by the author. The number of threads resolved in the last 2 months is displayed on, while marketplaces like CodeCanyon typically use a comments section.

In addition to author support, verify that the plugin has been updated recientemente. La mayoría de los complementos requieren una actualización regular al menos cuando salen nuevas versiones de WordPress (pero tenga en cuenta que para los complementos gratuitos puede ser simplemente que el complemento no requiera actualización). Esto es importante dado que los complementos de forma general son un punto de entrada para el malware y los piratas informáticos que pueden obtener acceso por medio de de problemas de seguridad conocidos en los complementos. Un complemento actualizado debería haber abordado los problemas conocidos para mantenerlo a usted y a su sitio web seguros (pero al mismo tiempo ayuda si aprende más sobre la seguridad de WordPress de manera proactiva). De este modo esté atento a una sección activa del registro de cambios.

View plugin demos and screenshots para ver la funcionalidad en acción. Una sola imagen o un sitio de prueba en vivo completo puede mostrarle de lo que realmente es capaz un complemento. Si se proporcionan capturas de pantalla, asegúrese de revisarlas todas, y si hay un link a un sitio en vivo, continúe y pruebe el complemento en diferentes browsers o dispositivos. Y nuevamente, si no está seguro de si un complemento satisface sus necesidades, pregúntele al autor.

The last thing to remember is that sometimes a single plugin can cover more than one function and that's great. Take Jetpack, as an example: you could have the perfect solution for your CDN, auto-update, and social sharing needs, all in one plugin.

4. Other tips on accessories

If you have seen a particular feature on some website and want identify the plugin used to install it on your own website check it with WordPress Plugin Checker. This site can detect if any of the 50 most popular plugins are installed on a WordPress website.

Yes, after installation the plugin does not work on your site, try disabling all other plugins on the site to resolve any conflicts with other plugins. And later decide which plugin you want to keep and which you want to discard.

Some optional tests you can do before/after installing a plugin include:

  • If you've narrowed your list down to two plugins but can't choose between them, you can compare plugins using a comparison tool.
  • the Query Monitor Plugin can be used to see if there is an increase in database queries after installing a plugin.
  • Compare website speed before and after installing the plugin. Don't know how to check site speed? Check out our article on how to test WordPress performance and speed. Plugins with poor code will slow down the website.
  • A P3 Plugin Performance Profile Test at the same time it can reveal if your plugin is slowing down your site.
  • Plugin Vulnerabilities It will check the plugins you have installed and notify you of any vulnerabilities that are exploited many times. At the same time you can choose to receive an alert about any vulnerability.

Another item to check is compatibility between plugins. For the most part, plugins usually work well together, but not always, in which case you'll need to contact the authors to see if one of them will update their plugin to work with the other. Or you could consider plugin packages offered by third parties such as WPMU. As these plugins come from a single source, it is unlikely that there will be any conflict between the plugins and in case of any issue, you only have to turn to a single source for support.

WordPress Plugins for Every Website

With our quick checklist, you should be able to tackle the process of finding the right plugins for your WordPress website. If you want a little guidance to get started, there are a handful of key features that most WordPress users should add via plugins. Here are our top picks for plugins you should consider adding to your WordPress site to cover all your bases:

1. Optimización de search engines: WordPress SEO by Yoast es el complemento para optimize su WordPress para las clasificaciones de los motores de búsqueda. Lea este artículo para saber más sobre lo que este complemento puede hacer por su sitio web.


2. Anti-spam: Akismet is a free anti-spam plugin that is included by default in WordPress. You simply have to activate it. WP Bruiser es un complemento premium que está captando la atención de la comunidad de WordPress en el control del spam.


3. Caching: W3 total cache es un complemento gratuito que ayuda a almacenar en caché y mejorar notablemente la velocidad de su sitio. Puede resultar un poco técnico configurar este complemento, pero R Digital marketing dispone de una guía para este complemento. Otra buena opcion es WP Rocket Caching Plugin, but keep in mind that it is advisable to keep only one caching plugin active at a time.


4. Security: Sucuri Security can help keep your website secure by monitoring it for malware. You can hide your WordPress version with Sucuri. It comes in free and premium versions. The other ways you can protect your WordPress is through Limit login attemptsor enforcing two-factor authentication.


5. Backup: VaultPress, and BackupBuddy are good premium options for WordPress backups. If you are looking for a free plugin, try backup.


6. Multifunctional: Jetpack es un complemento gratuito que reúne varias funciones. Estas funciones se pueden activar de forma independiente y puede utilizar este complemento para la optimización de imágenes, el modo dispositivo móvil, el seguimiento del traffic y muchas otras funciones.


Other plugins that may be required

Dependiendo de la necesidad de su sitio web para estas funciones, estos complementos pueden resultar invaluables para usted: Gravity Forms para crear formularios avanzados, Optin Monster para la generación de prospectos, Monarch Social Sharing para compartir en redes sociales, MemberPress para crear membership, WP for image optimization and Broken link checker to check broken links.

Al mismo tiempo puede consultar el listado de 50 complementos esenciales creada para usted por R Marketing Digital. O simplemente visite nuestro Blog de WordPress donde revisamos los complementos y proporcionamos guías de inicio para muchos de ellos al mismo tiempo.

In conclusion…

Now that you have a clear idea of how to classify plugins, you can more confidently install them on your website. Follow the rules and you're more likely to have a lean WordPress with superior plugins that spruce up your website and turn it into a true artist.