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A compiler is a program that translates source code written in a high-level language like Java, into a machine-readable language called object code, target language, or even assembly language. Thus, a compiler could be called a translator, but its tasks are broader because, as part of the compilation of the program, in addition reports errors when reading code.

How does it work

A compiler always works absolutely through an entire document. Hence, its function differs from that of an interpreter. Before a compiler can translate higher-level source code into the machine-readable target language, the source code must be scanned and the characters from the program must be extracted. The analysis is carried out after this lexical analysis. The syntactic correctness of the code is checked. The semantics of the code are then determined to create the target code at the end. The compiler tries make the most of u hide bugs in the code. Normally, all the steps are executed in a few seconds.

It is essential that the compiler continues to work despite errors in the code. Otherwise, the source code cannot be translated into machine-readable target languages.


Using compilers, you can in conclusion run programs that have been designed in several common programming languages such as C or Pascal, since the compiler translates the source code of a text file so that a machine can read and use it. The main advantage of compiler programs is that they are very fast because there are no errors to correct during execution.

SEO benefits

Compilers can help evaluate the source code of a website. A popular application for compilers in the field of SEO is the search and markup of keywords in the source code. At the same time, compilers help detect errors in the code, and analyze the structure of a web portal. Many common web analytics programs work with compilers. The results are displayed for better use of the data in an easy-to-use interface. Another objective of a compiler can be to compress CSS and JavaScript to reduce the loading time of the web.

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