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Sooner or later every entrepreneur wonders how to make a good presentation. Many sales, alliances or negotiations will depend on a successful presentation, so let's see the best way to do it, the best tricks and the secret to present as Steve Jobs.

The 10 steps of a good presentation

To make a good presentation we will have to pay attention to these 10 points:

  1. Give one perfect picture.
  2. Use the proper body language.
  3. Connect with the audience at the beginning of the presentation.
  4. Because they curiosity, the most effective method to get their attention.
  5. Center the presentation on a key theme or idea.
  6. Explain the necessary concepts one by one.
  7. Use the stories to hold attention.
  8. Use metaphors to clarify key concepts.
  9. Place examples.
  10. Finish in style summarizing the topic key.

Let's look at each step in a little more detail.

(* 10 *) 1. Give a proper image

The external aspect matters, first impressions are very powerful. Therefore, we must give an adequate image.

In general, we have 2 main options:

  1. Present an image equivalent to that of our audience. If they are businessmen in suits, so are we. If they wear one more outfit casual, we can use something equivalent.
  2. Present an image of authority. That means we dress professionally, even if our audience isn't.

In general, we will want to lean towards the second in case of doubt or when it is not convenient to adopt the same image as the audience.

If we are doctors giving a talk to people on the street, it is feasible that we want to adopt a more professional image. If our audience is company employees in overalls and helmets, we won't want to use overalls as well.

Let's choose what we choose, let's follow these premises:

  1. Clothes should fit us well our size.
  2. Always neat, the ironed shirt and the clean clothes.
  3. Should be comfortable, or that is going to be shown in the presentation, especially in the next point of the body language.

2. Use proper body language

Body language is as important as verbal language. We must be comfortable and relaxed. Easier said than done and something that comes with practice.

In general, even when we must adapt to our audience and if the environment is more formal or informal, these are the main premises of body language to make a good presentation.

  1. Relaxed and taking open positions. Do not cross your arms, put your hands in your pockets or be hunched over or turn your back or side to the public.
  2. do eye contact with said audience.
  3. Helping hands to express concepts and emphasize points in the presentation. But they don't constantly move like we're chasing flies. Unfortunately, this is what many do when told to use their hands.

3. Connect with the audience at the beginning of the presentation.

The beginning and the end are the most important moments when making a good presentation. So we have to connect with the audience to get their attention.

There are 2 main ways to do it:

  1. Try to connect by starting with a story that we have in common with the audience.. If we are talking to stressed entrepreneurs, we can start by saying that we were in the same place as them, that we got out of there and we are going to clarify how.
  2. Impressive. We can always try to start with fireworks. Spectacular results figures and tell you that we are going to see how he got them, a shocking image ...

4. make them curious

Attention fluctuates in a presentation. To keep the, the most effective method is to generate curiosity. You can achieve this, as an example, with:

  1. Pose a related riddle with the topic and give the answer at the end.
  2. Expose a fact that seems contrary to popular wisdom on the subject and say that it will explain why.

5. Focus the presentation on a key theme or idea

Even though it explains various concepts, a good presentation always revolves around a single main idea or theme. It is essential to keep this in mind as most presentations are forgotten and we long for them to be memorable.

When we center everything around a key topic, and what we are explaining connects with and reinforces it, if they ask our audience what the presentation is about, they will be able to answer easily.

Therefore that: What is the fundamental theme of your presentation?

In case of having more than one, we must prioritize. Two important and distinct topics will compete for attention and neither will remember.

6. Explain the necessary concepts one by one.

In a good presentation, concepts on the fundamental topic are explained one at the same time, ending with one before moving on to another.

If we are talking about improving health as the main topic, and we consider exercise, diet and rest as the 3 fundamental concepts, we go one by one, we do not mix and we return to one when we are in the middle of another.

7. Use stories to keep attention

I've said it a thousand times, but it doesn't hurt to say it a thousand and one. Stories are the most powerful marketing tactic out there.

Stories are better remembered and provoke more emotions. Every charismatic person is, without exception, a good storyteller.

In this way, we must include stories in our presentation to make it memorable. If it is about health and exercise, we can tell the story of a person who applied our principles and what happened to him, instead of listing them one by one like in a school lesson.

You can learn more with this content about storytelling to market more or this one about the 3 parts of a story that sells

8. Use metaphors to clarify key concepts.

There will be key concepts that we want you to remember, for that, in a good presentation it is best to use metaphors. A good metaphor allows you to clarify something complex in a simple way., remembering himself more and understanding himself better.

One that I use a lot when I talk about marketing plans, as an example, is to use the metaphor of the map. A good plan is like a map. It tells us how to get to the goal, in it we define the routes and modify it as we move forward and the terrain differs from the map we drew at the beginning.

9. Give examples

Along with the stories and metaphors, examples are another key element of a good presentation. When the concept is complex, or we long to be remembered, we set an example.

10. End with a bang, summarizing the key problem

The end must serve to return to the main theme of a good presentation in a single memorable phrase or image.

There are those who take it further. In a famous presentation on malaria, Bill Gates ended up opening a jar full of mosquitoes that invaded the auditorium.

We better not do something like that, but I can guarantee that everyone who was there remembered what the presentation was about. Finish by emphasizing the main theme, and summarizing the key points, not needing mosquitoes will suffice.

The secret of a good presentation

Steve Jobs is always cited as an example of good presentation. His keynotes they were undoubtedly an example of how to get it right, and everyone praised Jobs' "natural talent" for presentations.

There was no natural talent.

The secret to a good presentation is: essay, essay and essay. In fact, Steve Jobs rehearsed so much, and for so long, that he scared those who had to work with him.

However, the bottom line is that everyone mentioned that he radiated a "natural charisma." If we long to have the same: essay, essay and essay.

Now we know how to make a good presentation. By following these 10 points and the secret, we can make a successful presentation.

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