¿Has recibido algún momento una reseña negativa en el buscador de Google? Posiblemente, si dispones de una tienda o negocio online te habrá ocurrido o te podrá ocurrir en un futuro. Pero… ¡que no cunda el pánico!
There are ways to manage and even remove these negative Google reviews. Of course, the first option that we suggest is not to delete the review, since Google will not delete it instantly.
En realidad, no verá con buenos ojos que quieras eliminar una valoración negativa, dado que se trata de una experiencia que vivió un client en tu negocio y que, por tanto, otros clientes deben conocer.
Therefore in this article we are going to see:
- What is this of the reviews in the Google search engine and what is its importance for your business.
- How to remove negative Google reviews peer-to-peer.
- Some recommendations to consider before eliminating anything.
What is a Google review?
A review is the opinion that a customer leaves in the Google search engine about their experience when hiring one of your services or buying some of your products.
Estas reseñas las puede ver cualquier Username cuando pone en el buscador de Google el nombre de tu negocio. Le aparecerá una ficha a la derecha. Se trata de tu perfil en el buscador de Google My Business, donde el usuario encontrará información básica sobre el negocio (dirección, horarios, teléfono de contacto, página Web, etc.).
Below, the opinions of some of your customers will appear, as well as star ratings.
➽ How does a negative review influence your business?
Depending on the total number of reviews and star ratings, Google makes an average based on that data and reflects it very large in the tab. Therefore, when you have one or two negative comments, the average can lower you and affect your fame.
Note: Most customers will not buy from a business that has a rating lower than 4 stars.
Ultimately, having negative reviews can affect:
- Google: Si Google detecta muchas reseñas negativas, afectará a tu positioning y autoridad.
- Users: When a new user comes to your business file for the first time and sees a low score, it will generate mistrust; since the user highly values the opinions of other clients.
Can Google reviews be deleted? Steps to do it
To remove a negative review from Google can be done in two ways:
- You can kindly ask the person who wrote it to delete it.
- Puedes hacerlo tú mismo marcando el contents como inapropiado.
By marking the content of a review as inappropriate, Google will understand that either the review is false, or that it violates Google's policies. Here's the point-to-point for flagging a review as inappropriate:
- Opens Google maps y encuentra tu negocio.
- Within the reviews page, locate the review in question.
- To the right of the comment, click on the three dots and select the option 'Flag as inappropriate'.
- Briefly write a report of the problem and leave your email to follow up.
Ten en consideración que este procedimiento es lento y no te asegura de que Google elimine la reseña. Piensa que Google no la eliminará por el simple hecho de que be negativa, dado que quiere que los usuarios transmitan comentarios objetivos y veraces.
Recommendations before deleting Google reviews
We suggest that, before proceeding to flag a review as inappropriate, you follow these good practices:
➽ Check if the review is fake
There are many people or competition who want to hurt and that is why they leave a negative review in the Google search engine. To verify that this review is not real, follow these steps:
- If you distrust someone, check the rest of the reviews they have left on other business profiles (you can see the number of opinions they have left under their name).
- Check if the comment is for you and not for another company. The user can be confused.
- The comment is very general and does not specify the problem you have had.
- After looking at all this, check that this client is in your database.
➽ Respond to your negative reviews
There is nothing worse than not replying to your reviews, whether positive or negative. But if they are negative, you should not miss it because:
- You convey an image of abandonment to your business.
- You give the feeling that the client has the reason.
- You do not build trust, nor do you show that you care what your customers come up with.
- If you think it is false, please state it in a friendly way in a comment. So other customers will value it.
➽ Solve the customer's problem
If you made a mistake, apologize and solve the problem if the customer was not satisfied. After proposing a new solution, ask them if they would give you another chance.
If they are satisfied, ask them privately (so they don't feel pressured) to remove the negative review. If they were happy, they will possibly delete it.
➽ Contact support
After evaluating all these options, if you have decided to take the step of eliminating a Google review, it is likely that Google will not respond to your request. If several days pass and it doesn't, you can contact support.
To do this, go to your profile, go to 'Support', click on 'Manage customer reviews' and then you can submit your complaint.
Las reseñas de Google hay que cuidarlas, dado que son un factor SEO que puede afectar a tu posicionamiento. Por tanto, si obtienes reseñas negativas, no las dejes pasar e intentar solucionarlo por medio de buenas prácticas como las que hemos tratado hoy aquí.
In case the customer does not delete the negative review, after asking for forgiveness and proposing a new solution, the other alternative you have to prevent your average from going down is to try your luck and delete the review from Google, marking it as inappropriate content.