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the Slide widget allows you to quickly create simple slides that work perfectly, without any hassle.


Displays the slide list. You can drag and drop them to reposition, duplicate, delete, or add a slide. When you click on a single slide, its options open. Each slide has Background, Content, and Style settings.


  1. Colour: Sets the background color of the slide
  2. Image: Choose an image from the media library

If an image is chosen as the slide background, additional options appear:

  • Size: Choose whether to show the background as a cover or automatic. Auto Image is for situations where you have the exact sizes needed and also where you want the full image to appear on the slider. Cover size is for more abstract and atmospheric images, where viewing the full image is less important.
  • Ken Burns effect: Choose YES to enable this popular zoom effect on the background image.
  • Background overlay: Choose YES to set a background overlay that will appear on top of the image. If set to YES, you have the option to choose the color of the overlay.


  1. Title Description: Insert the title and description of the slide
  2. Text button: Sets the button text
  3. Link: Add a URL that the slide or button will link to
  4. Apply link activated: If a link is established, this option appears. Choose whether the link applies to the button only or to the entire slide


Styling for individual tabs is OFF by default, depending on the global styles that are set on the Style tab of the widget. If you want to override global slide styles, turn on the Custom switch. This will allow you to set custom styles for that individual slide. Custom styles for individual slides are:

  1. Horizontal position: Places content horizontally: left, right, or center
  2. Vertical position: Places content on top, middle, or bottom
  3. Aligned text: Aligns text to the left, center, or right
  4. Content color: Choose the color of the content
  5. Height: Set exact slide height to PX, VH or EM

Slider options

  1. Navigation: Choose to show arrows, dots, both or neither
  2. Pause on mouse over: Makes the slide stop when the mouse is hovering over it
  3. Self-reproduction: Get the slides to rotate automatically, based on the speed you set.
  4. Auto play speed: Sets the time it takes for the slide to start rotating
  5. Infinite loop: Make the slides spin in an infinite loop without stopping
  6. Direction: Choose a direction for the slider as left or right
  7. Transition: Set the transition of slides to slide or fade
  8. Transition speed: Sets the time it takes for the slides to rotate
  9. Content animation: Sets the animation effect of the content display when the slide is displayed: None, Down, Up, Right, Left, or Zoom



  1. Content width: Sets the width of the content within the slide
  2. Stuffed: Set the interior space between the edge of the content and the edge of the slide
  3. Horizontal position: Set the content position as right, left and center
  4. Vertical position: Sets the content position as top, middle, or bottom
  5. Aligned text: Align text to the right, left, or center
  6. Text shadow: Add a shadow and blur to text

Note: If an individual slide has custom styles configured, these global styles will have no effect on that slide.


  1. Spacing: Sets the space between the title and description
  2. Text color: Sets the title color
  3. Typography: Sets the font for the title


  1. Spacing: Sets the space between the description and the button
  2. Text color: Sets the description color
  3. Typography: Sets the font for the description


  1. Size: Sets the button size, from extra small to extra large
  2. Text color: Sets the button text color
  3. Typography: Sets the button font
  4. Border width: Sets the width of the button border
  5. Edge radius: Sets the radius of the border to control the roundness of the corners
Normal state / Scroll state
  1. Text color - Set text color
  2. Background color - Set the background color of the button
  3. Border color - Set button border color


  1. Arrows position - Set the position of the arrows inside or outside the slider
  2. Arrows size - Set the exact size of the arrows
  3. Arrows color - Set the color of the arrows
  1. Point position - Set the position of the points inside or outside the slider
  2. Point size - Set the exact size of the points
  3. Dot color - Set the color of the dots

Note: Autoplay is affected by Google autoplay policy in Chrome browsers.

Note: Using Elementor template shortcodes within the widget can sometimes work, but it is not a supported feature.


Set the advanced options that are applicable to this widget