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Query concept

What is a Query?

A query, in English, is a definition that means question. Transferring this concept to digital marketing and the internet, it is translated as the concept that a user types in a search engine, see Google, when he wants to perform a search using keywords or keywords. It is the series of real terms that are used when looking for information on these portals.

When any consumer makes any query through these queries, the search engine returns a SERP, which is nothing more than the page with the results in the form of web pages where the information related to the search is found.

By definition and by concept, it is feasible that there is some confusion that leads to the conclusion that a query and a keyword are the same; but the truth is that they are different items. Keywords are the ideal terms, what, from the theoretical field, consumers use when they consult search engines. Querys are the actual words that are used, in which there can be both misspellings and grammatical errors. They are the actual term used.

Its use is something that has led Google, the search engine par excellence, to advance its positioning algorithm to the point that the need to determine exact keywords is not as important as in the past when positioning. Its engine is aware of queries, so it also relies on them when displaying results and paying attention to web pages.

What is a Query for

A Query is used to establish exactly what it is that you want to consult in a search engine. It has in the misspellings and other items all those nuances that differentiate it from the keywords and that allow it to be considered as the real way in which the user "talks" with web search engines.

For the SEO specialistsIt is an element to pay attention to when preparing content in order to obtain a good positioning. In fact, it helps them build something much closer to the consumer, who sees a language more similar to the one they use in publications.

Query Examples

We are going to think of a practical case to serve as an example of the Query concept. Let's imagine that a consumer is looking for a online marketing agency like NeoAttack. To do this, enter the Google search engine and, instead of doing a search like "Online Marketing Agency Madrid", type something like "online marketing agency madrid". There is a misspelling, but it is the actual language it uses, or rather, a query.

More information about the Querys

Do you want to learn more about the concept of Query? In that case, we are going to offer you several links to publications that expand the matter with more information. They can be very practical to rethink SEO strategies.

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