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Parallax concept

What is Parallax?

The Parallax is a visual effect that is part of web design and that tries to simulate the displacement of the items in the background of any page so that they seem to give a different perspective to the user while they scroll through it. It is purely visual.

In Spanish it is known as Parallax, even though the most frequent is to resort to this concept by its English term (the one we have entered before). With the growth of Flat Design and simplification, the use of animated items and gradients has been reduced, but we have opted to make this type of effects in order to improve a website on an aesthetic level.

Its presence, in fact, has been increasing as web browsing through smartphones has become normalized. In these, which make designers more likely to bet on vertical web designs, it is where the presence of the Parallax effect can be seen the most, and where it is most striking for its effectiveness.

A technique that more and more web designers dominate and that is seen more and more frequently on the pages that exist on the Internet. Its origin is far from being somewhat disruptive, since it comes from the animation factory, more particularly Disney, who already played with the planes to obtain a fictitious depth with their drawings.

What is Parallax for

The Parallax is used to obtain a greater visual appeal on a website. Its usefulness is far from being something functional or SEO-oriented, since it is something merely ornamental and that, in a way, is used to be on the crest of the wave when it comes to web design trends.

However, it can be useful for a company. Using this striking effect, mainly for websites with responsive design, is a good way to capture the user's attention and invite them to scroll. It may be a more passive resource than an active one, but the truth is that it has a certain effect that attracts visitors, or at least the most observant.

Examples of Parallax

There are many cases that serve to list examples of Parallax. Since it is something that is increasingly abundant in the field of web design, there are not a few who resort to it to better decorate their pages and attract the eyes of visitors.

Here is an article that compiles several effects of this type and that serve well as examples: 35 examples of Parallax effect in web design.

More information about Parallax

If what you need is more information about Parallax, either because it has caught your attention or basically you want to expand, below you have a couple of publications with additional details about it. We hope they're useful to you.

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